
Sunday, January 11, 2015

Retrograde Jupiter in Astrology

Most important planet in Vedic astrology gives huge impact in your horoscope, always careful during prediction of retro Jupiter. Retrograde Jupiter peoples always in hurry and want to do work in hurry. Retro Jupiter effects give confidence which can help other peoples to improve life and work-life.(Without asking they gives advise)
Born with Jupiter retrograde peoples always lives life in luxury and enemies cannot survive against him. Jupiter retrograde birth gives fast results and takes you on top of society but main problem is they always gives advice to others without asking by others or I can say they always try to teach all without demanding by others. Jupiter wants from you good karma or deeds (Jupiter retrograde karma) towards society.

Jupiter retrograde meaning: Retrograde Jupiter teaches us in own way, Retro Jupiter if well placed in Kendra/Trikona gives immense success after age of 30.This is only planet who can give health, wealth, happiness with stability or you can say everything in the life. This is only planet which has power to balance your horoscope or removes ill effects of other planets.

Check Saturn sade satti effects:

Jupiter retrograde past life: Vedic astrology retrograde Jupiter people are capable of taking advantage of opportunities that others ignore. They prefer to “take another crack” at things others have tried & failed. Their moral & ethical code, religion & philosophy are their own. They seek abundance in new, untried & unproved areas. Jupiter shows connection with past life it shows you should improve and do something more for particular house where your Jupiter placed.

Retrograde Jupiter in kundli: Retrograde Jupiter astrology in birth chart gives one a sense of inner fulfillment, peace and contentment. They often seek out spiritual knowledge on their own and have their own beliefs. They can think for themselves, and they often look for their spiritual answers from within. Retrograde Jupiter aspects gives very positive results where it aspects. Retrograde Jupiter lagna also sometimes delays in family stability. In women chart gives delay Jupiter retrograde wedding but Jupiter retrograde husband or partner point of view, it is good, retrograde Jupiter marriage comes late but stable with family.

Such people achieve name, fame, success and respect in the life (Jupiter retrograde benefits). It is a karaka planet of growth, expansion, spirituality, divine knowledge so it will give inner strength. Retrograde Jupiter in Vedic astrology in birth chart in the 2nd & 4th house is considered good for asset, property and vehicle. It is good mother and relationships with family. Retrograde Jupiter mahadasha gives success and stability in life in middle period of mahadasha if Jupiter well placed in the chart. Jupiter retrograde relationships improve time after time. Jupiter retrograde transit shows confusion sometimes from yourself. Retrograde Jupiter exalted or retrograde debilitated Jupiter becomes opposite in results it’s not true exactly, so you cannot judge Jupiter retrograde good or bad.

Remedies for retrograde Jupiterr: I will not suggest you any specific remedies for Jupiter retrograde horoscope (vakri Jupiter) only do the Thursday pooja and give bread to cow everyday.
You can read this article in Jupiter retrograde meaning in Hindi with option given in the site right side.

Check Saturn Dhaiya effects:

Effects of retrograde Jupiter or Jupiter retrograde what does it mean
  • Jupiter retrograde jyotish gives energy to initiate work but before completion of work they want to switch in another work.
  • Retrograde Jupiter natal chart gives delay in marriage if retro Jupiter connected with marriage house.
  • Feels superior from others.
  • Makes their own principle for religion.
  • Would be God Fearing and have a spiritual bent of mind and thinking.
  • Without need they give advice to all.
  • Good for materialistic gains.
  • Multitalented and don’t want expert in only one area.

If you want to know about the effects of Retrograde Planets in your Natal Vedic Birth Chart then check Consultation page and send mail for your Vedic Detailed Birth Chart for just 1100 INR & 35 $ for NRI.

For contact or consult me:


  1. what is effect of vakri guru in 8th bhav in tauras asc......

  2. guru in 8th house in sag in his own house in taraus asc.
    It is good position as it see 2nd house, house of money financially it is good.
    U will get all comfort.
    GOD always helps u in time of distress.
    U will go in research.
    U can do secret work also.
    guru is benific planet so no need to worry till u have good character and u r honest.
    in gernal, 8th house is not consider as good but guru own his own house so it is good may be some delay in good results.

  3. Great article by best astrologer.

  4. What is the effect of vakri guru in 5th house virgo for taurus asc? Moon and mercury in pisces(11th house) so there is mutual aspect and neech bhang?

  5. Retrograde jupiter in Aries lagna-good or bad for female

  6. Best article Sir

  7. retrograde jupiter in 12th house for virgo asc

  8. what is the effect of retro guru in sagitarius for pices ascendant

  9. I have Retrograde jupiter in 11th house in taurus bhava, which is from karka lagna. Rahu in 8th shathabhisha nakshatra. Could u pls suggest me what type of effects can change me

  10. i have jupiter ( RETRO OR VAKRI ) in the 7th house in my birth chart in the sign gemini with 6.01 ansh my DOB: 1/1/1978 TIME 0745 AM PLACE MUMBAI MY GURU MAHADASHA STARTS IN JULY 2017 COULD YOU PLEASE ADVISE HOW TO CORRECT THIS RETRO JUPITER ( GURU)

  11. What is the effect of vakri guru in leo for aeris acendent

  12. I have Jupiter retrograde 5° Cancer in the 11th house opposite the Moon 17° Capricorn in the 5th House.

  13. Hi
    I am saggi ascendent and vakri guru in 11th house( in libra).. wht it indicates..plz let me know

    1. Hi retrograde jupitor in 11th house of libra being ascendant is quite promising as far as wisdom and intelligence is concerned. But jupitor retrograde here in 11th hose may give you a struggling finanacial life but ultimately it wiill prove to be a boon for you. Thanx.

    2. Hi jupitor retrograde in 11th house of libra being lagna lord is quite promising for higher level of wisdom and intelligence. Retrograde jupitor here may give you financially struggling life but ultimately it will prove to be a boon for your life. Thanx.

  14. Very nice. Thank you Shriman.

  15. Makar lagna and Jupiter what's effect

  16. Im dhanu lagna, with jupiter in Capricorn Sravana nakshatra pada 3 (D) . Jupiter with moon in 2nd house , is it for worry?

  17. Thank you for the valuable info. Now for Leo ascendant. Jupiter retrograde in Scorpio as 4th house..placed in saturn's nakshatra anusham and that saturn is in 7th house in its own sign aquarius. And the saturn is in jupiter's nakshatra pooratathi
    in aquarius. So both planets mutually connected. Jupiter dasa starts from this November 2017. What will be the effect sir pls clarify.? Also the strength of saturn to be specific.. Saturn is in Aries in navamsa and jupiter is in same Scorpio in navamsa as vargothama. Pls let me know what will be the effect sir.?

  18. I have retrograde jupiter in 1st house which is Vrischika lagna. What will be the effect please guide

  19. Any thoughts on debilitated retrograde Jupiter in 8th house for Mithun lagna?

  20. What does Retrograde & Debilitated Jupiter in Capricorn in 8th house does to Native..

  21. Jupiter in 12th house in libra sign .Rahu in 1st house in scorpio lagna and ketu in 7th house in taurus..what will be the effects?
