
Sunday, August 16, 2015

Nakshatra in Astrology

Most important part of astrology which now days on edge because astrologers and experts only talking about House/Sign but this is the Nakshatra  which comes before then sign and houses.  You can imagine this importance from my below example:

Almost 99 % astrologers and peoples using Vimoshatri Mahadasha system which comes from Nakshtara because on your date of birth where is moon , accordingly your nakshtra your 1st new mahadasa decided but when we comes on prediction part we are giving more importance to Sign which is completely wrong that’s  why prediction accuracy never comes upto the mark.

This is also one of the reason seller or broker of astrology presenting you different-different form of astrology from their name, totally against the Hindu Vedic Science. I will say those peoples only seller or broker of astrology not astrologer, which presents Nadi/Kp and bla bla bla astrology and claims that Vedic astrology not given importance to Nakshatra but this is totally wrong. In ancient vedic astrology completely depend on Nakshatra but  now days 2 minute maggy type astrologer only check signs/house and gives their prediction. This practice really very wrong and harmful for astrological world.

I am thankful to Krishnamurti paddhti to spreading awareness and importance of Nakshatra between astrologers again.

27 Nakshatras:

The nakshatras are one of the oldest references we have to astrology from the Rig Veda, dating back about 5,000 years ago. The nakshatras are like the zodiacal signs but more specific.
The nakshatras are divisions of 13 degrees 20 minutes starting from zero Aries and ending at 30 degrees of Pisces, 13.20 divided into the 12 signs is 27. The nakshatras are referred to as the lunar mansions because the Moon moves approximately 13.20 per day, therefore, reside in one nakshatra per day. The personal planet in which the nakshatra resides will reveal deep information about the individual in relation to the meanings of the houses (area of life), and what houses the planet rules.

Janamanakshtra is the Nakshatra in which the Natal Moon is placed at the time of birth. Janamnakstra gives an insight to one's thinking patterns, characteristics of the person and calculating the dasha period.

Check Consultation page and send mail for your Vedic Astrology Detailed Birth Chart for just 1100 INR & 50 $ for NRI.

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Bhatt Prateek 

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