Thursday, December 25, 2014

2015 Astrology Prediction

2015 Astrology
2015 will be one of the most powerful years as compare to last 5 year. In this year benefic Jupiter will be exalted till July and rahu-ketu will be in Virgo -Pisces which known for powerful and friendly sign for those two. Saturn already moved in Scorpio which will do task much faster as compare to previous year. 2014 sum was 7 which represent Ketu and Ketu was on arise till July 2014 and Rahu with Saturn in Libra was bad time for most of peoples. Now, time will improve rapidly. 2015 number if you will add then number comes 8, this is number of Saturn which is hard task master and will be in Scorpio which is also known for fast work so in this year lot of pending work will finish and year will be fruitful for most of peoples.
2015 will give opportunity in career, finance, government will take favorable decision for common peoples and law & order will be good. People who are seeking opportunity to change job or finding opportunity in foreign lands will succeed.
Cancerous Jupiter will give health, finance and own house related results in this year, overall it shows stable and growing year. Many question will answer today such as 2015 astrology predictions by date of birth,2015 astrology predictions free, 2015 astrology predictions moon sign, 2015 astrology chart, 2015 astrology horoscope, 2015 astrology overview, 2015 astrology transits, 2015 vedic astrology, 2015 indian astrology, astrology prediction 2015,

Major planet transit in 2015
Jupiter transit 2015, Jupiter will be in cancer more than half of the year will be good for career, finance, stability and for marriage, new married couples.

Read Rahu effects in all zodiac sign:

Rahu-Ketu 2015, Rahu-Ketu 2015 in Virgo-Pisces will be good for diplomats and public dealing peoples and for those who are earning from share market as well.

Saturn transit 2015, Saturn already in Scorpio will expect hard work and passion for work and gives big success in career because Jupiter 5th aspect towards Saturn.
Overall 2015 number is 8 ruled by Saturn will be favorable for most of the peoples new opportunity and new ventures will come in the life.

Career: Everything will go smoothly at work. Atmosphere in job and work culture will improve because 10th house siginificator Jupiter and Saturn will support. Their boss or leaders will start to attach more importance to their job performance and they can always get along well with their colleagues. You can welcome a promotion within this year. Peoples they should keep a low profile because this is Saturn beauty.

Wealth: Good wealth in this year indicating because hidden treasure means Scorpio 8th sign Saturn with aspect of Jupiter will provide good gains in this year. As long as they work hard, they will welcome a salary rise from their jobs especially in the first half of the year, when they should consider making a smart investment. No speculation is suggested and lottery should just be regarded as a recreational activity because Rahu master of speculation will give benefit those only who have strong Rahu in birth chart.

Relationships: Blessed love life will be in coming year 2015. They will enjoy great fortune in their love life. The affections between lovers will be deeper. Activated 8th house Scorpio will give good opportunities. They keep a happy relationship and marriage is about to take place in 2015. Couples will have a stable relationship.

Health: There may be some problem related with private disease or private part related and bone related. They may have minor illnesses like cold and fever, but they will recover soon. Extreme sports should be avoided when traveling or doing other outdoor activities. Besides, the heart attack, skin diseases and eye diseases may happen. The elderly should keep a healthy diet and should pay attention to their blood pressure.

Education, student Study in 2015: This is one of the good years for student and for competitive exam participants. Generally, their study performance is better than the last year, but they still need to study hard in 2015 because hard task master Saturn required more work but Jupiter will give success in the exams.

Guru-Chandal yoga:

Aries 2015: Aries in 2015 will enjoy of home and family peace, 2015 astrology aries it will give good career growth also. Relationship with mother and family environment, land benefits or shifting in new home can be expect in this year and overall this period will be good for 2015 astrology for aries.

Taurus 2015: Taurus in 2015 will feel rest and joy in spiritual front; they will feel lucky in business. 2015 astrology Taurus Money wise this is good year. Jupiter transiting in your 3rd house shows growth in powerful post, communication, courage, travel, writing and media mass communication related field. Those who are interested in public dealings or work for public time will support for those 2015 astrology for taurus.

Gemini 2015: Gemini in 2015 will enjoy money and gains, peoples will enjoy property gains also.  Health wise there may be some problem. 2015 astrology for Gemini Jupiter transiting in your second house gives you rise in daily income and improve your communication. Your desires and career will surely be in good direction and this year will prove one of the good years for you.

Read Saturn effects in all zodiac sign:

Cancer 2015: This is one of the best years for you;2015 astrology cancer Jupiter in ascendant will give peace, stability and good life throughout the year. You will become more spiritual and money flow will increase from right path. This is one of the best year for you, you should give time for yourself and make decision for future life. 2015 astrology for cancer, Your health will be good and you will shine in all fields. For bachelors good new they will find very good partner marriage life.

Leo 2015: 2015 astrology predictions leo will be mixed results in this year and 2nd half will be giving some mental tension. Jupiter transiting your 12th house and Saturn in 4th house not good for family peace and 2nd house Rahu and 8th house Ketu also not very ideal positions, you should take care during make any big decision. 2015 astrology leo is not good position in dealings with home, land or vehicle. Some health related issue may come also.

Virgo 2015: 2015 astrology for virgo will be very good period for money front, you will enjoy socializing and expanding your network circles. Gains and power in this year you will feel. 2015 astrology virgo in 2nd half you should need to take care for health and wealth (more expenditure). Overall health wise also good time sometime little bit differences with your partner.

Libra 2015: 2015 astrology libra is wonderful year for family front as well as for profession. You will earn much and enjoy money also. Foreign travel also in this year on the cards. 2015 astrology for libra, 10th house transiting Jupiter will give you good career opportunities, growth and recognition. In this year health, wealth will be good chances of increasing income, buying land, and properties. Saturn in2nd house will give boost in income as well as assets.

Scorpio 2015: 2015 astrology scorpio is good year because money fronts some relief will come and after July career also grow because Jupiter movement in 10th house, your desire will fulfill but still mental tension and some worry and fear in your mind. Saturn with your natal moon may give some problems in sleep. Relationship, marriage related may face some ups and down in life. 2015 astrology for scorpio, overall Saturn with moon not good but because of Jupiter in 9th house will be silver spoon and providing power to your chart.

Mangalik yoga or dosha read below:

Sagittarius 2015: 2015 astrology Sagittarius Jupiter will be transiting cancer in the 8th house of hidden treasure, change and reformation. You will loans, partner’s money, settlements, investments and inheritance. 12th house sitting Saturn will give you spirituality because Jupiter also in 8th house or you will involve in occult science. 2015 astrology for Sagittarius, money wise mixed and career wise good results will be there.

Capricorn 2015: 2015 astrology for Capricorn year bring good success in money front sudden luck will support you and you will abundant money after hard-work because Saturn in 11th house. Yoga`s for marriage will be strong. 2015 astrology Capricorn will be year of opportunities, business and marriage on the cards.

Aquarius 2015: 2015 astrology aquarius year will give mixed result Jupiter in 6th house will give more stability in job but tension will be there because Saturn in 10th house, success will come sure but after hard-work. 2015 astrology for aquarius money will be average but you should need to take of your health in this year.

Pisces 2015: 2015 astrology pisces is one of the good years for Pisces, in this year you can see good growth in career and finance. 2015 astrology for pisces, Jupiter in 5th house aspect 9 and 11th shows good luck and gains with foreign travel.

Get Your 2015 prediction month wise, Fees 1100/35 $.Much More opportunities in 2015,Do not miss.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Saturn dhaiya or ढैया या लघुकल्याणी?

What is dhaiya in astrology?
Dhaiya period of Saturn is known for 2.5 year periods. Shani dhaiya is also known as Small Panoti (Small Trouble), Saturn`s Dhaiya and Kantakshani, or Ashtamshani.

How to know shani dhaiya or how to check shani dhaiya
When Shani transiting over the Fourth and the Eighth house from the Natal Moon, it is called the Fourth & the Eighth Dhaiya respectively(Ashtamshani). Vedic astrology says that these two are most tensed or stressful periods, though not as much as the Sade-sati. You can check your dhaiya from online shani dhaiya calculator. Astam shani sometimes gives food but without salt, so you can not enjoy food mean you will survive in this period somehow but no enjoyment. Peoples confused with asthma shani and dhaiya there is no difference, effects ashtama shani or ill effects ashtama shani ,ashtama shani period, ashtama shani dosha, ashtama shani meaning, small panoti effects or ashtama shani pariharam all are covers in dhaiya.

--> Ishta dev worship is most important, Know your Ishta dev:

Saturn Dhaiya is not bad for all; it depends on such condition which I told you in last article (Saturn Sade sati) . Dhaiya is also depends on other planets transit such as rahu-ketu transit, Jupiter transit etc. Dhaiya gives problems in career, finance, no promotion during dhaiya, no satisfaction from life etc.
The Dhaiya of Saturn in relation to the 4th house affects the native on the following things Family peace, mother, education, health, land and property, happiness etc.

The Dhaiya of Saturn in relation to the 8th house affects the native on the following things: accident, debts, loss, health, longevity, legacy, in-laws,

The effects of planet Saturn are also impacted by the Janam-nakshatra, Ascendant, Dasha of current planet and position of other planets. 
In Saturn`s dhaiya period we should chant shani mantra and should perform shani dhaiya remedies or shani dhaiya ke upay.

--> Know one of most important chart,Bhav chalit chart:

Negative effect of shani dhaiya
Bad results of shani dhaiya gives low morale, frustration from life, Lack of success, Career disturbance, unfulfilling desire, debts, emotionally unstable and having difficulty in coping with personal relationships, Destroys the peace or tranquility, mental and physical health ailments.
If you are Experiencing discomfort and unbalanced life in this period or suffering from various ailments marked by causing sadness or sorrow then maybe you are in due need to take blessings of lord Shani Dev.

Shani dhaiya remedies or shani dhaiya ke upay
I already discussed last time Saturn sade sati remedies or upay, Please go through below link use same for shani`s dhaiya.

Peoples asked me many times ashtama shani remedies, remedies for ashtama shani, remedies for ashtama shani vedic , Please do same remedy as per above given link.

Get your best and true consultation from your astrologer, Check below link:

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