
Sunday, September 15, 2013

Karkatwa in astrology


One of the most important points during prediction, after describing all planets results; I think I need to tell you karakatwa because without karakatwa prediction goes wrong.

Karakatwa of planets is an important chapter in astrology. General mistake by Astrologer I have seen ignores karaka placement or karkatwa in the chart and then prediction goes wrong. Actually, karkatwa plays an important role to the chart analysis. Karkatwa mean here is every planet have relation with particular house as well as have some unique quality like Venus is a prime karaka of marriage for men.

Example: Venus is karaka for marriage in men chart, and Jupiter is karaka of marriage in women charts. Sometimes astrologer analyzed chart on behalf of only 7th house, 2nd house some are more intelligent so check's D-9 and 11th house also and its lord placements and forget the analysis's karaka of marriage. In many chart, I have seen 7th house is damage but Venus is well placed on the chart with some other benefic aspects, They are enjoying their marriage with full of pleasure. The position of Venus, the strength of Venus, and influence of other planets on Venus are to be taken into consideration. So conclusion is always 1st point need to check karaka then other conditions. I will give brief details about this topic.

Sun   –         Atma (Soul), Father, Kingdom, Politics, Power, Gold, Horse, Fire, Valour, Courage, Wisdom.

Moon –        Mind, Mother, Clothes, Water, Comforts, Beauty, Milk  ,Destiny.
Mars –         Brothers / Sisters, Strength, Adventure, War, Lands, Agriculture.
Mercury –    Intellect, Business, Script, Mathematics, Poetry, Astrology, Education, Writer, Spokesperson.
 Jupiter –     Husband, Children, Mantra, Vedas, Devotion, temples ,Religion, Fame, Respect, Scholar, Finance, (nowadays, Banking and other related sectors also), Judiciary.
Venus –       Marriage, Spouse, Vehicles, Family, Pleasures, Music and other related fields, Enjoyment, Entertainment, Luxury.
Saturn –      Karma , Longevity , Servants, Bondage, Addictions, Theft, Sorrows, Justice .
Rahu –        Wisdom, Distant places, Detachment, Troubles, Languages .
Ketu –         Moksha, Miserliness, Disputes, Begging, Tantra-Mantra 

"Karakatwa of the House/bhava in order are:

o SUN                                              - 1st House or Ascendant  

o JUPITER                                     -  2nd  House
o MARS                                          -  3rd house 
o MOON/VENUS                          -  4th House
o JUPITER                                     -  5th House
o MARS                                          -  6th House
o VENUS                                        -  7th House
o SATURN                                     -  8th House
o JUPITER/SUN                           -  9th House
o MERCURY/SUN/SATURN      - 10th House 
o JUPITER/SATURN                   - 11th House
o SATURN/KETU                         - 12th House

Thanks & Regards,
Prateek Bhatt


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