
Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Retrograde Venus in Astrology

As I told in my all articles, retro planet gives us time to fix the gap between holes (fix past wrong decisions). Venus Retrograde is a time when issues with Lover and relationships need to be settled down. Why many times peoples earns so much wealth but never enjoys that money for himself, even family members enjoys his money, Reason is those peoples have well placed wealth houses but badly placed retrograde Venus restrict him to enjoy his wealth, these peoples always busy in earning money only.

Venus retrograde Vedic astrology: Retrograde Venus has unique ideas regarding pleasure, beauty & love (Venus retrograde beauty), & less concern for the social amenities but sometime because of this tendency peoples called those guys self-centered. Retrograde Venus is not bad but if horoscope is not strong and Venus badly placed then it gives many setbacks in area of finance in the life. Sometimes retro Venus gives delay in success, marriage especially in men, luxury coms after hard work or in later age.

Venus retrograde meaning: Retrograde Venus astrology represents Love and beauty; therefore these two areas of our Life slow down and basically take a back seat. Starting a relationship on a Venus retrograde often ends badly. Old affairs may suddenly reappear. Overall Love becomes expensive; Venus retrograde wedding sometimes suffers if not well-placed.

What does Venus in retrograde mean: Retrograde Venus in birth chart re-arranges and re-ignites unfinished past relationships. During Venus Retrograde any new relationships developed over this time can feel like burden after sometime. (Venus retrograde past life unsuccessful)

What happens when Venus is in retrograde: During Venus retrograde in transit relationships sometimes ends badly, sometimes these relationships ends because of money matters. These peoples take time after breaking relationships. Venus retrograde karmic relationship needs time to move on from one relationship to another. Venus retrograde and health relate with each other’s specially women health affected during this time

Retrograde Venus quality: These people can be very shy specially when it comes to love relationships or expressing their love. There may be physical problems or introvert nature towards love that prevent one from pursuing a love relationship if placement of Venus also bad in horoscope other side direct moving Venus loves socializing. In addition, one or more of the areas ruled by the house in which Venus retrograde is posited, along with the houses with Libra and Taurus can experience delays or other problems (Venus retrograde break up). Retro Venus related with 5/7/8/12th houses makes native more "materialistic" and physical.
Venus retrograde aspects are in doubt if this is "real love." Venus retrograde and relationships abused love sometimes; it depends on Venus retrograde effects on signs.

Venus retrograde cycle or how often does Venus go retrograde
How long is Venus retrograde? This is common question among all, I will tell you the answer of that, and Venus is Retrograde approximately 40-43 days every 18 months.

Effects of retrograde Venus or Venus retrograde effects
  • Venus retrograde remedy is give respect to women.
  • Venus retrograde in your birth chart shows improvement in relationship area.
  • Vakri venus shows setback in luxury or in relationship.
  • Venus retrograde in kundli shows unhappiness in marriage.
  • Effect vakri shukra sometimes good if well placed in the chart.
  • Hidden desire and hunger may come, which can disrupt the balance of one's life in transit of retrograde Venus. 
  • Relationships may undergo a lot of stress during the retrograde period.
  • Relationships are strained and sometimes break in retrograde Venus transit.
  • Avoid getting married or making wedding plans in retro transit.
  • Don't start a new relationship or break-up from your current one in retrograde transit of Venus.
  • Evaluate your relationship now and try to fix old problems.
  • Do not initiate financial investments during Venus retrograde in sky.
  • Don’t buy vehicle and invest in interior this time
  • Be careful of buying things, especially luxury items.
If you want to know about the effects of Retrograde Planets in your Natal Vedic Birth Chart with detailed analysis of horoscope then check Consultation page and send mail for your Vedic Detailed Birth Chart for just 1100 INR & 35 $ for NRI.

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1 comment:

  1. Great article by best astrologer.
