Saturday, August 16, 2014

Mercury In All Zodiac Sign

Mercury is small planet but has much importance; I will clear your doubt such as mercury sign calculator, mercury is in what sign, find mercury sign, mercury tables astrology,  what does mercury in your sign mean,  how to find mercury sign, find my mercury sign, mercury sign compatibility, mercury zodiac sign, mercury zodiac sign calculator.

Mercury in Aries in Vedic astrology:  Mercury in Aries shows ability to use power and holds commanding position in life. Mercury in Aries gives angry nature as mercury knows for jolly and comedy nature but because of mars fire, so you can feel some heat in nature. Mercury in Aries gives high level of energy. This mercury inspired by mars which is enemy of mercury but if mercury well placed in nakshatra and well aspected then it can give very diplomatic intelligence.

Read Mercury effects in each house:

Mercury in Taurus in Vedic astrology This gives very bold and beautiful appearance. Mercury in Taurus gives very friendly and jolly nature. Mercury gives happy and peaceful life with lot of wealth and many houses. This may give interest in sports and physical exercise. This placement related with 7/8th house and Venus effects also there then various relationship in the life.  The native may be obedient and faithful to his teacher, parents and elders.  He will be famous, learned and knowledgeable.

Mercury in Gemini in Vedic astrology Mercury in Gemini gives very good energy level and youthful nature. The person may have charming personality. He can become good Engineer, astrologer, writer or famous spokesperson. He will be successful and famous.  He may be of independent nature and may also enjoy fame and riches in his life. He will be very good orator and known for his communication.

Mercury in Cancer in Vedic astrology: Mercury in cancer gives luxurious life and youthful appearance. This placement often gives fickle minded nature because of moon effects in this sign. It may give the native to be extrovert, vocal and good writer.  He may have inclinations towards foreign lands and always enjoy good relationships within family.  He may also be intelligent and highly qualified. This placement in the watery sign gives day dream and very ambitious nature. Peoples with this placement known for good memory. Mercury in Cancer also has a tendency to take differing opinions as a personal attack or criticism.

Mercury in Leo in Vedic astrology:  Mercury in Leo gives administrative power and managerial skill. This placement of Mercury in Vedic astrology may give the good professional and social life.  He will be famous and rich. 

Mercury in Virgo in Vedic astrologyMercury in Virgo one of the best placement in astrology. This placement can give highly managerial post and person knows for his managerial skill. Peoples with this placement will be virtuous, clever and good looking. They will be great technocrat.  They will be inclined towards science and technology and enjoy success in their professional matters. If this mercury placement in 5/10/11th house then this proves amazing oratory skills.

Mercury in Libra in Vedic astrology: Mercury in Libra gives very beautiful looks and friendly nature. Peoples will be Fond of travelling. This may give strong inclination towards debates, arguments and speeches.  The person may be extravagant in nature.  He may be quite ambitious; trust worthy and dedicated to his teachers,

Mercury in Scorpio in Vedic astrology: Mercury in Scorpio makes person very hard working and task master. Hard-work not recognizes in profession, this placement of mercury not gives success as desire. This placement sometimes gives hurdles in earnings and in luxury.

Mercury in Sagittarius in Vedic astrologyMercury in Sagittarius is very good placement, Peoples with this placement has good knowledge of science and Veda’s. This placement will bless the native with fame, virtues and strong memory.  It will give kind hearted and may have strong inclination towards religion.

Mercury in Capricorn in Vedic astrologyMercury in Capricorn is good placement for money wise and for property. This placement gives richness and lands/vehicle. This is one of the best earth sign for material gain, so in this sign mercury gives lot of opportunity in property.

Mercury in Aquarius in Vedic astrologyMercury in Aquarius gives positive attitude in the life; these peoples always have patience in opposite conditions.  Due to their confidence and patience they always won in adverse situation. Mercury in Aquarius zodiac sign in astrology horoscope will give strong profession if mercury placed in 10th house. Mercury gives ability of multitasking.

Mercury in Pisces in Vedic astrology: Mercury in Pisces is not very good placement. This placement of mercury often gives laziness and weak energy. Such peoples not enthusiastic, their communication level very weak. Mercury may cause the native to suffer from social life and domestic life.  They may not have much interest in profession or I can say, they can’t do competition of any work, all the task they leave in the middle.

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Sunday, August 10, 2014


Mars planet of fire, gas, commander, warrior consider as very important planet. It owns two sign “Aries & Scorpio” and exalted in Capricorn and debilitated in cancer.Mars is fiery planet but has much importance; I will clear your doubt such as mars by sign, mars sign calculator, mars in cardinal signs, mars in the signs and houses, mars in zodiac sign, mars zodiac sign calculator, find mars in your sign, how to find mars southern hemisphere.

                           MARS IS FIRE
Fire is higher, so be ready with your energy for fulfilling your desire.

Mars in Aries in Vedic astrology:  Mars in Aries known for one of the best placement because it is mars own & fire sign house. Peoples have mars in arise reach in administrative post in the life. Those having Mars in Aries in their horoscope may be honest, commander skills and courageous in nature.  They may be powerful and strong athlete body.  They may be quite active and possess leadership qualities.

Read Mars results in all houses:

Mars in Taurus in Vedic astrology: Mars in Taurus is not good placement because in enemy sign, this sign mainly for luxury and mars always in active mode & hard worker. In profession this mars can give business related with garment and sports.  The native may face some bone related problem and may strong in sex for opposite sex.  He may face problems and challenges quite often in his life.

Mars in Gemini in Vedic astrology: Mars in Gemini influenced by mercury and gives good appearance & person may be beautiful and charming.  He may have knowledge of various different subjects and intelligent.  Foreign travel and interest in sports will be there. In this sign Mars come in punarwasu nakshatra in his last degree, that shows good results of mars.

Mars in Cancer in Vedic astrology:  This is debilitated sign for mars, here mars lost his fiery qualities .This placement not always bad, mars lost his qualities but if Sun-Moon strong in chart then this mars not gives harms as mentioned. You can find out this fact in many charts. It may cause the native to be angry, short-tempered and weak in physique. He may face frequent issues in his health; and may have to face problems related to lands, property and residence if moon & Saturn also weak. 

Mars in Leo in Vedic astrology:  This is good placement in defense or in army or any leadership position. Such placement of Mars in Leo may cause the person to be very aggressive, impatient, daring, strong & dominate nature because Sun influence in this sign. These peoples sometime argue everywhere.

Mars in Virgo in Vedic astrology: Mars in Virgo gives smartness and good sharp mind. Sometimes this placement gives jealous in nature as well. It can give weak physique and some health problem, if mars related with 1/6/8th house. If well placed mercury aspect this mars then it gives land benefits, richness and vehicle pleasure too but weak health.

Mars in Libra in Vedic astrology: Mars in Libra is not good placement for health and wealth wise. This gives instability in profession and unnecessary expenditure.  The native may be fond of traveling. It may give Problems in managing land & finances.

Mars in Scorpio in Vedic astrology:  This is good and stable placement of mars. In this sign mars gives stable and powerful life. Those having Mars placed in Scorpio zodiac sign may be honest and patriot nature, specifically in professional dealings. They are hard worker or I can say hard task-master.

Mars in Sagittarius in Vedic astrology: Mars in Sagittarius gives disciplined nature because any planet in Jupiter sign gives atleast average results if Jupiter also well placed in horoscope. Placement of the Mars in Sagittarius zodiac sign sometimes gives weak physique and lean body. He will be work harder and dedicated to his teachers and all elders.

Mars in Capricorn in Vedic astrology: Exalted Mars in Capricorn gives good results especially in finance, property and in profession. The native may be strong, healthy and hard task-master.  He will be wealthy, famous and successful in his professional matters.  Such person fame spreads world-wide if Saturn and some other good placement there.

Mars in Aquarius in Vedic astrology: Mars in Aquarius not good placement because it can give habit smoking/drinking and some other mood swings problem as well. They may be blunt or straight forward in nature and may suffer from financial losses through speculation.

Mars in Pisces in Vedic astrology:  This is the sign of vision, wisdom. In this sign mars give good results especially in property matters. Mars in Pisces gives spiritual and religious nature. Bad mars in this sign gives ego and argument nature also.

Read the reality of mangalik dosha:

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