
Sunday, April 6, 2014

Jupiter Transit 2014

                         "A good Jupiter erases a million sins " 
In earth without Jupiter blessings nothing possible. From last two year many peoples came to me and want solution of their problems, most of the problems related with career/business & money/finance.

Now time came money and career both will take shape in this year without fail. Why, I am telling this? Jupiter signifies Money and career both, so Jupiter transit in 2014 will be one of the best transits in recent years. Cancer (moon) which is biggest friend of Jupiter and if in your chart strong gajkesari yoga there then you will be well benefited during this transit. (See below which sign will take most of benefits of this transit)
Even in 2014 end Saturn also move, and most discussed planet rahu-ketu will become positive and will give good result’s atleast not block your money and career.

Jupiter will move from the sign of Gemini to the sign of Cancer on 19th June 2014. This transit is special as Jupiter gets exalted in Cancer. Most of the people will enjoy their life in this transit.
      Aries Sign        -  Jupiter will be in the 4th (Best For Property)
      Gemini Sign     –  Jupiter will be in the 2nd (Best for career Income)
      Cancer Sign     -   Jupiter will be in 1st (Best placement)
      Virgo Sign       –   Jupiter will be in the 11th   (Biggest Wish Fulfill)

      Scorpio Sign    –   Jupiter will be in the 9th  (Best placement for Luck)
      Capricorn Sign –   Jupiter will be in the 7th  (Marriage on Cards)

      Pisces Sign     -    Jupiter will be in the 5th (Child birth)
Now, Jupiter turns direct in Gemini on March 6th and will remain there till June 19th, 2014. 

Jupiter 2014 Transit Effects
    ü Jupiter gives strength to horoscope, if placed in 1st and 9th house then it can nullify Malefic Saturn/Rahu-Ketu effects.
 ü Among all the planets, Jupiter alone has the greatest power to grant wish and fulfill our ambitions.
 ü Spirituality, Religion, religious teacher, faith in God will increase in this year. Advancement in spirituality is not possible unless the purity of heart is maintained with higher principles which come to Jupiter in our soul.
 ü Jupiter is known as the most auspicious planet among all the 9 planets, because of its abilities to bestow all that is good for a generous and respectful life.
 ü Problem in Liver, stomach, Fat and other related disease will start overcome in this transit.
 ü Jupiter increase influence in these areas: Great Fortune, Wealth, Children, Knowledge, Spirituality, Popularity, Religion (Righteousness), Gold, High positions, Religious teacher, Power, Reputation, Holy places.
   ü Jupiter gives you knowledge, Good Career, Money, fortune, removing struggle & expansion in your life.

Jupiter transit effects on all Sign:
Favorable: Aries, Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and Pisces
Average: Taurus, Leo, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius.

Jupiter Transit effect on Career:
Jupiter plays very important role in career, so this time we can hope our career will take good move during this transit. When luck favors, career and money flow become easier, And this is the planet which knows for fortune.
Aries,Gemini,Cancer,Libra,Scorpio,Pisces will take advantage of this transit in career as well.In the second half of 2014 you'll take pleasure in working, your results will be appreciated and generously rewarded, there will be opportunities to advance, to find a better job, and especially to make professional changes that will prove to be beneficial and profitable. 
Success will come especially towards the end of the year (November–December 2014).

For contact or consult me:

Thanks & regards,

Bhatt Prateek


  1. Thanks for this detailed and deep explanation about one of the biggest transit of this year.........

  2. Well defined and extremely useful article.

  3. just want to know for vrishabha rashi how it is.? my son is giving engineering entrance in 2015will it cause problem?

  4. im looking for job what can i do remedy for it

  5. A good start by You...

  6. good positive post about jupiter transit ! but is jupiter transit beneficial for cancer sign as janma guru !

  7. sir please tell how it is for vrishabha rahi? as my son is giving iit entrance in 2015 may. will it cause problems?
