
Sunday, March 30, 2014

Career In Politics

Who can become successful politician

This is the dream of many peoples, but yes this is the most difficult career for success. Success is not easy and if you will get then it will come late in life. Very few peoples come and get name-fame in early age in politics. Everyone want become successful politician but not easy. I will Describe this with all angles all your doubts such as politics yoga in astrology, politics in vedic astrology, politics and astrology,  Astrology Yogas to Become a Politician, Indian politics and astrology, planets for politics in astrology,Who rule politicians, success in politics in astrology, politician in astrology, what qualities make a good politician

Houses and planetary positions responsible for politics as career ?
Main houses for politics 4th, 6th, 7th, 9th, 10th & 11th .In this most important house is 10th house which represent profession. If this house lord well placed then chances is more for success. In this house, placement of strong planet gives opportunities in politics. 10th house plays important role in politics without having strong and well placed planet in this house, chances is lees or struggle in politics.

Planets important for Politics & political career:
The Main planets involved in the success in Politics are the Sun, Moon & Rahu. These 3 most important and prime significator for politics. Next Come Saturn, Jupiter, and Mercury.

Sun in politics: Sun is the King and ruler of all planets and gives light and energy for day to day life. So now you can understand he is the real king and serving all human in honest manner. This is the role generally politician should need to do but not doing in current days. The Sun represents High Principles, State, Power, Position and leadership quality. A well placed Sun gains respect, authority over others and reputation in the society with leading position. Sun gives very strong career in politics. 

Following positions of the Sun are favorable for politics:
  • The Sun should be in his own sign Leo or exalted in Aries mainly in 1st 9/10 or in 11th house.
  • The Sun should be placed in the Kendra or trikona i.e. 1st, 4th, 5th,9th 10th & 11th house.
More about Sun,check on below link:

Moon in politics: Moon is also very important planet. Moon is a sharp intelligent queen and moon gives easy fame to anyone. In Public appearance, moon plays important role. And this is the planet which can able to give silver spoon. So this has importance whenever we will discuss on politics.It attract the masses and common peoples.

More about Moon,check on below link:

Rahu in politics: This is most important planet more than sun and moon for politics. This is the planet which can makes you overnight politician and give name-fame wealth also. Even in Indian politics, I saw it plays major role in most of the politician chart. Rahu is important planet for success in politics. Rahu represent media, entertain and it can easily attract to other or I can say it easily create virtual image of anyone which public likes and makes him popular politician(Person). Rahu gives successful career in politics. Rahu make interest towards Politics in early age and if strong then give easy entry also in Politics.

Following positions of the Rahu are favorable for politics:
  • Rahu if placed in the benefic house Kendra or trikona or is in Aries /Taurus/Gemini/Virgo/Aquarius , it gives success in politics.
  • Rahu placed in the 10th house with is a favorable position for politics.
More about Rahu,check on below link:

                          Now discuss on other important planets:

Jupiter In Politics: This planet we can not ignore in any prediction.Never Never!!!! This is the planet of luck and intelligence and this most important for any politician. Jupiter represents Justice and purity. Jupiter also serve to the mankind in true manner. Jupiter does pure honest politics with high principal as Sun does.
  • Jupiter should be strong in its own sign Sagittarius or Pisces or should be exalted in cancer.
  • Placement in 1st, 4th, 9th and 10th house very good for politics.
More about Jupiter,check on below link:

Saturn In Politics:  Saturn gives success in politics but after age of 50 or 53 mean late age.Saturn represents lower class peoples from our society. Saturn is the planet of democracy, all successful politician have strong Saturn generally. He is closely connected with the masses & the common man.

Saturn is the planet that has the ability to change the destiny of beggar (Common Man) to become a king and vice-versa. Saturn is the planet of hard work, support from the general masses of the society, and services. 

Following positions of Saturn are favorable to be a successful politician.
  • Saturn should be placed in its own sign i.e. Capricorn or Aquarius or in Libra.
  • Saturn placed in the 10th house gives success in politics.
  • Saturn placed in the 1st,3rd, 6th and 11th house is also favorable.
More about Saturn,check on below link:

Mercury in politics: Spokesperson should have strong Mercury Like Atal ji, Modi, without attractive speech no one will listen you. And popularity will effect surely. Fire-brand politician have these qualities if mercury well placed in 10 houses, 5th house, 4th house.Mercury produces Intelligent and witty politician & they can easily become popular politician among the masses. So Mercury gives strong career in politics.

More about Mercury,check on below link:

Other Yoga’s:                                                                            
  • Rahu, Saturn, Mercury, Sun, and Jupiter placed in the Kendra or Trikona mainly in 10th house gives success in politics.
  • Rahu in 10th house one of the strongest sign of become politician or public figure(But it should be well placed there).
  • These combinations are important but need check points such as Nakshatra, degree, retrogression, Astakvarga, Ascendant Strength and most important support of Rahu and Sun in the chart.
  • One more combination need to check conjunction of Rahu+ Sun is good for sudden popularity but it is bad for long term successful politician.
D-9 and D-10 role in career in politics:
This is the sub divisional chart Navamash Chart & Dashamansh chart ; we should need to check planet strength in this two chart also but after analyzing D-1.D-9 chart is important for all findings but for career it is more important chart.

Some important Ascendant and Planetary position:
Leo and Scorpio ascendant are good for become politician. Generally every ascendant has quality to become politician but this is most important(Mainly planet placement plays major role to become politician). Even Cancer and Libra also delivers good politician.

For contact or consult me:

Thanks & regards,

Bhatt Prateek


  1. grt bhaiya
    what are my chances:)

  2. nice bhaiya
    what are my chances

  3. What a nice perfect article on politics....Best astrologer in the world !!!!!!!!!

  4. Success in politics will define by you in excellent way .100 % true ...

  5. Awesome prediction! Keep it up and thanks for the useful post.

  6. Why Mars and Venus excluded? They are equally Important.

  7. Very simple and to the point explanation . A good piece of information to start with
