

Match-making Reports:

Fees : 2500 INR or 60 $ for NRI (Telephonic Discussion) 
PDF report: 4000 INR or 80 $ for NRI

Married life Interpretation: 1500 or 50 $ (Telephonic Discussion) 

Life time Marriage Report(Husband-Wife): 6000 or 150 $ (PDF report)

Match-making In Astrology

Match-making in astrology is one of the difficult tasks. Match finalized in heaven, we can guide here only for the right path and right person for your life but many especially in India not honestly guides even they try to feared to common people & not suggests honest remedy. Why is this because everyone running for money only, they don’t have attachment with your emotion, they don’t think how needy person blindly trusting on astrologer and asking for real remedy. But here what needy person getting in response some nonsense words after hearing anyone will rethink such as you have mangalik dosha, kaa-sarpa dosha, debilitated Jupiter , nadi dosh etc……

In reality mangalik dosh existence not there in real astrology for selling astrology it might be there. For more details go through below link:

Kal- sarpa dosh:

Mangalik dosha:

Indian astrology marriage compatibility, one problem is there some unprofessional experts suggests to customer for wrong yoga’s and gun-Milan, nadi dosh and tells wrong pooja which never relate to actual problem. Even you can see mangalik dosh only follow in India ,I will not oppose our Vedic astrology but what is the meaning of mars, it is very clear it is fiery and aggressive planet , if it will connect somehow to your marriage related house(1st  (because mars direct aspect on 7th house) 2,4,7 & 8th) then aggressiveness or mars qualities will be there, sometime it damages marriage sometime not because other good placement  there, but no mean from fear these type yoga’s.

Matching in Astrology or Gun Milan in Astrology: Generally we think, if horoscope matching points coming more than 18 then match-making done, we are eligible for marriage, this is not true. Marriage compatibility horoscope is not very straight forward task. Lot of factors need to see during horoscope matching.

For marriage or marriage life read below article:

Nadi Dosh in Astrology: Whenever same nadi of male and female charts, experts tells you .Don’t do marriage because both of you have same nadi it will give you problem in progeny and children. This is not true, one very important point I will tell you.
Whenever same nadi both partner have then we should need to match in which pad nadi dosh is there if it different pad then there is no problem, these type so many other facts which experts ignoring.

Marriage compatibility: As I mentioned above, this is not the way to decide marriage compatibility at all. I cannot over all points here because lot other points also need to analyze during match making, even lot of experts ignores or  sometimes even not knows some exact and true marriage compatibility facts.
Tell me these are points are necessary to check by astrologer or only 18 gun Milan and nadi dosh, mangalik or kaal sarp need to check:    

        1)   Age matching in both chart 
        2)   Please make sure and family peace, happiness, sukh matching in both chart
        3)   Career matching
        4)   Character matching
        5)   Mentality ,Personal views matching(Understanding)
        6)   Nature matching(some very aggressive or some submissive)
        7)   Overall chart compatibility
        8)   Wealth in both chart

Generally many times peoples came to me and asked, astrologer told me, you have 15 gun only and nadi dosh, mangalik dosh etc.  What to do Kundli is not matching but we both love each other? I wonder, how behalf of mangalik dosh people suggesting avoid the marriage. (Even without see cancellation of bad mars)

For Divorce or married life problem read below article:

Some astrologer does marriage compatibility based on name only, marriage compatibility based on nakshatra ,this is not correct way they should do as per marriage compatibility based on date of birth charts(In this they should consider nakshatra, sign). In our Vedic astrology compatibility, these facts clearly there but because of fast life and money we are ignoring this. Matchmaking for marriage need to take seriously and should give sufficient time by astrologer on both charts then matching results comes correctly. Sometime remedy marriage compatibility also works if small hurdles are there.

Conclusion:We should not judge any charts without proper horoscope matching.

      For Match-making, contact me in the mail: (Matching and other detailed prediction will send to you)
      Thanks & regards,
      Bhatt Prateek

Luck silently doing work but hard-work always speaks

When both speaks on same time, Winners comes


  1. श्री प्रतीक भट्ट जी ने विवाह हेतु जो भी लिखा है, मेरे विचार से बिलकुल सत्य है, मात्र अष्ट कूट मिलान से, मात्र मांगलिक विचार सामान्य रूप से कर लेने से कुंडली मिलान उचित नहीं है। कुंडली का मिलान एक श्रमसाध्य कार्य है।
    Pt. Ravindra Nath Bajpai

  2. श्री प्रतीक भट्ट जी ने विवाह हेतु जो भी लिखा है, मेरे विचार से बिलकुल सत्य है, मात्र अष्ट कूट मिलान से, मात्र मांगलिक विचार सामान्य रूप से कर लेने से कुंडली मिलान उचित नहीं है। कुंडली का मिलान एक श्रमसाध्य कार्य है।

  3. Really Nice information for gun-milan

  4. Sir because of you I am happly married and enjoying my marriage life, your suggestion is boon for me thanks lot

  5. You inspire me alot for matching kundli ! people generally tell rubbish while matching kundli ! Like your anaylsis about matching kundli !
