
Sunday, November 16, 2014

Guru Chandal Yoga In Astrology or Jupiter & Rahu Conjunction

Jupiter with Rahu or guru Rahu same house conjunction is known as guru chandal yoga or guru chandal dosh. The Guru (teacher) and Chandal (demon) create this Yoga (union). In very simple words I will define you Jupiter and Rahu first in single line:

  • Rahu always gives wealth, power, and ambition but never gives peace, happiness and stability in life.
  • Jupiter is totally opposite, it gives wealth, power, intelligence but with stability, peace and happiness.
Read most awaited Jupiter transit of 2015:

The conjunction will last for around one year which means that all persons born during the year will have Guru Chandala yoga. But due to cancellation of guru chandal yoga or sometimes this yoga become benefit guru chandal yoga will give good results also. I always tell to my readers “every coin has two sides”, yes I know, you know also this is style of Bhatt’s articles.
In Vedic astrology, the planet Jupiter is known as Teacher which means the guide. Jupiter is considered as a Brahmin and teacher of god. He knows the scriptures, Vedas and is considered as most benefic planet. This planet shows principled, Rules-maker, spiritualism, honesty, religious nature and makes the individual principled. Jupiter also signifies growth, knowledge, wealth, religion, higher values, great teacher, saint, intelligent minister and path maker for life.

राहु की माया, केतु का जाल
जो समझ पाया, उसका हुआ बुरा हाल

What is Rahu: Rahu is known to be shadow planet. It shows virtual or illusion, addiction (Moh-maya). It is known to be the head of a serpent. It is highly intelligent and poisonous but Greediness, rule breaking, disregards culture, disrespectful, never follows rules and regulations, but wants to implement their own rules and regulations on everyone or for society. It is the very opposite of Ketu which shows Hidden pains and sorrow, secluded, desire for moksha and spiritualism because Ketu is lower part of body without head he cannot see the world so he want to moksha and spiritualism and liberation of our soul. Rahu gives illusions of this world. It is highly materialistic and gives the desires of this world. It provides material riches to the native and creates ambition to achieve more but it does not give happiness. Rahu-Ketu does not have a nature of its own. It takes on the qualities of the planet it is with or the sign it occupies and gives the results accordingly.

Guru rahu yuti (guru rahu yuti in 1st house)depends on many condition, we cannot conclude good or bad results of benefic/malefic Jupiter in the birth chart from single point. Guru rahu together is not always inauspicious. If a Rahu Jupiter combination of a benefic Jupiter and a benefic Sun and Ketu is present in an individual’s astrological birth chart, the native may become a celebrity due to strong influence of such beneficial yoga.  Jupiter conjunction north node is strong then it produce successful and religious person if bad then cunning and immoral.

Why it can give bad results because Jupiter has immense intelligence that can use by Rahu & Rahu can dominate Jupiter in the Horoscope and uses Jupiter energy in wrong deeds.

Read jupiter mahadasha results:

Conditions: What is chandal dosha in kundli
  • Which planet more powerful Jupiter or Rahu in horoscope
  • Which planet getting aspect from friends’ planet
  • Constellation of planet favorable or bad.
  • How near both planet degrees wise
  • Which sign these planets there?
  • Any other planet has conjunction with this yoga.
  • Strength of Jupiter and Rahu in D-9 or guru chandal yoga in navamsa chart
  • Jupiter Rahu conjunction benefic or malefic
Benefic or good effects of guru chandal yoga:
  • In conjunction if Jupiter is strong then it may give name-fame with wealth.
  • It can give immense wealth and huge social status.
  • People become saint, political leader or any social leader.
  • Deterministic, scholar, scientist, religious mind.

Malefic or bad effects of guru chandal yoga:
  • Fake teacher, cunning and smuggler, earn from charitable trust.
  • Cheating, big fraud and corruption, fraud in NGO.
  • Loose character, immoral deeds if influence with Venus or Saturn
  • If this yoga bad in D-1 as well as D-9 also then it becomes one of worst yoga in the chart.
Example: Sagittarius ascendant, Jupiter and Rahu in Pisces and there is close conjunction of Venus in same house within 5 degree with Rahu. It shows Jupiter has ascendant and own house placement but still 4th house exalted Venus (Nakhstra also matters) gives power to Rahu because close conjunction with Rahu makes people scandalous (affairs, immoral deeds) and less peace in amily. Here Rahu destroys good effects of Jupiter with help of Venus and gives what he wants.

Read about most powerful Trikona houses effects in astrology:

The effects of Guru Chandal Yoga in different houses or guru rahu chandal yoga effects
Guru chandal yoga 1st House or Jupiter Rahu conjunction in 1st house: Guru chandal yoga in lagna(guru chandal yoga in 1st house) or If this Yoga is in Ascendant (Lagna) gives instability in life, sudden down fall in the life or moral character of the person will be questionable. The person will be self-centered, but wealth gains and in money matters he will be lucky. When yoga is strong, the person will have no regard for spiritual values. If Jupiter is strong and benefic, the person will be well behaved and learned.

Guru chandal yoga 2nd house or Jupiter Rahu conjunction in 2nd house: Guru chandal yoga in 2nd house and Jupiter is benefic, individual will be wealthy and will have good strong career, assets, home or if Jupiter is malefic, there is indication for, worries, mental stress, financial losses and family problems.

Guru chandal yoga 3rd House or Jupiter Rahu conjunction in 3rd house: Guru chandal yoga in 3rd house native will be very courageous, born leader and lucky. People may have brothers and take benefits from them. If Jupiter is malefic native will have loss of brother, low confidence, even the native may be notorious.

Guru chandal yoga 4th House or Jupiter Rahu conjunction in 4th house: Guru chandal yoga in 4th house shows good education and native will be sharp, intelligent, witted and government job. Person will have own house or property, if aspected by benefic planets. If Jupiter is malefic, there will be disturbances in family life and may involve in immoral deeds.

Guru chandal yoga 5th House or Jupiter Rahu conjunction in 5th house: Guru chandal yoga in 5th house, If Jupiter is malefic or afflicted, then there may be troubles in having children or troubles through children. Education also suffers and bad luck due to bad deeds of last birth. People may have self-centered nature. Jupiter is benefic, and then native will be learned, intelligent, wealthy, well-educated and lucky regarding progeny.

Guru chandal yoga 6th House or Jupiter Rahu conjunction in 6th house: Guru chandal yoga in 6th house confers native will achieve success and wealth; however, there can be issues with health. Jupiter and Rahu malefic then may have some problems with enemies and court-case. It may give disease in lower part of body, difficult to identify disease and mental problems in office.

Guru chandal yoga 7th House or Jupiter Rahu conjunction in 7th house: Guru chandal yoga in 7th  house affects marriage. Guru chandal yoga and marriage , this is not good placement for marriage, sometimes one partner cheat others, If Jupiter is afflicted by malefic planets, there will be troubles in married life. If this placement has strength then gives very good business sense and political success.

Read most mysterious house 8th house in astrology:

Guru chandal yoga 8th House or Jupiter Rahu conjunction in 8th house: Guru chandal yoga in 8th house and Jupiter is not well placed, accidents, injuries or destruction is indicated during periods of Jupiter or malefic planets. The native suffers from colic pains or he may suffer from the injuries near the naval. These injuries are likely to give lifelong scars.  If tis conjunction is benefic then gives knowledge of occult, scientist, great healer and yoga guru.

Guru chandal yoga 9th House or Jupiter Rahu conjunction in 9th house: Guru chandal yoga in 9th house bad often. 9th house one of the most strongest house, If this conjunction badly placed then gives struggle in life, punishment from government, sudden loss, unstable job, unhappiness because of partner, sudden loss of money and job. Jupiter aspect 3rd house may give problems with co-born. If well placed Jupiter is there then it can give very religious mind, peoples may face some problem in life but their positive attitude gives strength to regain again. The native will achieve success through all means. They may success in late age and faraway place from birth.

Guru chandal yoga 10th House or Jupiter Rahu conjunction in 10th house: Guru chandal yoga in 10th house gives unstable career. A person born under Guru Chandal Yoga in the tenth house will lack moral courage but there will be no obstruction in getting wealth and material prosperity. He will own many houses and commercial properties. This placement not strong then may give very unstable career, loss of wealth, bad relation with higher authority.

Guru chandal yoga 11th House or Jupiter Rahu conjunction in 11th house: Guru chandal yoga in 11th house not good. This placement may give huge amount of money but from wrong places. Sudden loss and gains of money also seen from this yoga. If this Yoga is strong and benefic in the eleventh house, there will be influx of money, though the money may come through wrong channels. The native will enjoy a luxurious life.

Guru chandal yoga 12th House or Jupiter Rahu conjunction in 12th house: Guru chandal yoga in 12th house.This yoga can delivers highly presided saints but spot in his spiritual career will be there. It shows spiritual aspirations will be wrong channels and the persons thinking will not be right or what they think is always wrong. When Jupiter is strong and occupies a benefic or favorable house (Bhava), the Yoga becomes beneficial and effects of Guru- Chandal yoga are minimized. If aspected by benefic planets, then native will be very active in religious activities.

Kidney stones become big problem, Read its reason in astrology:

Guru chandal dosh remedy or remedies for guru chandal dosha
Guru chandal dosha nivaran is important, you should just do some simple remedy.
  • Wearing Rudraksha.
  • Wearing energized Natural Yellow Sapphire Gemstone. 
  • Take care of a cow everyday
  • Always go to the temple and offer your services there
  • Eat turmeric and daan of turmeric
  • Care of your mother or mother in law.
Get your best and true consultation from your astrologer, Check below link:

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  1. Guru-chandal yoga best article on internet

  2. Prateek Bhatt best astrologer of india !!!!

  3. Best article on Jupiter rahu conjunction in ever read.

  4. Really great in-depth article on Jupiter rahu

  5. Best article by world best astrologer

  6. My guru and ketu is in cancen rasi i.e the second house of my horoscope. 20/2/91..12:53pm..kolkata...plz say what should i do!!!

  7. Don of astrology, everything which you written line by line perfect.

  8. Thanks for this article Sir

  9. Very nice information

    Please clarify about kala sarpa dosha

  10. chandal yog is not only combination with rahu and jupiter even it includes with ketu, gulik and saturn also.. please make a note of it..
    please .. elaborate in each sign and each house.

    Chandal yog in the sense it will give bad effects only.. after all to be fact end of his life then his life is going to change gradual towards positives.. But, however, he has to face so many problems with any reason's in their lifes.

  11. There are several misconceptions about Guru Chandala yoga and also regarding its actual definition. It is necessary to understand the definition of this Guru Chandal yoga:
    (1) Guru Chandal Yoga: In any horoscope when Guru (Jupiter) is in conjunction with (1) Saturn, (2) Gulika, (3) Rahu or (4) Ketu this yoga is said to present.
    (2) Nowadays the entire Vedic astrological world forgot its actual definition and only considers the conjunction of Rahu with Guru resulting in Guru Chandal yoga and it is wrong not to consider its actual definition.
    (3) If anyone studies ancient Vedic text then he will come to know that Rakshas were also said to possess supernatural powers, scientific knowledge, astrological knowledge e.g the Rakshas King Ravana was a great astrologer and he wrote Ravan Samhita a text on Astrology and another Rakshas Mya wrote Surya Siddhanta. The Rakshas were also great devotees and used to perform tapa for years to appease parmatma.
    (4) But the drawbacks of Rakshas described in ancient Vedic texts were (1) Egoistic approach, (2) Selfishness, (3) Greediness, and (4) away from Vedic values of life.
    (5) In ancient Vedic texts Rakshas, Dattyas, Chandalas, Danavas, Asuras, and Nishachras had similar characteristics.
    (6) In Vedic astrology  Gulika , Rahu & Ketu represents Rakshas or Chandala and they come under the dominance of Saturn so these planets when associated with Satvik planet Guru (Jupiter) give rise to this yoga and make a person (1) Egoists, (2) Selfish, (3) Greedy, and (4) away from Vedic values of life but this Guru Chandal yoga never stops one’s (1) spiritual progress, (2) education, (3) prosperity and (4) advancement of thinking level.

  12. so. please explain the even with Jupiter and ketu effects in each house and with each zodiac sign.

  13. if guru-rahu(both vakri) is in 4th for cancer ascendent in lagna kundli,but guru is debilitated in 4th in navamasa. what is the result - benefic or malefic?

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Any stone remedy for Guru Chandalya yog??

  17. Best article i ever read

  18. Thanks for such information

  19. I have Guru (Revathi) + Rahu (Uthrabadrapada) at Meena.... Acharyal has asked me to do service at Mutt... Hope I am able to deliver some good efforts

  20. It is a good article though a short one but knoeledgible.mathur

  21. Guru chandala joga article by prateek bhatt is best that i have ever read

  22. Eshwar be, your prediction cent percent correct. Pl publish some more topics. Where r u join in
