Sunday, March 6, 2016

Rahu in Magha Nakshatra

Sun and Ketu are two planets related to Magha (magha nakshatra astrology). Magha nakshatra comes under the influence of planet Sun and ruled by Ketu. Both planets are satwik and spiritual and religious nature and rahu quality is rahu bent immediately as per sign/nakshatra and enjoys those planet qualities but yes cheating always in mind (magha nakshatra dosha). Natal rahu in magha gives powerful results because sun and ketu influence gives power and energy to rahu. Rahu in this nakshatra shows good deeds and worth life in this birth. 

Rahu in Magha Nakshatra Pada 1: Rahu in magha 00° 00′ – 3° 20′ Leo Rahu Falls in aries navamsa, ruled by Mars, it relate to courage , leadership, administration, war, strong will power and idealism side of the nakshatra. These peoples very wealthy, royal nature and high status.Rahu in charan 1 magha becomes higly ambitious or if agf any one mars or sun well placed in chart he gives strong results in dasha/anter or transit time.

Rahu in Magha Nakshatra Pada 2: 3° 20′ – 6° 40′ Leo Rahu Falls in Taurus navamsa, ruled by Venus, it relate to laziness nature and materialistic side of the nakshatra. They struggle in their career, struggling marriage life also seen in this placement. Artistic attitude, intelligent, witty nature and does well in arts related field. If Venus and sun well placed this placement gives immense wealth and luxury in the life. Rahu in 2nd house in magha nakshatra not gives good income and breaks in routine job.

Rahu in Magha Nakshatra Pada 3: Rahu Falls in Gemini navamsa, ruled by Mercury, it relate to intelligence, communicator, consultant, intellectual and waste many language and subject knowledge good side of this placement. This is good placement for rahu for sudden rise and growth in life. They do well in public life in communication related field, fond of music. They receive immense wealth after age of 32. Magha nakshatra effects they do well in politics also because they convey their message easily in the society.

Rahu in Magha Nakshatra Pada 4: Rahu Falls in Cancer navamsa, ruled by Moon, it relates to love, care, motherly touch and concentrate for well-being of the family side of the nakshatra. Their artistic attitude gives name fame after 28 years of age. They do well in education, career and in public domain. They are socializing peoples and get lot of respect from people due to their knowledge, writing capability and poetry skills.

Check Consultation page and send mail for your Vedic Astrology Detailed Birth Chart for just 1100 INR & 50 $ for NRI.

For contact or consult me:


Bhatt Prateek 

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Rahu in Ashlesha Nakshatra

Ashlesha Nakshatra Sign Cancer 16°40 Cancer to 30°00 Cancer (16'40 Cancer to 0'00 Leo).

Ashlesha nakshatra ruled by Mercury and have impact of Jupiter and Saturn. This is one of magical nakshtra because moon emotion or mind with mercury effect means intelligence combination gives very good results if well placed but it is most dangerous nakshtra also if planet not well placed because two different energy moon-emotion and mercury-intelligence behave dramatically or unknown behaviour if rahu placed in this nakshatra. Rahu in this nakshatra gives very good results if well placed moon and mercury in the chart. Ashlesha present the serpent which is located at the base of spine. It shows mystical power. Rahu in Ashlesha nakshatra shows firming mind, scientific attitude, technical, clever and mind with big ambitions and ideas if these ambitions balanced by mercury then this planet gives excellent results otherwise it give emotional issues, depression, suicidal tendency and negativity etc.

Rahu in Ashlesha Nakshatra pada 1: Rahu in charan 1 falls in Sagittarius navamsa ruled by Jupiter, it shows dedication for work and family, religious side of individual and hard work nature in life. They are not good in business, service is better. Rahu in this nakshatra does well if well placed Jupiter and mercury in the chart otherwise it gives suspicious nature with trouble mind. Medical business is good if well placed moon mercury there.

Rahu in Ashlesha Nakshatra pada 2: Rahu in charan 2 falls in Capricorn navamsa, ruled by Saturn shows shroud nature, aggressive, thin body, cunning, harsh speech and rude nature. This Rahu nakshatra placement shows high ambition, short task master, Saturn is hard task master but in fast moving sign and rahu impact gives short task-master who wants to achieve all things early in life. These peoples are truly opportunist, for them only their benefits matters. These peoples do well in electronics, mines, hidden works, security related work, leather and steel business but they get success after age of 32 in life. They earn good amount of wealth from short cuts.

Rahu in Ashlesha Nakshatra pada 3: Rahu in charan 3 falls in Aquarius navamsa, ruled by Saturn gives ambition or day dreaming but without proper plan or target. These people plans generally crash if mercury support not there in chart. These peoples are truly self-centred; they are not social people and not want many people around them. This is one of the reasons their businesses not successful but they do well in service. Rahu in aslesha gives tendency to find hidden things of life or occult interest and some secrecy in their nature.

Rahu in Ashlesha Nakshatra pada 4: Rahu in charan 4 falls in Pisces navamsa, ruled by Jupiter shows good amount of wealth from many resources or parents or in-laws wealth, these spiritual mind and religious. These people often have interest in poetry, writing and education field. Overall this is good placement if well placed Jupiter and mercury in the chart. They are sharp minded and intelligent and do well in education and career.

Check Consultation page and send mail for your Vedic Astrology Detailed Birth Chart for just 1100 INR & 50 $ for NRI.

For contact or consult me:

Bhatt Prateek