
Monday, November 19, 2012


                               AUTISM IN  ASTROLOGY 

From long time, I am trying to connect these type's of diseases and researching on solid root causes of this,Till now doctors are also researching on this mainly American are doing well in this fields.

Autism is called a spectrum disorder, and also called a brain disorder where the victim displays very restricted and repetitive behaviour. Main problem in this their mind is not able to give a response immediately.

As per my research, I found some planetary combination:

Moon/mercury is mainly responsible for this, if rahu/shani is badly impacting these planets, in particular, house with certain conditions.

* if this moon/mercury in afflicted in 6 houses, then chances of this permanent disease more.

Why moon/mercury responsible for this: 

Reason is very simple,

Moon is mind and Mercury is speech mean what command we are getting from mind we are reacting.

2nd house is house of social contact and speech (Vani and vani dosh also seen from this house) If 2nd house and Karaka Mercury for Vani are afflicted, one suffers from defect in social behavior and speech.

5th house is Intelligence/intellect, and mind.It is also responsible with certain planets.

Moon is karaka for childhood and has huge impact on human body system. We knows various things that can be examined from Moon, Mental ability,mental piece & firmness or wavering of mind, impatience, stamina of the individual. It gives mental quietness or restlessness.

In classical one sloka is there:
Vak Sthanesh Gururva, Vyaya, Ripu, Vilaya Sthanago, VAGVIHINA.

Meaning, If 2nd house lord or Guru is in 6th, 8th or 12th house, the person is without speech. This is because, Guru is also 2nd house Karaka. 2nd house represents speech. We have to interpret Vagvihina in modern context. Vagvihin does not means only with out speech but also it means that the native does not like to mix up and gossip.

The 8th house(Functioning of 8 houses, I already explained in deep sometime back) is 7th from 2nd house and planet in 8th has the full aspect on 2nd. The 8th house is a house of Mysteries, Hidden things, research meaning hard and continuous work. 8th house is 4th from 5th, indicating purva punya of education. If there is an aspect of strong benefic on 8th house, it makes the native very genius in research matter. If 8th house is strong and its lord is a well placed, then person will intelligent/genius like Newton and Einstein. If 8th house is afflicted and badly placed lord is weak and ill placed. It can also give autism because mysterious disease.

I found some lines in one source, which also giving strong proof of this disease scientifically.The first real “boom” of autism happened in the early 1990s where Uranus formed a conjunction to Neptune (from 1990 to 1994) in Capricorn (a sign ruled by Saturn). Neptune removed the boundaries of old ways of thinking and autism at that time was brought into a new light. Children born during this time carry that characteristic (smashing old beliefs and ways of thinking) with them as well, and this is when the explosion of “star children” occurred. I believe that many children that have a similar, yet a different energetic quality was around since the 1940's (when Neptune began to sextile to Pluto). These particular individuals are called Indigos. However, children born in the early 90s do happen to carry an even stronger, yet entirely different characteristic because of being born during the conjunction. Many of them are considered to have autism. However, Uranus and Saturn’s cycle has more of bearing on autism.I will continue to add in this.

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  1. gd article........

  2. Sir,
    But it is more prevalent today and more cases are happening every year. How do we attribute this.

  3. Very interesting ! I am a behaviour analyst , and i work with children with ADD, ASD, ADHD and Aspergers syndrome . It's amazing to look at this through astrological persepective.

  4. My son has combust mercury and combust Saturn in 8 house virgo. Is my child autistic? He is two years now and having speech delay...only say a few incomplete words
