Monday, December 14, 2020

Rahu in Mula Nakshatra

Mula nakshatra occupies 19th position in the Vedic astrology and belongs to the Sagittarius.

The word ‘Mula/Moola’ means root or is sometimes used to refer to a group of roots tied together. This is the reason nakshatra are those who are inclined towards research and always dig-in, dig-in hidden things of life. This nakshatra Deity Goddess, MahaKali. She is also called “Alakshmi” or the denial of Lakshmi.

People with this naksahta do well in the research field, Gathering Knowledge, Administering Herbs and Medicines. They do well in Spirituality, Meditation, Study of Science and Astrology, hidden facts of life.

In today`s world, this is very difficult to leave finance, materialistic world but this is the target of this nakshatra to indulge you more in Spirituality or detach materialistic world.

Jupiter is lord of this sign, which expansion, spirituality, represents wisdom, and Ketu is the past karma we carry in the subconscious. Placement of Rahu is completely opposite in this because this nakstara give you support in the spiritual world and Rahu placement want materialistic gains that is the reason Rahu consider very bad in this nakshata.

Rahu in Mula Nakshatra Pada 1(0.00′ to 3.20 degrees)

Rahu in Moola pada 1 in Aries Navamsa ruled by Mars. if Mars/Ketu is well placed then results improves otherwise this gives lot of pain from brothers, accidents, losses and issues in paternal property. There will loss land or property and huge loss if you real state broker. Person spend his energies unmeaningful activity and there is strong chances of break in relationship or illicit relation. This placement guys should stay away from litigation and unlawful activities.

Rahu in Jyeshtha Nakshatra Pada 2(3.20′ to 6.40)

Rahu in Moola pada 2 falls in Taurus Navamsa ruled by Venus. This gives gains if person respect opposite sex especially females but if Venus weak in chart then it gives lot of scandal and losses due to female. It can make one hardworking while pursuing material objectives.  There will be many relationships with opposite sex and never satisfy sexually. This person often having lower body part disease.

Rahu in Jyeshtha Nakshatra Pada 3(6.40′ to 10.00)

Rahu in Moola pada 3 falls in Gemini Navamsa ruled by Mercury. Rahu placement in this pada is most favorable among all 4 pada. They shine in communication, import-export, accountancy, and media. This gives a balance between the materialistic and Spiritual world. Comparatively other pada this gives benefits from many sources.

Rahu in Jyeshtha Nakshatra Pada 4(10.00′ to 13.20)

Rahu in Moola pada 4 falls in Cancer Navamsa ruled by Moon. This is most unfavorable pada for Rahu, peoples struggle lot in their life for money and peace. People with this placement wicked and fickle-minded. This gives losses of mother or motherly figure. Their childhood is generally bad. This people often faces a struggle in job and less stability in life.

For contact or consult me:



Bhatt Prateek (Consultant Astrologer at AAJTAK/TEZ)

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Rahu in Jyestha Nakshatra

Jyestha represents circular amulet, umbrella and deity belongs to Indra. It covers almost half of the sign of Scorpio and delivers lot of celebrity.

Jayestha Shows Harshness, Authoritativeness, Administration, Occult, Monitoring, Responsibility, Concern, Large Scale Planning, Expressing Authority. The word Jyeshta means “the elder one”. Indicates the person is responsible and assumes an authoritarian role but not in all Pada.

Jyestha nakshatra representing by Mercury, Mercury represent communication, law, finance, hidden knowledge, steady growth, large gains, and political success. Jyestha is the divine warrior and dragon mind with intelligence. Mars is lord of Scorpio and Mercury is lord of this Naksshatra mean courage with intelligence so few leaders in this combination became very successful in politics. This is the position of the planets late degrees in which the planet changing sign between water to fire sign. 

Rahu in Jyeshtha Nakshatra Pada 1(16.40 to 20 degrees)

Rahu in Jyestha pada 1 falls in Sagittarius navamsa ruled by Jupiter. It manages marriage life well but after starting struggle atleast save from divorce. These people intelligent with a sense of humor. This pada is very concerned about financial matters. These peoples very good speakers with fiery attitudes.

Rahu in Jyeshtha Nakshatra Pada 2(20 to 23.20)

Rahu in Jyestha pada 2 falls in Capricorn navamsa ruled by Saturn. It relates to responsibility and doing the right thing.  Serious and overbearing and focused to achieve its goals side of this Nakshatra. This pada peoples are Harsh in nature and because of this trait their marriage and relationship sacrifice. This pada gives authority to nature. This pada can be self-oriented, selfish, stingy, materialistic but determinant.

Rahu in Jyeshtha Nakshatra Pada 3(23.20 to 26.30)

Rahu in Jyestha pada 3 falls in Aquarius navamsa ruled by Saturn. This pada gives a strong materialistic gain but people’s lives in dream world as well. Their temper easily loose and have difficulty maintaining harmony with other family members.  They are best suited for higher education-related with research.

Rahu in Jyeshtha Nakshatra Pada 4(26.40 to 30)

Falls in Pisces navamsa ruled by Jupiter.  These people very kindhearted and easily made fool by others due to their emotional nature. There is a danger of too much indulgence in fantasy, sexual intercourse, and sometimes bisexuality. These should maintain distance from opposite sex and wine which will harm them a lot.

For contact or consult me:



Bhatt Prateek (Consultant Astrologer at AAJTAK)