
Sunday, September 7, 2014

Venus in All Zodiac Sign

Venus knows for planet of love, planet of happiness. We generally think, Venus knows for only luxury but this is not only truth, when you see someone very happy in the life, they have all happiness such as huge wealth, good family, peace in family, love in family, good house, good earnings etc. This magic can possible by one planet which you are going to read. I will explain all related query Venus in signs and houses, Venus signs generation next, Venus in signs compatibility, Venus in signs chart, Venus sign compatibility chart, Venus sign compatibility calculator, Venus sign meaning, what does Venus symbolize, what does venus stand for, venus zodiac signs, horoscope venus, venus in the bedroom, venus vedic astrology, venus predictions

Check effects of Venus in all houses:

Venus in Aries Vedic astrology:  Venus in Aries in astrology shows fire in personal relationship mean you will be dynamic partner. You are religious and may have dynamic nature. Chances of love marriage and romantic relationships more than one will be there. They may have inclination towards extra marital relationships and may suffer from such activities. Chances of traveling will be more if this placement connected with 9/12th house. Venus in Aries shows impulsive, aggressive, passionate nature.

Read role of Venus in Divorce:

Venus in Taurus Vedic astrology: Venus in Taurus gives charming and attractive personality. The native will be handsome, luxurious and kind hearted. Venus in Taurus show loving, earthy, sensual, demonstrative, passionate, stubborn, and possessive nature. They show Touch and feeling towards partner they shows sensual nature. They enjoy food and a good home life. You value and attract material possessions and comfort, and may be blessed with a pleasant voice as well. Very loyal to your loved ones, you tend to have deep and long-lasting romantic relationships. He will be virtuous and may have interests in various subjects (occult, astrology).

Venus in Gemini Vedic astrology:  Venus in Gemini native has charming, youthful face with good command in communication. These peoples easily attract to others with their communication.  They will good communicator, witty and may have good command on writing and speech.  He will enjoy good social status and large group of friends. You do have strong ties with your relatives. Often on the move, you have many different friends and places to visit. They may have interest in science and technology.

Venus in Cancer Vedic astrology:   Venus in cancer shows sentimental, gentle, receptive, changeable, kind, family, parents and children. They will have wealthy and prosperous life.  Chances of drinking will be there & suffer from health issues.  He may, however, be virtuous and may have leadership qualities.
Venus in Cancer security is your most important need, whether through dependency in your personal relationships or on what you own. You enjoy dependency with partner and caring each other.

Venus in Leo Vedic astrology:  Venus in Leo shows the native fortunate in terms of leadership & administrative post. Venus in Leo indicates that although you're kindly, authorities and sometime become proudly. You're honest, frank and loyal. You love pleasure and the theater, and have a need to express yourself through the creative arts. Others enjoy your colorful personality. You enjoy children and animals, and can be generous to a fault. He may have weak physique and may experience sorrow despite being wealthy and successful.

Venus in Virgo Vedic astrology: Venus in Virgo shows great desire to serve and to take care of others, and will receive benefits through your work and through co-workers. He may get involved in vices and wicked activities because of debilitation of Venus.  He may face problems in marital stability. You possess an almost infinite ability to respond to the needs and demands of others. You tend to be too critical of your partner in your personal relationships, however, and need to develop more warmth and caring for others. You tend to be conventional, fastidious, and even puritanical in relating to others.
Venus in Libra Vedic astrology:  Venus in Libra shows luxurious life.  He will be favorite of everyone; will be fortunate, courageous and famous.  He may have strong interests in singing, poetry & music. This placement shows balance of life in family as well as in public relation. Venus in Libra to create harmony in relationships makes you an excellent matchmaker. You love to make your environment peaceful and beautiful. The ease and grace with which you relate to others mark you as the perfect. You're clear and direct when relating, and don't hold resentment unless your Venus is afflicted. This placement of Venus can give authority or government job to the native.

Venus in Scorpio Vedic astrology:  Venus in Scorpio sign shows interest in occult science & wants to do research on everything in the life. They will be argumentative in nature.  They may be extrovert, diplomatic and may be in the relationships with more than one. They may face financial problems due to females. Venus is Scorpio placement tells your love, sex, intensity, depth, and power in the relationships. Your love life and intimate relationships are often shows dynamism. Your karma in this life is tied with self-will and love.

Venus in Sagittarius Vedic astrology: Venus in Sagittarius blesses the native wealth, health & good-life. You love freedom, sports, travel, philosophy and large ideas, and at least the concept of communal living.  He will be beautiful, virtuous, famous and wealthy.  He may enjoy easy success in his professional and social matters. You will be idealistic, philosophical or religious, and has great inner strength. Venus in Sagittarius shows you're an artist of life, and cultivate and enjoy the pleasures of life.

Venus in Capricorn Vedic astrology:  Venus in Capricorn in earth sign of Saturn shows you will get all luxury in the life but after hard-work. This placement shows sign of ambition, responsibility, hard work, success, tradition, persistence and old age. The native may suffer from tensions and worries because of their expenses. He will be strongly interested towards acquiring land, wealth and property. In your personal relationships and artistic expression you are serious, practical, ambitious and reserved. There may be healthy relationship with partner but some differences always will be there.

Venus in Aquarius Vedic astrology:  Venus in Aquarius is one of the good placements. This placement gives luxury and peaceful life but slowly. In the age of 50 you will feel yes, I achieved everything or luxury in the life with stability. This placement gives peaceful and pleasure travel in foreign lands as well. Venus in Aquarius people impress to others with their open-minded. This placement shows unique, rebellious. In career, an excellent position for economic negotiator, goal-setter or in judiciary.

Venus in Pisces Vedic astrology:  Venus is best placed (exalted) in the sign Pisces. Venus in Pisces placement blesses the native with good inheritance and wealth. Wealth, I will say it is mainly inherited wealth from the ancestors.  He will be well educated, clever, virtuous and famous.  He may also be intelligent and trust worthy in his relationships. You're sensitive to all forms of art, especially dance, music and poetry, and indulge in many different kinds of sensual self-expression. You can become good writer as well if some other combination also favorable in the chart.

Love marriage is there in your chart, check below link:

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