Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Sun effects in all zodiac sign

Today, I am going to start one of most important series of my astrological articles “Planets in all zodiac sign”. As all my friends knows last year I completed my series “Planets in houses”, after that due to audience demand I gave lot of Miscellaneous articles, but now again time came for start one of the most important series of astrology. In between as per my friends or audience demands, I will take miscellaneous articles of astrology as well.
Sun in sign language, sun sign by dates, sun sign compatibility, sun sign love compatibility, sun sign compatibility Indian, sun in moon sign, sun sign and moon sign combination, sun sign aquarius moon sign leo, what is the most sensitive combination of moon and sun signs, sun sign qualities characteristics, sun in rising sign, sun and rising sign compatibility, sun in your sign.

Sun in all houses, click on below link.
Sun in Aries in astrology: Sun in Aries, This is one of the strongest and favorable placement for Sun. Sun is the king and only comfortable and believes in his commander in chief house (mars), every king without his commander is nothing. Sun in Aries shows administrative power, courageous, strong willed, dominant, and aggressive in nature. This may also cause the person to be adventurous, strong heart, confident, strong bone & good physique. They are talking always to the point and direct approach towards life. They will be ambitious, big vision & step ahead of the world. They will be born leader, always trying to give direction and vision to everyone that is what exactly sun does, gives light & life equally to everyone. These peoples do well specially in any authority post or in politics.

Sun in Taurus in Vedic astrology: Sun in Taurus, This is overall average sign for Taurus. Taurus, the second sign of the zodiac, is all about reward and sun not believing in reward because it serves mankind without any reward. He will have good social relationships with masses, will be intelligent. Venus is the lord of Taurus and one of the most important and intelligent minister of Sun kingdom but still sun not gives good results in this sign reason is if king will like luxury beyond limit then obviously his kingdom will suffer. This is the reason sun gives neutral results in this sign. If sun afflicted, then gives disease related to eyes. 

Sun in Gemini in Vedic astrology: Sun is Gemini is one of the good placements because this mercury sign have full of intelligence with oratory & writing skill. So Sun here gives chances in publication also and higher post. Mercury effect will show in the look, caring, virtuous, and kind hearted. Gemini sun also knows for the professional attitude with manger skills. It shows special inclination towards religion and gives good amount of wealth.  He may have strong inclination towards science. Gemini sun people also fond of travel abroad.

Sun in Cancer in Vedic astrology: Sun in Cancer, sun placed in his great friend sign moon (or queen) but still my prediction is if moon not well placed or sun in not in good house then it will not give good effects because Sun in watery and cold sign and 12 from his own sign Leo. It can give royal nature if moon strong influence there. Family relationships and friends are in imit.  He may be a good poet and religious minded.

Sun in Leo in Vedic astrology: Sun in Leo, This is one of the best sign placements of sun because in own house, sun delivers his best results here. It gives confident attitude, administrative, authority and dominative nature.  The native may be short tempered and enthusiastic, courageous and strong.  He becomes famous after age of 25 year and wealthy too. Wealth and power always follows these peoples if in good house and nakshatra as well. Leo sun peoples always ambitious, encouraging to others.

Sun in Virgo in Vedic astrology: Sun in Virgo gives distinguish intelligent and good managerial skill with administrative qualities. Virgo sun makes multitalented, intelligent and knowledgeable. The person will be soft spoken and having good command on linguistics.

Sun in Libra in Vedic astrology: Sun in Libra known debilitated sun. Sun debilitated in his minister(Venus) sign Libra because it is the real sign of comfort, luxury, wine-women and if any king will involve in this then king kingdom always be in trouble, so real intelligent king sun choose debilitation here. This is the reason Sun is known for planet of intelligence as well. It may cause native to suffer from financial problems and failures in professional matters.  Mostly these people involve in service.  If sun is very bad and Venus also bad and conjunct with Rahu-Saturn closely then these peoples down falls comes due to wine/women.

Sun in Scorpio in Vedic astrology: Sun in Scorpio placement makes people hard-worker and very deterministic by nature. Sun in Scorpio gives short tempered and aggressive nature.  If this placement in8th house then it is not good for marriage and health. They may be strong believer in religion and family rituals.

Sun in Sagittarius in Vedic astrology: Sun in Sagittarius, Sagittarius is one of the fiery sign, sun in this sign delivers most disciplined leader by nature. Placement of the Sun in Sagittarius zodiac sign may bless the native with wealth and authority.  He may be learned and respected in society. This sun gives nature to do for lower level people & caring towards the weaker section of the society.

Sun in Capricorn in Vedic astrology: Sun in Capricorn not very good placement for sun except wealth, because this sign represents wealth. Saturn also strong in horoscope then this placement gives prosperous life. This placement sometimes suffers in relationships.  If this sun placed in 9/12 house then, He may be fond of traveling. He may have problems in marital life too and may have to work harder than usual in his professional matters. Saturn also weak in the chart the career suffers mostly.

Check Coming Transit of Saturn in 2014

Sun in Aquarius in Vedic astrology: Sun in Aquarius not feels good in this sign, if other supporting factor is not there in the chart, then you can easily found these people irritate easily. Not fit in the happy society or not extrovert by nature.  These people will have fewer amounts of friend and social circle. They will be short tempered in nature.  They may also be diplomatic and sometimes tend to manipulate. 

Sun in Pisces in Vedic astrology: Sun in Pisces placement good for public gains or good reputation in public or society. These people have many friends and large social circle.  He may be famous and reputed in society. Writing for society also seen by this sign placement.

Get your best and true consultation from your astrologer, Check below link:

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Sunday, July 20, 2014

The 12 zodiacal signs & their meaning or signs in astrology

I am going to start one of the important series now; it will be Planets in Signs (astrology signs). For this everyone should need to learn first, what is characteristics of sign, what is the real meaning of signs, how its impact on human body. Now, I start my series will explain you real meaning of 12 sign in astrology.

The Signs again are divided into 3 parts Movable, Fixed and Dual.

Cardinal signs or Movable Signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn)
The movable signs in astrology show Energy, enthusiasm, ambition, forcefulness, Independent and ideally suited to hold responsible positions. These guys always are in top position in the organization. They are bold with an indomitable spirit. They are forceful, hard task-master and aggressive and have the will to accomplish something, often something new. They project into the world. They are creative in the sense that they cause things and start things. Cardinal signs act and learn from their actions.

Fixed Signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius)
The fixed signs in astrology are associated with stabilization, determination, depth and persistence. They do that work which will prove beneficial for them in future. It is clear meant, their move will be very calculative. They are powerful and willful in all they do, often achieving much more than the other two qualities. On the other hand, they are also inflexible, rigid, stubborn, opinionated and single-minded. Fixed signs would prefer to learn first, then choose whether they want to act or not. Those are using their energy to keep long term projects running smoothly and for situations that require patience.

Mutable Sign or Dual Sign in Astrology (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces)
Dual signs in astrology are constitutes between movable and fixed, and retain a property or nature. They are called By-corporeal or double bodied, because they represent two Bodies: as Gemini two Twines, Pisces two Fishes.
Mutable people are normally flexible, adaptable and great at changing to suit their circumstances at various points in life. Their resourcefulness and versatility are a couple of mutable signs' skills, although if taken too far can swing towards being scattered and disoriented.

I will explain you now, other categorization of signs. We categorize signs in 4 elements. You can see below chart for more clarification: 


   Zodiac Sign

   Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
   Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
   Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
   Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Earth signs: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn (Earth signs in astrology): Earth element in astrology is embodied in the physical substance of the mountains, the soil, and the life that springs from the soil. These sign are very good for materialistic gains. Earth is the element of strength, prosperity, growth, and stability.Earth is solid, rich, sultry, strong and dependable.

Earth represents growth and the commitment it takes to make things grow. It is a slow and methodical element. Stability is Earth's unique gift. From the earth we draw the materials on which our society is based. Our food and shelter is reliant on the earth, as is our ability to carry water, to contain fire and to move with air. The cycles of earth are dependable and predictable, which allow us to live structured, ordered lives. Each sign has a special relationship with the sign opposite it. Earthy people react quietly and slowly. They apply themselves with endurance. Emotionally they are deeply rooted and rigid to change. 

Water signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces (Water signs in astrology)
Water element in astrology shows emotions and flow of life. These signs mainly represent “Water and the Emotions”.Water is the element of love, peace, purification, and healing.

It is flowing, surging, merging, dissolving, sprinkling.The watery intelligence is sensitive, caring, emotional, psychic, artistic. Not being a rational element Water is not easily expressed, it understands things through how they feel rather than what they are.
The fluidity of water describes our emotions. The turbulent sea has inspired many poets; water is, in fact, the element of the poet. You will see cancer and Pisces peoples are very successful writer/poets.
Deeper than the surface of the sea are quiet calm and a plethora of interesting, colorful life-forms.
People with a strongly emphasized water element are feeling types and are very sensitive. Their imaginative and emotional lives are deep and rich. 
Water represents the subconscious mind, day-dreamer. Comparing the human mind to the sea, that world in the deep waters is our subconscious, filled with creatures we can only glimpse briefly.

Air signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius (Air signs in astrology): Air element in astrology symbolize thought, air is your vision your high ambition, your never dying nature. In order to think clearly, it is necessary to be calm and focused. Airy people are quick and animated. They apply their energies in very diverse ways. They tend to intellectualize their feelings and expectations.Air represents mental activity, thoughts, reason and intellect, knowledge, persuasion. Air is the element of insight, vision and communication.

Humanity has found a use for air in many of our greatest inventions. Electricity was discovered following a lightning storm; for transport we use air to propel a sailboat and to keep a plane aloft.
This ability to use something for a new purpose is one of the defining acts of intellectual genius.

Fire signs: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius (Fire signs in astrology): Fire element in astrology shows our energy our activeness towards work. The fiery intelligence is dynamic, daring, enthusiastic, active and hopeful. It is bold enough and has the courage to follow the inspiration or idea.
In our lives we can relate fire to the removal of useless or destructive habits and the subsequent creation of a stronger self.Fire is force, lust, fertility and virility, initiative and rejuvenation. Fire is a starter; an initiator. Fire is charming, flamboyant and inspirational.



Aries qualities

Administrative, Independent, Optimistic Enthusiastic, Courageous

Taurus qualities

Submissive, Dependable, Persistent, Loyal, Patient, Generous, Dedicated

Gemini qualities

Youthful, Energetic, Clever,  Witty, Adaptable

Cancer qualities

Loyalty, Easy-going, Dependable, Caring, Adaptable, Responsive

Leo qualities

Royal, Leader, Admin power, Confident, Ambitious Generous, Encouraging

Virgo qualities

Quantitative, Analytical, Observant, Helpful, Reliable, Precise

Libra qualities

Royal-attitude, Luxurious, Diplomatic, Graceful, Peaceful, Idealistic, Hospitable, Balanced

Scorpio qualities

Fighter, Passionate, Resourceful, Observant, Dynamic

Sagittarius qualities

Fiery, Youthful, Independence, Unemotional

Capricorn qualities

Rich, Responsible, patient, resourceful, loyal

Aquarius qualities

Witty, Humanitarian, Inventive, Original

Pisces qualities

Kind, Submissive, Compassionate, Adaptable, Accepting, Devoted, Imaginative

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