Sunday, January 11, 2015

Retrograde Jupiter in Astrology

Most important planet in Vedic astrology gives huge impact in your horoscope, always careful during prediction of retro Jupiter. Retrograde Jupiter peoples always in hurry and want to do work in hurry. Retro Jupiter effects give confidence which can help other peoples to improve life and work-life.(Without asking they gives advise)
Born with Jupiter retrograde peoples always lives life in luxury and enemies cannot survive against him. Jupiter retrograde birth gives fast results and takes you on top of society but main problem is they always gives advice to others without asking by others or I can say they always try to teach all without demanding by others. Jupiter wants from you good karma or deeds (Jupiter retrograde karma) towards society.

Jupiter retrograde meaning: Retrograde Jupiter teaches us in own way, Retro Jupiter if well placed in Kendra/Trikona gives immense success after age of 30.This is only planet who can give health, wealth, happiness with stability or you can say everything in the life. This is only planet which has power to balance your horoscope or removes ill effects of other planets.

Check Saturn sade satti effects:

Jupiter retrograde past life: Vedic astrology retrograde Jupiter people are capable of taking advantage of opportunities that others ignore. They prefer to “take another crack” at things others have tried & failed. Their moral & ethical code, religion & philosophy are their own. They seek abundance in new, untried & unproved areas. Jupiter shows connection with past life it shows you should improve and do something more for particular house where your Jupiter placed.

Retrograde Jupiter in kundli: Retrograde Jupiter astrology in birth chart gives one a sense of inner fulfillment, peace and contentment. They often seek out spiritual knowledge on their own and have their own beliefs. They can think for themselves, and they often look for their spiritual answers from within. Retrograde Jupiter aspects gives very positive results where it aspects. Retrograde Jupiter lagna also sometimes delays in family stability. In women chart gives delay Jupiter retrograde wedding but Jupiter retrograde husband or partner point of view, it is good, retrograde Jupiter marriage comes late but stable with family.

Such people achieve name, fame, success and respect in the life (Jupiter retrograde benefits). It is a karaka planet of growth, expansion, spirituality, divine knowledge so it will give inner strength. Retrograde Jupiter in Vedic astrology in birth chart in the 2nd & 4th house is considered good for asset, property and vehicle. It is good mother and relationships with family. Retrograde Jupiter mahadasha gives success and stability in life in middle period of mahadasha if Jupiter well placed in the chart. Jupiter retrograde relationships improve time after time. Jupiter retrograde transit shows confusion sometimes from yourself. Retrograde Jupiter exalted or retrograde debilitated Jupiter becomes opposite in results it’s not true exactly, so you cannot judge Jupiter retrograde good or bad.

Remedies for retrograde Jupiterr: I will not suggest you any specific remedies for Jupiter retrograde horoscope (vakri Jupiter) only do the Thursday pooja and give bread to cow everyday.
You can read this article in Jupiter retrograde meaning in Hindi with option given in the site right side.

Check Saturn Dhaiya effects:

Effects of retrograde Jupiter or Jupiter retrograde what does it mean
  • Jupiter retrograde jyotish gives energy to initiate work but before completion of work they want to switch in another work.
  • Retrograde Jupiter natal chart gives delay in marriage if retro Jupiter connected with marriage house.
  • Feels superior from others.
  • Makes their own principle for religion.
  • Would be God Fearing and have a spiritual bent of mind and thinking.
  • Without need they give advice to all.
  • Good for materialistic gains.
  • Multitalented and don’t want expert in only one area.

If you want to know about the effects of Retrograde Planets in your Natal Vedic Birth Chart then check Consultation page and send mail for your Vedic Detailed Birth Chart for just 1100 INR & 35 $ for NRI.

For contact or consult me:

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Retrograde Mercury in Astrology

Mercury is messenger of god means it makes bridge between you and your outer world so it becomes most important planet in your life and life-events & in current professional world you cannot survive without clear communication. Mercury retrograde effects your communication and decision making power, money loss also seen if mercury retro, mainly because of wrong investment and avoid buying a house during mercury retrograde. Retrograde mercury generally gives average results except your mahadasha and anter not bad with bad transit. I will try to explain mercury retrograde in depth.

Mercury has to do with communication, dealings and transportation. What to do during mercury retrograde, this is not the time to make 'new' purchases that involve these two things. What mercury retrograde means, Mercury also rules social circle, neighbors, siblings, we should improve our social circle because always takes benefits from social circle. Mercury rules the MIND, its impacts generally seen over mind if retro mercury not well placed. People born with mercury retrograde advantage are energy, getting more detailed, organized and clear vision.

Retrograde mercury vedic astrology motion pulls back and gives you an opportunity to take care of your past deals, investment, dealings and management (old business). The past that needs to be resolved is directly related to the planet involved. Retrograde motion isn't a bad thing folks, it's actually meant to serve your higher purpose. Everything is always for your higher purpose.

Retrograde mercury in birth chart can sometimes be slower in learning or understanding, those who are born with this planet direct. These people can get lost in details and have trouble seeing the entire point and thought process may affects sometimes. They will be either very fast or very slow in work.  They will grape knowledge very fast or very slow.  Mercury retrograde meaning or effects of mercury in retrograde usually indicates problems concerning one or more of the areas of life ruled by Mercury: speaking, writing, learning, the senses: sight, and hearing, the brain, perceiving information and verbal expression. In some cases, those who have retrograde Mercury can be reserved, shy, and quiet. This is myth mercury retrograde bad luck indicating.

How does Mercury retrograde affect us or how to survive mercury retrograde?
  • Slow decision maker
  • Fickle mind or unstable mind, easily confuse.
  • Retrograde mercury in birth chart shows lack of communication or low vision in communication
  • Effects thoughts and thinking
  • Knowledge thrust sometime over limit.
  • As the messenger of the gods, Mercury in astrology governs communications and travel. Mercury turns retrograde for three weeks, every four months.
  • Bad mercury can gives computer problems, communication issues.
  • On the positive side, retrograde planets give opportunity to correct your wrong decisions.
  • It will give you time for review or reprocess your work.
  • Baby born during mercury retrograde sometimes irritate easily in childhood.
  • Lot of famous people with mercury retrogrades also there.
Again I will say don’t confuse with retro mercury and go in tension with these questions such as was mercury in retrograde when i was born, born during mercury retrograde, what happens during mercury retrograde, when will mercury retrograde be over, when does mercury come out of retrograde, how long is mercury in retrograde, how to survive mercury retrograde, You also have other 8 planet which can give lot and your mercury intelligence may cover by Sun/Jupiter.

Get your best and true consultation from your astrologer, Check below link:

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