
Sunday, February 14, 2016

Service (Job) or Business in Astrology

This is really confusing question among many student of mine, how we examine suitability of business or service astrology (job or business astrology free). It is very important to decide at the beginning of your career are you came in this world for job or business even in initial years of graduate education you need to choose one. Right guy on Right filed makes right future and right nation. For job nowadays professional education is essential and for business management and communicative skills is very important.  Doing job is reasonably secured and safe in comparison to business activities.  But the reward and potential of business always exceeds the salary, which you expect to have after completion of every month or week.

Career in astrology, Read Here:

Many peoples want to know how to find out job or business is suitable, which career is best for me according to astrology free, which profession suits me according to astrology, which profession suits me best, job or business which is better, which is better bussiness or job, job vs business, job or business as per astrology, job or business how to decide, job or business line in hand, job or business line in palmistry, job or business line in palm, job line in palm in hindi, job or business vedic astrology, job and astrology, job astrology in tamil, job or business astrology in tamil.

Important points for judging career between job or business/ employment vs business vedic astrology:
  • Important point for service or business: Evaluate strength of 6th house and 7th house if 7th is stronger then 6th house then business is more suitable for you.
  • I want to remove one misconception of society I saw many friends using 10th house for service this is wrong practice. The 10th house in horoscope is the house of careers and career may be business, service and other. This house shows your overall career if this house is strong then it tells your career will be strong it may business or service. This house specifies the status of income from business/service or private sector. This house connection from 6th anyhow shows job or from 7th then business.
  • Sun or Moon in the 10th house shows wealth from father or paternal association. Situation of Sun in this house means the native may take his or her father’s role or father business or father`s status. (IAS officer son also IAS).
  • One planet is common for both service and business, this is one of the most important planet to judge any horoscope, yes it is MERCURY.
  • Mercury is planet who how to bent in service for benefits or how to tackle the job when you are in under some organization.
  • Mercury knows how to handle and manage business. Mercury gives intelligence with vision, far-thinking who knows how to survive in the market.
  • Rahu is also one of the important planet for quick success in business or service.

Career in Politics, Read here:

Job in astrology: For examine job related horoscope we need to evaluate 10th house and connection with 6th house/2nd house/11th house. 6th house connection with 10th or 2nd clearly shows you will be succeeding in service rather than business. Strong Saturn in 6th house connection with 10th house gives stable job not business. Saturn is also considered a kaarak of job, Saturn is prime significator for service then Jupiter comes. 6th house shows serve to people and if 10th house lord in 6th house it clearly shows you will serve to people from job.

10th house in astrology, Read Here:

Business in astrology: For examine business in one`s chart (business according to kundli, business yog in kundli, business astrology by date of birth, business prediction by date of birth, business prediction astrology, business or job horoscope), you need to carefully examine of 7th house and its lord, if 7th house lord strongly placed in anywhere specially in 10th or 10th house lord strongly placed in 7th house you are well suited for business. Prime planet for business is Mercury, Venus. Venus gives management and diplomacy which is important in current days business. 7th house lord in 8th house shows bad for business.

Important house for service and job: Yes again one common house for to do specially business it is 3rd house it is 9th from 7th and known for courage because in business bravery, courage is very important without courage you cannot become successful business man. We have strong 7th house mean partnership will be fruitful and we have strong 11th and 5th house means intelligence and gains will be best but without courage we can’t not take any decision.

Check Consultation page and send mail for your Vedic Astrology Detailed Birth Chart for just 1100 INR & 50 $ for NRI.

For contact or consult me:


Bhatt Prateek 

1 comment:

  1. Sir, In sinh Lagna, lord of 6th House and 7th House Shani is in 10th house then what jatak will do business or job.
