Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Retrograde Mars in Astrology

Whenever you see retrograde mars in your horoscope don’t jump on conclusion as you heard before, mars will harm you because it is angry planet. No calm down ….. Read this article carefully.

Mars is universe energy, mars also shows human energy. If this is in retro mode then it will show unbalance energy, people will use their energy in one particular task which may be least priority, on same time more priority task they will ignore or in other words individual has misused the Mars energy present in his Birth chart. You should remember my article what is retrograde planet in astrology, I clearly mentioned retro planet loses their karakatwa, mars in retrograde (If favorable) will release his anger and try to evaluate situation first then react instead of immediate reaction which is mars general tendency.
Retrograde Mars or vakri mars gives its results in a very much similar way as a forward moving Mars. Malefic and negative retrograde Mars in their horoscope must be careful as it can cause much more damage than a forward moving Mars. Mars retrograde holds one's anger inside but they can see the boil water inside, but usually they will not openly express it. Retro mars peoples less competitive than usual, Mars energy as you know mars is real fighter but retro mars lose this tendency.

Read Mystery of retrograde planet:

Those who are in a close relationship with Mars retrograde people often have struggle to understand their partner because the Mars retrograde person hides his/her anger even they hides sometime their sex desire as well. Mars rules the sex drive, in some cases, people who have Mars retrograde can suffer from sexual impotence or not much interested in that.

Retrograde mars in Vedic astrology is the natural ruler of the 1st house because it naturally rules Aries, In kalpurush chart 1st house ruler is Mars. Mars affects your appearance and personality because it is the natural ruler of the 1st house. Mars in retrograde motion is not only action-oriented and forward moving but it is resistant as well. This is exactly why most people with bad Mars influence move forward quickly. This is why those with a bad Mars influence or those naturally ruled by Mars (Aries is naturally ruled by Mars) have a reputation as being a good starter but not necessarily a good finisher if mars retrograde in the horoscope.

How do Mars retrograde affect us?
  • Our energy level will not be as expected.
  • Bone, blood related problem may come.
  • Less confidence and more stress with fear.
  • Things don’t go as fast as we want them to during Mars retrograde.
  • Transit of retro mars postponed work, during Mars retrograde is probably for the better. In this time less energy and delay in work seen.
  • Less competitive than usual.
  • Peoples who have Mars retrograde can suffer from sexual energy as expected.
  • Retro mars give the tendency “good starter but not necessarily a good finisher”.
  • New projects, ideas and plans initiated but not develop as expected.

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For Example: 7th house retro mars (well-placed mars in sign,degree,naktara) gives delays and obstruction in marriage.

Retrograde mars in house and other articles, I will explorer in my next article series, I know you want to more and more from me but I already covered most of the point such as why does mars have a retrograde motion, retrograde movement of mars, mars retrograde orbit, mars goes direct, mars in retrograde meaning, what produces the retrograde motion of mars, mars retrograde in birth chart, mars retrograde transits, what does mars in retrograde mean, what happens when mars is in retrograde, mars retrograde benefits, mars retrograde effects, mars retrograde horoscope, mars retrograde love, mars retrograde natal chart, mars retrograde past life, mars retrograde remedies, mars retrograde relationships, mars retrograde woman, mars retrograde wedding, mars retrograde explanation, remedies for vakri mars, mars retrograde in chart, effects of retrograde mars, what is mars retrograde good for, mars retrograde star.

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Sunday, December 28, 2014

Retrograde Planet In Astrology

Retrograde planet:
Retrograde is one of most important terminology in astrology or Vedic astrology. Retrograde planet is important for calculation of any prediction, they alter results according to their conditions, and it may positive or negative. Remember “retrograde planet” loses their karakatwa or significance, it is not always bad, and it depends on placement and other conditions.

For example Jupiter is retrograde then it means its karakatwa is depth knowledge or learning or gain knowledge in deep, here it will lack. People try to learn many things but not in deep, I taken simple one point (example) it’s not mean you can conclude Jupiter on behalf of this point only.
Saturn retrograde person, there was a lack of discipline or structure, or possibly suffered childhood if Saturn really bad.

Retrograde planets Vedic astrology: The best way to handle this retrograde planet is to go within you and seek self-improvement in those areas which retro plant refers. Retrograde gives opportunities to make correction of past wrong decision or deeds. Retrograde planet shows something in past you did not able to fulfill and this time you will put your energy on those areas. (Ex: If you have retro Jupiter in 4th house it means you will more causes about your mother, attachment with mother also more, attachment from mother land, you want your Home, vehicle in early age, and overall you want to fulfill that area which you did not do in last birth). 
With retrograde planets you have a great opportunity to gain a better understanding of the areas signified by the retrograde planets. Whenever retrograde planet is angular/trine, it become more powerful mainly depends on some condition for calculating benefic or malefic power.

When the planet changes direction by going retrograde, the person that is signified by the re-retrograde planet, re-considers, re-thinks, re-reconciles, re-peats, re-builds, re-coups, re-adjusts, re-collects, re-pulses, re-fuses, re-sists, re-paints, re-decorates, re-adjusts.

Planet whenever appears to be in retrograde motion its influence does not change, but your individual response to grasping the power of that will change. You must be remembering that, this is merely an illusion. It`s not REAL.
As per my opinion and experience retrograde planets gives more strength and their influence in chart also strong. Whenever in your ascendant planet has retrograde motion its influence more as compare to other planet.

Note that the Sun and Moon are never retrograde.

What is retrograde motion of planet?
Logically speaking, no planet actually moves backwards in their orbits around the Sun. The retrograde motion is the apparent backward motion of a planet caused by its being lapped by another planet, or vice-versa. Both planets move in a direct motion around the Sun, but the planet with the inside (smaller) orbit moves faster than the planet on the outside (larger) orbit, and when it passes the slower-moving planet, we feels that other planet as apparently moving backwards relative to its normal motion around the sky. In this "retrograde" motion, neither planet is actually moving backwards; it only appears that way, during the time that one laps the other. I feel retrograde planet gives strong impact on the chart.

For example: If you are traveling in a train and there is another train moving next to yours in the same direction. If that another train is slower than yours, it will seem to you that it goes backwards, in fact it goes forward. The concept of retrograde motion works in a same way. It depends on the relation between the speed of the Earth in the Space and the speed of another planet; it may seem that that planet goes backwards.

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This is also myth which you heard before exalted retrograde planet behaves like debilitated planet and debilitated retrograde planet becomes exalted in the results.

Retrograde Planet Effects:
Retrograde Mars in Astrology

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