Sunday, July 12, 2015

Ownership Opportunities in Office Premises that we generally overlooked

I wrote lot of astrological articles but i think i need wrote some different article which directly applicable in our daily life. In real world, we need to pick every opportunity on right time. How we need to improve professionally, i know you peoples already smart and knows "MERCURY" is king of all these but today no talk about astrology, only real time improvement in life. How we need to catch opportunity, we have some good examples such as Narendra Modi he picked as a CM & he converted that opportunity into post of PM.

This article headline is very simple meaning, but it presents a huge opportunity that most people miss. Well, to start with this, I would like to present an example:

Let’s take a look at the difference between a career and a job. When you think about “career” as opposed to “job” you are more likely to get serious! After all, “career” suggests long-term and promising rewards. The same thing I can connect to Ownership opportunities & assigned opportunities. Ownership opportunities in office premises give you long term gain and success in your job.

Taking any opportunities in office or anywhere, our commitment & determination matters, where we want to go or how we want to proceed in career is important. We want to go as per the flow of a river or navigation can change as per our desire and goals.

Taking ownership means standing up and announcing that you are responsible for executing a particular task or project. Sometimes taking ownership will just mean being accountable for a project within your job description. In that case, taking ownership isn’t terribly remarkable.

But there are other times when taking ownership means doing things outside of your job description. In fact, it means doing the stuff no one else wants to do. Taking ownership also means making an active and enthusiastic commitment. If you usually take on a task only because you have to, you’re not making much of an impression.

Why out of box ownership opportunity in office is important?

Here meaning of “out of box” ownership is not your assigned role or assigned job description. Basically, when you take ownership of a task or project, you’re telling whoever is in charge, “Don’t worry, I got this.” You’re taking something off their plate and putting it on yours. That is any busy person’s fantasy. If there’s a difficult or unpleasant task, then the person in charge probably isn’t keen on doing it personally and is also dreading the task of finding someone else to do it. It also adds one more difficult thing to his or her rapidly growing to-do list. When you stand up and say, “I’ll do it, no problem,” you’ve just killed some major anxiety. Everyone loves an anxiety killer.

With this attitude you’re establishing your reputation as the problem solver. In this case, boss and team totally dependent on you which makes you different from others. You own those tasks, so the boss doesn’t have to worry about them. In other words, taking ownership makes you a leader.

Example: Is the glass half empty or half full?

We can see this from two ways, positive and negative:

·         Glass is only filled with half water

·         Half water in the glass. (mean rest of free we can use )

Opportunity always presents everywhere, it`s just a matter of our vision or from which frame we seen.

Normally peoples thinks when particular responsibility assign to me, I will start. Why we are not initiating and take the Opportunities. We know, this is not easy every time but

“Everything was difficult before it became simple” even for all of us starting year of school “A B C D or table of 7 9 was tough” J

This is totally depends on our perception, how we thinks for any Opportunities or from which frame we want to see the opportunity.

Reasons, why we overlooked those opportunities:

·         Easy going.

·         Fear of failure.

·        Why I take more work, I will do only my assign work successfully.

·      Lack of enthusiasm and confidence. This is the main reason to take ownership in the office.

Leader leads from front, they accept challenges and convert opportunity into victory.

Check Consultation page and send mail for your Vedic Astrology Detailed Birth Chart for just 1100 INR & 35 $ for NRI.

For contact or consult me:

Bhatt Prateek 

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Rahu and Mars Conjunction

One word for rahu mars conjunction vedic astrology, this is not easy to handle conjunction in 98 % cases (rahu mars conjunction in lagna is very bad). Peoples founds so much energy but not getting appropriate results. Energy wasted in aggressiveness, gangster line etc or Energy wasted in nonsense tasks only. They don’t know how to use their energy and dareness. Peoples suffer like anything except mars himself extreme strong in the chart or Jupiter taking charge of horoscope and controlling rahu otherwise no chance.

Conjunction of rahu and mars gives excessiveness to individual it may depends on house where this placed. Peoples addict to do particular thing again and again which is harmful for them. They addicted by wrong thing such as spread terror and involve in wrong deeds.

They involves in any mission who is not suitable for public and family life, this conjunction will be good and may give you chance as soldier, policeman, and athlete.

Rahu is virtual means fake dream and mars is fighter so this conjunction gives fake assumption to individual and  peoples thinks they can rule the world or fake leader such as saddam Hussain etc.  They will go full charge without realizing their own strength. This quality can be great for a boxer, wrestler, or any other kind of athletics.

With Mars and Rahu together, there will be the courageous pursuit of goals which are larger than life, a desire to succeed at all costs, and rushing into situations without a plan.  This combination creates the aspiration of achieving for personal gain, and puts attainment above else. Victories on a large scale are the target.
Mars rahu conjunction in astrology quality is:
  • Mars and rahu combination gives physical Over-reaching
  • Mars and rahu together may give you extraordinary desire for anything
  • Taboo-breaking competitions
  • Fraudulent or camouflaged pursuit,
  • Challenge seeker, freak and termagant
  • It gives tendency for competitive, sporting, muscular, dancing, fiery, innovative, inventive, pioneering, first-arrive movements.
  • Sexual pursuit or sex excessiveness. Males and females may have numerous partners; females often superb dancers.
  • Not afraid of bloodbath, fights, or confrontation.
  • One will take risks (Rahu) and break rules (Rahu) in order to achieve dominance in competition. Corrupted builder’s also good example of that.
  • Mars with rahu may produce excellent athlete, hatha-yogi, or dancer
Remedies for mars and rahu
  • Chant Shiv amogh kavach
  • Chant Bajranf ban and sunderkand
Check Consultation page and send mail for your Vedic Astrology Detailed Birth Chart for just 1100 INR & 35 $ for NRI.

For contact or consult me:
