
Thursday, April 30, 2015

Jupiter Transit 2015

Jupiter is known as most benefic planet in astrology, so guru gochar (guru gochar 2015) or Jupiter transit also very important for everyone. 2014 to 2015 Jupiter was in cancer sign which was one of the best transit periods of Jupiter. Now Jupiter will move on Leo sign this transit period will start on July 14, 2015 enter Leo (Jupiter transit in Leo 2015); it will retain its position in Leo till August 11, 2016 (Jupiter transit 2015 date). Now Jupiter (Jupiter guru transit) will move in Leo sign which lord sun also Jupiter great friend so there is no problems. Only problem is in this year, marriage ceremony will not consider very good in certain months but there is no big trouble, Marriages are not advised in Transit of Leo specially during August to October (In north India this time period no marriage generally happens but on other part of India they don’t follow this period but they should avoid in this months). Leo is also a sign of fire, administration, energy, rulership, royalty belonging to the royal planet sun and hence will give a boost to the Royal people. Jupiter transit 2015 to 2016 or guru transit 2015 to 2016 (Jupiter transit 2015 vedic) for all very much beneficial for spiritual pursuits and will give very good results to the spiritually oriented people. The share market or the speculation industry will also get a great boost with stability. Lets start Jupiter transit in leo 2015 predictions

Check, How much money and good yoga in your life?

Effect of guru transition: Leo ruled by sun and representing 5th house of horoscope means gains will come through 5th house related areas. This year chances of male child, higher education, rise through intelligence will be more and the entertainment, media, arts, cinema, drama will touch new heights. So let’s start Jupiter transit 2015 to 2016 predictions or Jupiter transit effect on rashis.

Jupiter transit for Aries or Jupiter transit 2015 in Aries
Jupiter transit effects will be auspicious for you. Jupiter transit houses 5th house transit will be good time for easy gains, male child, career, gains, money, creativity, easy success. Business man will do well and can expand their business in this year. This is a favourable time for your relationships with your children. 5th house transit any planet gives direct aspect to 11th house generally consider as very good for money and desire. This period will give you opportunities and recognition in your work especially in teaching, scientist, education, sports, entertainment etc. You may expect foreign travel, religious journeys. Saturn is transiting your 8th house shows change in your job as well.

Check benefits of Retrograde Jupiter:

Jupiter transit for Taurus or Jupiter transit 2015 in Taurus
Jupiter transiting to your 4th house so enjoy family function, family peace, good home and vehicle in this year with good change in job also. You may expect promotions, employment, and career growth in this year. Property gains will come in this year. Student should do hard-work and focus in their studies. Jupiter will bless your career and bring you luck with authority figures.

Jupiter transit for Gemini or Jupiter transit 2015 in Gemini
Jupiter is transiting in your 3rd house give boost your career, even job or promotion on the cards in this year. This year Jupiter will give you power and communication to take large activity and accomplish with your confidence. This is really good time marriage and getting engaged. Social circle and monetary gains will come in end of 2015.  Power, administration, communication, Information technology, media, and writers will have a good period. This is a time of expanding your skills and interests. Saturn is moving through your 6th house there is opportunity for a new job or change. Business man will do well and can expand their business in this year.

Jupiter transit for Cancer or Jupiter transit 2015 in Cancer
Jupiter transits the 2nd house from your zodiac sign shows growth in daily routine income, asset and power/gains in work place. This year good proposal for marriage may come. You can buy property or jewellery in this year. You may receive wealth from your in-laws. Saturn transit in your 5th house also enhancing the good results. Jupiter transit 2015 cancer overall good.

Mahadasha of Jupiter mean stability and new start:

Jupiter transit for Leo or Jupiter transit 2015 in Leo
This transit will be one of the best periods for all around success; it will give life stability, career, big jump in work place, gains, marriage, male child, sudden benefits. This is a time of renewed hope, optimism and confidence. You may feel that you are ready to take on a leadership role or lead the large team. This is good year job-seeker, businessman and for students to get good grades, long journeys will be fruitful. Overall a very good year for Leo people ahead. New opportunities come your way and you may receive recognition and/or a promotion. Children may come into your life one way or another.

Jupiter transit for Virgo or Jupiter transit 2015 in Virgo
This transit is average for you; it may give you foreign travel but not much benefit there. You may inclined spirituality, yog, moksha, finding peace and do well in hospitality sector, foreign services, exports, nursing. This is good period for who are already spiritual. But this period may give over weight and health related problem. Relation and business with foreign lands may possible. Jupiter transit 2015 Virgo peoples may start new relation in foreign lands.

Jupiter transit for Libra or Jupiter transit 2015 in Libra
This is really wonderful period for those who are expecting fruit’s after karma’s. Now time came for fulfilling your desire of money, authority, property and stability in life. Jupiter transits the 11th house from your zodiac shows big success of life in this year. This is really very good time for expecting marriage and male child. All round prosperity will continue to be there for Libra. It is a great time to network and expand your social circles and community.

Read why love-relations breaks:

Jupiter transit for Scorpio or Jupiter transit 2015 in Scorpio
This is one of the best times for gaining in service, reputation, fame, wealth in life. Jupiter transits the 10th house from your zodiac shows positive gains or change in career. Government job or government will favour your action. Those who are in politics will see many gains in his profile. Jupiter transit 2015 Scorpio will get the favour of your bosses and subordinates this year. This is an excellent time for recognition or a promotion if you have been working towards advancement in your career. Property and vehicle gain will come in this year.

Sun Mahadasha mean King size life start:

Jupiter transit for Sagittarius or Jupiter transit 2015 in Sagittarius
Jupiter transits the 9th house will be blessed with good fortune and luck in the coming year, visiting holy places, getting blessings of saints, long journeys, getting royal favour will be this year. Jupiter transit 2015 Sagittarius is good time for philosophy, learning, writing, advertising and promotion. Jupiter passing through the 9th house will activate your luck and amend many of the pending tasks and projects, Your confidence and reputation will be enhanced, Long due promotions can be expected in your favour, those in higher education and research will do well, those expecting children will be blessed by Jupiter. It is a good time to start religious works.

Jupiter transit for Capricorn or Jupiter transit 2015 in Capricorn
This is bad transit for money gains and promotion and be careful with your investments, this is a time for savings, you will get interested in the occult, spiritual pursuits, yoga etc. You should need to take care for sudden health issues may upset. This in turn expands your hope and optimism as you experience a new sense of freedom and surrender. Jupiter transit 2015 Capricorn or Jupiter transit 2015 makara rasi overall average.

Jupiter transit for Aquarius or Jupiter transit 2015 in Aquarius
Jupiter transits the 7th house from your zodiac shows business, partnership, marriage for many of you, you will be having an all-round prosperity as Jupiter aspects the ascendant making you cheerful & happy, it aspects the 11th and 3rd giving good financial prosperity and benefits from friends and short travels. You will make good contacts in the coming year which will prove beneficial to you in future. Jupiter transit 2015 kumbha rasi make the most of your good time.

Jupiter transit for Pieces or Jupiter transit 2015 in Pieces
This Jupiter transit will give you growth in work place, victory on enemies, post gain, fame game will see this year. This year will give you foreign travel surely.  Your work environment will be pleasant as problems with others seem to smooth out now and there is a general flow to your schedule. Health will be a concern for many of you in the coming year. You can expect a really good time in career if you take care of your health, finances will be good and you will make good money/profits this year. Spiritual progress is on the cards in this year for Jupiter transit 2015 meena rasi.

Remedies for Jupiter transit in 2014: Jupiter in Leo is going to be placed in the 5th house of natural zodiac which is known purva-punya, so do some welfare task for your elder’s family member (specially grand pa or grand ma) or ancestors. Everyone should involve in socialism and for welfare of society and in some kind of donation. Jupiter transit 2015 astrology.

Rahu is KING-MAKER IN Kaliyug, you never read before:

If you want to know about the effects of 2015 Jupiter transit in your Natal Vedic Birth Chart with detailed analysis of horoscope then check Consultation page and send mail for your Vedic Detailed Birth Chart for just 1100 INR & 35 $ for NRI.

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