
Saturday, September 22, 2018

Saturn Mars Conjunction in Astrology

Saturn mars conjunction in birth chart is one of most deadly combination which needs to analyze very carefully. Saturn mars both are aggressive (mars conjunct saturn anger), stubborn and anti-planets which show extreme fire in mind, aggressive and quarrelsome nature. Ssaturn mars conjunction in 5th houseaturn mars (Mars Saturn conjunction good or bad or Saturn and mars astrology) close combination gives tendency to do wrong things in life and these people involves in dark and smuggling related work or become rowdy or kind of mafia and overpowered which they use in wrong path.

Mars shows Energy, aggressiveness, fast worker, fire, Enthusiasm, Impulse ,Action, confidence, blood, sturdy, Fast-straight forward and Saturn shows Conservative nature, Pessimism, Old things, law & order, servant, Hardship, Poverty, Unknown fear, Slow but steady. You can understand here most of the qualities are different from each other this is the reason it is one of bad conjunction. Saturn is the hard and harsh planet, fact of life, fear, and lesson giver. Mars is power for getting things done; it is our energy to do something. (mars conjunct saturn birth chart).

Mars rules 1st and 8th house mean somehow connecting with our life and Saturn rules 10 and 11th means somehow connecting with our Karmas and gains, so these two planets in same house impacts life achievements. Saturn and Mars together make the person feeling lack of confidence but mars saturn raja yoga conjunction aspected by Jupiter gives positive results but in few blessed charts.

Saturn Mars conjunction for career: Saturn-Mars in same house (शनि मंगल एक साथ) is good combination for career if you are taking both planet energy positively otherwise it will hamper your career success. Saturn Mars should be strong Kendra/trikona and 8 degree apart if you want to get good success in career in your chart. Saturn Mars together shows extreme heights in energy related career or career where you can serve to people it might be people or politics, NGO or any good work for society. Even doctor also having this yoga sometimes.

Saturn Mars conjunction for Wealth: शनि मंगल योग for wealth is not good and this combination never gives materialism or luxury. It gives everything from struggle and strong wealth for Yoga not Bhoga. If you will rotate your wealth towards society welfare then you will get benefitted from this conjunction (mars saturn conjunction astrology).

Saturn Mars conjunction for Marriage: Shani Mangal yuti(शनि-मंगल युति) is worst combination if in 7th house or even in 8th house and marriage will never on track. (mars conjunct saturn relationship)

Let’s discuss Saturn mars conjunction in different houses:

Saturn mars conjunction in 1st house: Saturn and mars conjunction in 1st house shows confusion in life because Mars positive energy and if Saturn weak there then pessimistic and pull down many times in life. Mars gives ambition and feels energy to do something big in life but Saturn block them and gives struggle in success and hardship. In most off the cases this is bad conjunction in 1t house but if mars very well placed with Saturn and Saturn mars far away in degree and nakshatra then this conjunction may give some positive results here. Saturn slow but steady growth and mars is planet of quick results so both qualities not matching gives irritation in life and results frustration. Effects of saturn and mars in same house Saturn feels insecurity and mars often become over confident gives no results or people lost in wrong direction in life.

Saturn mars conjunction in 2nd house: Saturn mars combination in 2nd house shows breaks in salary or wealth and shows dullness towards influx wealth and gives instability in gaining wealth. Saturn and mars conjunction in 2nd house is bad combination for marriage also. It gives heated communication or discussion between partners. Due to harsh speech these peoples makes many enemies in life. Chances of divorce and loss of wealth always in life. They may face lawsuits against their assets. Shani mangal combination gives trouble in eye sight in early age. Shani mangal (saturn with mars) may give trouble from government and lawsuits.

Saturn mars conjunction in 3rd house: Saturn and mars conjunction in 3rd house shows no courage because this is the house of courage and people have no courage and week communication and issues with siblings will be there. This shani managal yuti in 3rd house gives huge confusion in life even these people are very bad decision makers. Saturn mars peoples should take care relationship with siblings otherwise they face huge loss in relationship and opposition from family. There will be loss in travel and in far place residence from birth. One of the sibling specially brother become very powerful.

Saturn mars conjunction in 4th house: 4th house is the house of peace, mother, luxury, vehicle and home. Saturn mars yuti in 4th house gives issue to mother, fickle minded, conflict in mind. Saturn Mars are enemies and both bad planet in 4th house, so this is one of worst conjunction for 4th house. Saturn and mars conjunction in 4th house gives issues from childhood and people never satisfy and enjoy the life. Career and family always see instability in life. Especially if this combination happens in female chart gives failure in marriage, no peace from partner and even many time domestic violence and relationship ends at divorce. There may be huge issues in paternal or maternal property. If this mars saturn conjunction vedic astrology strong then such person become land mafia but simultaneously there is no peace in life.

Saturn mars conjunction in 5th house: Saturn and mars conjunction in 5th house shows wings but without air, so you can not enjoy intelligence, love affairs, children affection, and good marriage as well. 5th house represents self-expression, fun, play, sports, intelligence, creativity, children, early education, speculative business, love, romance, romantic partners, what we love most, wealth, past life credits, and spiritual practices. Mars and Saturn together in the 5th house (auspicious house) then creativity, romance, speculation, investments, speculative business and children all things affected. Mars Saturn in same house gives breaks in education and life will always unpredictable.

Saturn mars conjunction in 6th house: Saturn and mars conjunction in 6th house in vedic astrology shows issue related with loan, disease prone body and always mental tension but this yoga removes enemies from the life even they destroy themselves. This conjunction is not good for individual and they face issues in service and become instable and many up and down in life even legal issues. Shani bhoum in 6th house is the most challenging house in astrology, house where struggle for daily routine work and person changes jobs frequently. This is the house of health care, disease, immune system, conflicts, competitions, court, divorce, enemy, service, small pets, animals, having good or bad habits, where we learn to improve our self, litigation. Saturn mars together in sixth house can cause problems but also provide energy for solving those problems if placed in good sign such as Capricorn and aspected by benefic planets. Mars and Saturn in sixth house of enemies provide good strength to fight with your enemies.

Saturn mars conjunction in 7th house: Saturn and mars conjunction in 7th house shows divorce, no marriage, mis-happening in marriage. 7th house is house marriage and both planets are enemies and not consider good especially in this house and there is always trouble in marriage. Mars Saturn conjunction delays marriage generally. It is the house where we want to fulfill our desire through the other people but Saturn mars stop all these things and people saw huge loss in business or through other peoples. These people should always be very careful for tying knot with anyone because marriage sometime becomes largest blocker of life and success. If mars conjunct saturn woman will be aggressive.

Saturn mars conjunction in 8th house: Saturn and mars conjunction in 8th house consider very bad for life and gives sudden loss from marriage, accident, big issues with in laws, fractures, injuries, life threating issues. This is again one of the worst placements of mars and Saturn together 8th house. 8th house shows hidden energy and sometime these planets if very well placed then give sudden heights and success. There could be some health problems and you should be careful.

Saturn mars conjunction in 9th house: Saturn and mars conjunction in 9th house is not good for religion and father. Both opposite planet give aggressive nature and people sometimes not follows god. Their approach very unrealistic and support of luck will not be there. There may be serious issue with father or getting fatherly support or love. Mars Saturn conjunction effects is bad for this house in maximum cases.
9th house represents Guru(Teacher), fortune, religion, long distance travel, law, higher learning, philosophy, teaching, and wisdom. Mars and Saturn conjunction in ninth house of guru and parents are generally not good for relationship with them. They should always make someone to Guru specially their father or fatherly figure and show respect towards them.

Saturn mars conjunction in 10th house: Saturn and mars conjunction in 10th house shows confusion in career because both planet karak of career but due to heat of mars people unable to decide the career and stay in 1 career for long time. Career related with real estate, gym trainer, fighter, sports person, medical business etc. 10th house represent name-fame, wealth from destiny, responsibility, father, career, social and public recognition, public status, politics, government, materialistic achievement and achievement in the world so all these may affect if you will not follow right path of principle in career. There may be some issues with superior such as your boss and government authorities as they have a potential to harm you.

Saturn mars conjunction in 11th house: Saturn and mars conjunction in 11th house gives gains in life but from delay. This is still better combination as compare to other houses in this house. Mars energy and Saturn patience sometime give huge wealth from hard work and this conjunction shows large benefits from real estate, property related work. Saturn is restrictive planet and has limited desire but this is the house of goals, hopes-wishes, where we want to do something for the society, so this becomes a confusion situation in the mind either I need to do for society or for myself first because mars is your identity so he want himself first. This is the house of friends and sometimes friends cheats or due to wrong friendship people suffers in the life.

Saturn mars conjunction in 12th house: Saturn and mars conjunction in 12th house is really bad for spirituality and moksha because both planet believes in Karmas and materialistic world in this conjunction. Spirituality and Saturn mars combo never fulfil the needs of peace and moksha so this conjunction never gives good results in this regard. Saturn and mars in 12th house pulls in illegal work because this represents jail, expenditure, bed pleasure, subconscious mind, dreams, hospital, foreign land, spiritualism, meditation, and Moksha. This the house where we let go thing and try to live alone to be peaceful but Mars and Saturn conjunction in the 12th house or Saturn and mars in same house never satisfy needs of individual.

Saturn mars conjunction astrology Remedy or remedy for mars+saturn conjunction: Think before any action, recite Hanuman chalisa, pour water on Shivling on Saturday morning.

Check Consultation page and send mail for your Vedic Astrology Detailed Birth Chart for just 1500 INR & 50 $ for NRI.

For contact or consult me:

Bhatt Prateek 

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