Friday, December 11, 2020

2021 Astrology Predictions

Overall 2021 prediction:

2021 will be one of the good years if you will compare from 2020 and reason is simple 2020 was year of Rahu mean uncertainty and instability. 2021 will be year of Mercury which cannot be in bad mood for longer time. Mercury will give money, wealth, and harmony. Mercury will support who all are in Media, Mass communication, Clerk jobs, accountancy, astrology, share market, Brokerage, Banking, finance, import-export or any type of communication industry.

Transit of Main Planet during 2021

Saturn in 2021: Saturn will be in Capricorn only which is strong sign for Saturn. Saturn will give worldly pleasure and luxury with stable career. People who have strong Saturn in Kundali will enjoy life. If Saturn is bad, then you may face few challenges.

Jupiter in 2021: Jupiter will be almost full year in Capricorn and From April to June will be in Aquarius which is good indication. Jupiter will overall average in this year but from April to July will be favorable and increase money and economy.

Rahu Ketu in 2021: Rahu will remain in Taurus and Ketu will be in Scorpio both will be very strong throughout year. Specially Rahu will again support, share market, Media mass communication, fashion, and film industry. Ketu will more power and fame to those who all are involve in Spirituality.


ARIES sign prediction for 2021

Career wise 2021 astrology predictions for aries is one of the golden year for you, you will see lot growth and strong throughout year. That is why since January you must be very prepared for any inconvenience because the first term will be very busy.

Wealth wise Aries Horoscope for 2021 reveals that this year will be a promising year for the Aries Natives. There will be new property and good gains in the life. They will be able to get closer to their goals and aspirations. Through hard work and determination, you will be able to make your dreams come true in one way or the other.

Love Life and Marital life: Love life will be good your relationship may convert in marriage but for married people little challenges will be there and there is lot of chance fight between couples.

Remedies: One is advised to regularly offer Prasad and perform puja rituals at Hanuman temple every Saturday. You can also perform charity for 7 consecutive Saturdays. Donning a horseshoe ring in the middle finger will work equally well.

TAURUS sign prediction for 2021

Career: 2021 astrology predictions for Taurus, You will do very good in business and job, but you can also run into not very well-intentioned people who want to drag you into that world. You will be very well sponsored, with a very clear and awake mind.

Wealth wise, Taurus natives this year will have to set their priorities right in life. They should be able to make decisions and choices that will better their lives. Lot of wealth and investment is waiting for you in this year.

Love Life and Marital life: Love life will be good and you may find good stable partner. There is strong chances of marriage also in this year. Married people will enjoy life together and will go abroad for vacation.

Remedies: Never wear unwashed clothes. Keep a piece of silver in your wallet.

GEMINI sign prediction for 2021

Career wise, this year will be challenging year and there will be few ups and down. You need to take extra precaution in dealings in business as well. During communication you need to more cautious. Career wise don’t take any risk and try to avoid any fight with your colleagues.

Wealth wise 2021 astrology predictions for gemini should wait and watch mode. Don’t invest your savings anywhere in this year. Returns will not be good and try to avoid speculation, share market as well. Your communication and everything that has to do with travel, document signatures and everything you left in 2020 to start this 2021.

Love Life and Marital life: Love life will be messy and there will be constant fight between partners. There is strong hances of also in this year. Married people will face few troubles, chances of separation also indicating. Try to avoid any outside interference and in-laws intervention.

Remedies: Make a Swastika or other auspicious signs at the main entrance of the house would bring you the blessings of Hanuman. Also, try to feed a black dog every Saturday.

CANCER sign prediction for 2021

Career wise, your past troubles will vanish in front of your eyes, and you will have the chance to develop and become a better person with great insight. Job wise there will be few hinderance, but business growth will be there from Feb to end of year.

Wealth wise average year, not big gains, and no big loss. Just take advice from someone who is like your guide/Guru. Investment in business is good but in luxury should be avoided.

Love Life and Marital life: 2021 astrology predictions for cancer is Problematic year for Love life and marital life. There will be lot of gaps between couples. Chances of separation for shorter period also there. Married people will face troubles in day to day life.

Remedies: For 7 consecutive Saturdays, donate the 7 items associated with Lord Shani to improve the malefic effect. Chanting the Shani Strotam everyday, would prove highly beneficial. Donning a ring made out of horseshoe on a Saturday would strengthen your weak planets. If possible, try fasting on Saturdays.

LEO sign prediction for 2021

Career wise, You will be able to get things done with great wit and charm, plus commitment and determination. Overall strong career indicating this year where you will destroy your enemies and higher mgmt. will listen your ideas.

Wealth wise very strong year. Things pending from long time will fulfill this year. Chances of getting paternal properties as well. There will be good invest in this year basically in land and properties.

Love Life and Marital life: 2021 astrology predictions for leo shows Not good year in personal front. You will face lot of challenges to maintain harmony and peace at home. There will be frequent fight between family members. Do yoga and meditation for avoiding such situation.

Remedies: Before leaving home for work, drink a glass of sugar water. Feed monkeys and black cow frequently. Never accept free gifts from anyone except parents. Donate dark or ruby color clothes.

VIRGO sign prediction for 2021

2021 astrology predictions for virgo Career wise, Positive changes will come your way, and you will be able to expand your horizons. This year will be benefic year for you which will give lot career growth and career related travel as well.

Wealth wise sudden growth and money will come. Money wise this is one of the very strong year where you will get lot of luxurious items in home. Share market also shows promising returns in this year for you.

Love Life and Marital life: This year you will avoid difficulties, adapting to the circumstances that are presented to you. Chances of conceive  and blessed with child is there.

Remedies: Bring home Shani Yantra and religiously worship it with Shani Strotam. Feed cows before you eat.5. Drink water in silver glass.

LIBRA sign prediction for 2021

Career 2021 astrology predictions for libra shows strong year and growth. You are starting the year on a very positive note, evaluating what has happened to you lately. For the Libra natives, this will be a year of hope and positivity. It is upon you to build a great future for yourself this year.

Wealth wise this year will be one of the good year. You will see lot of name fame and wealth is coming this year. Chances of buying property is also present in chart. Luxury will increase in this year.

Love Life and Marital life: There will be small fights between couples. There is strong chances find partner for yourself in this year. Try to avoid small arguments in this year.

Remedies: For Librans, it is advised to give away Sabut Urad dal to a beggar every Saturday. If possible, feed at least two black dogs (do not bring them home, feed them outside.) Religiously worship Shivlinga.

SCORPION sign prediction for 2021

Career wise, good year where you will showcase your ability and talent to world. You will get good name and fame in this year. Chances of changing job or promotion also there.

Wealth wise, Financial inflow will be great for the better part of the year. 2021 astrology predictions for scorpion is overall good.

Love Life and Marital life: This year may create some confusion in your life, especially around August. They are months of family joy and good news by end of year. Your relationship with partner will be average.

Remedies: Feed black sesame seeds to insects and immerse a piece of copper in the flowing water for 5 consecutive Saturdays. Duly worship Lord Hanuman, on every Saturday.

SAGITTARIUS sign prediction for 2021

Career wise, good year. 2021 astrology predictions for Sagittarius. Take advantage of all the good things that are presented since the new year, because you are a very positive person. Saturn sadde sati will reduce in this year and you will be better place from last year in career or business. Sagittarius natives have some of the best opportunities in store for them this year. Let no opportunity to pass you by. Grasp all of them and make good use of them.

Wealth wise, Financial inflow will be great for the better part of the year. With Jupiter expanding in Aquarius, your mind will be very clear in investment and expenditure.

Love Life and Marital life: Better year, you will start getting support from your partner. Husband wife will enjoy life together and their bonding will be in good shape. Love birds also enjoy togetherness and there is strong chances of marriage in this year.

Wear yellow cap or turban. Apply sandalwood paste (yellow color mark) on forehead. Give bananas or sweets in charity to old people and orphans. Make it a habit to help your siblings. Wear gold jewelry. Use your father’s item like vehicle or pen.

CAPRICORN sign prediction for 2021

Career wise, 2021 astrology predictions for capricorn Jupiter and Saturn both in your 1st house will give lot of learnings in this year. If you will do hard work then 2nd half will be good otherwise you will see lot of struggle in this year. Career wise stable strong growth in chart after lot hard work.

Wealth wise, average year. You need to save money for future and think before spending. Chances of Property and vehicle there between April to June this year.

Love Life and Marital life: There will rock and roll situation tis year. Sometimes you will feel all things good but another thigs day will change. You need thing before entering in new relationship.

Worshipping Lord Hanuman on a Saturday, would sooth down the malefic effect of Shani’s Sade Sati. Strictly avoid consuming liquor and meat produce on Saturdays and Tuesdays. Bring home Shani Yantra and lit a ghee earthen lamp in front of it, every day.

AQUARIUS sign prediction for 2021

Career: 2021 astrology predictions for aquarious will be year of learnings and challenging. You need to more focus on your work for small success. Need to carefully understand all aspect in day to day work. Try to avoid any misunderstanding between your and your manager or higher mgmt. that may trouble you. In your hands is how to take it and how to react to what happens to you this time. Saturn is your choice.

Wealth wise, average year. You will have lot unnecessary expenditure which you need to avoid. Don’t invest in share market and in speculation. Don’t invest in luxury as well. Try to avoid big property or luxury vehicle in this year.

Love Life and Marital life: There will be few challenges in love life. There will chances of extra marital affairs in tis as well. Try to avoid women and wine.

It is advised for you to wear mostly blue colored clothes to tone down Sade Sati’s impact. Donate or give away in charity, the 7 items associated with Shani puja, every Saturday.

PISCES sign prediction for 2021

Career: 2021 astrology predictions for Pisces shows strong blessings. You start it very well, quite happy, and festive and with self-confidence. You will see good growth and recognition in this year and higher mgmt. will praise you. Use your gifts and talents creatively to make the best out of everything that you do.

Wealth: You will see good positive growth in this year. There will be strong changes to get good wealth from your past investment. Property wise this is one of the good year to buy. Try to do regular investment which will give gains in near future.

Love Life and Marital life: There will be strong chances of affair and mingle for long time. You will get lot of good support of opposite sex and will enjoy his/her company.

Avoiding meat and alcohol also helps lessen the harmful effects of weak Jupiter in horoscope. Before you embark upon a new project or work, make sure to take your parents’ blessings. Donating turmeric to a religious place for eight days continuously also helps in this regard. You should also recite vishnu sahasranama stotram.

For contact or consult us:

Bhatt Prateek (Consultant Astrologer at AAJTAK)

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Jupiter Transit in Sagittarius 2019

Jupiter transit 2019 dates – 5 November 2019. Time of Transit –2:32 AM.
Jupiter will transit to Capricorn (Makar) from Sagittarius (Dhanu) on 30th March 2020 at 00:13 A.M.
Again, back to Sagittarius (Dhanu) from Capricorn (Makar) on 30 June 2020 at 08:00 A.M.
Finally, this Jupiter transit 2019 will end to Capricorn on 20th November 2020 at 10:30 A.M. (Jupiter transit 2019 gochar)

Jupiter Transit 2019 Nakshatra effects: This Jupiter will transit 3 good Star where Jupiter will flourish and give big gains.
  • Mula Star of Ketu
  • Purva Sadha Star of Venus
  • Uttar Sadha star of Sun itself.

From Jyestha to Moola – 5th November 2019 at 02:32 A.M.
Moola to Purva Asadh – 4th January 2020 at 1:50 P.M
Purva Asadh to Uttara Asadh – 8th March 2020 at 03:12 A.M.
Uttara Asadh to Purva Asadh ( Retrograde/Vakri) – 26 July 2010 at 5:47 P.M.
Purva Asadh to Uttara Asadh (Direct / Margi) – 30 October 2020 at 09:35 A.M.
Jupiter transit through nakshatras 2019

Jupiter transit 2019 astrology in Ketu Nakshatra will give good gains in Spirituality, land property and confidence will boost (Jupiter transit in Sagittarius)

- Jupiter transit 2019 effects on moon signs in Venus Nakshatra will bring business opportunities to improve career and gains from foreign lands. People will enjoy luxury and fortune and travel will be there.

- Jupiter transit 2019 Indian astrology in Sun Nakshatra will bring huge wealth, big gains, abundance and stability in life if Sun in Kendra in Chart. 
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Favorable Sign for Jupiter transit 2018:  Aries, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Aquarius and Pisces. (Jupiter transit in Sagittarius 2019 Vedic)

Average Sign for Jupiter transit 2018: Taurus, Cancer and Capricorn.

Jupiter transit 2019-20 for Wealth: This is a very good transit for wealth from inheritance and religious deeds. Jupiter also knows for slow results, but this Jupiter will give very fast results in early transit. People involved with religious activity will be benefitted from this transit. (Jupiter transit 2019 November)

Jupiter transit 2019-20 for Service/Business/Career: This is a good transit for the serviceman. Jupiter in own sign will give favor from the government. Jupiter will give good career growths who are finding opportunity in Spiritual fields or education field. (Jupiter transit 2019 results)

Jupiter transit 2019-20 for Relationships/Love: This is wonderful time for love and marriage. People who are finding true love and relationship will move towards a stable relationship. (Jupiter transit 2019 in Hindi)

Jupiter Retrograde | Guru Vakri 2020 – 14th May 2020 at 08:01 A.M.
Jupiter becomes Direct | Guru Margi 2020 – 13th September 2020 at 06:11 A.M.

Jupiter transit 2019 to 2020 predictions

Jupiter Transit effect for Aries:
Jupiter transit 2019 for aries in your 9th house is one of the best time in past recent years. This time you will grow, and your destiny will give you all-around success in life. Jupiter transit 2019 for Aries ascendant relationship with FATHER/Guru/ Boss will be in the best position. You will travel to many countries in this time period and get good exposure and wealth from foreign lands. A rise in income is on the cards. Aries, you may plan a religious trip this year. Jupiter transit 2019 effects show you will meet with your guru in this year. There will be an auspicious ceremony at the home. You will bless from a male child in this year. There will various happy moments in this year which will give reason to delight you in life. With Jupiter’s grace, your family life will be good and also your health will remain good.

Jupiter Transit effect for Taurus:
Jupiter Transit in your 8th house will sudden wealth and enlighten. 8th house is the house of sudden gains, inherited wealth and its aspect on 4th house will give benefits of the home, vehicle. Jupiter transit 2019 for Taurus will give gain in occults science. Investments are not favored in shares or stock market and a loss is possible. You need to be more spiritual in this time period otherwise time may hurt you as well. 8th house Jupiter(Jupiter transit 2019 for Taurus ascendant) will give differences with father. 8th house sometimes gives gains from share market. Your health may decline this year. Jupiter transit in Sagittarius 2019 Vedic may give disappointments related to health matters.

Jupiter Transit effect for Gemini:
Jupiter will transit your 7th house which shows very good gains from business. If you want to marry or seeking a partner, then this year you will be married. For business growth and expansion, you will be lucky, and things will change in your favor. Jupiter transit 2019 for Gemini ascendant shows your economic conditions will improve, and the family environment will be good. 7th house Jupiter transit 2019 for Gemini will positive attitude and good time with your partner. You will get good support from the opposite sex and there will chance of buying new property and vehicle. ( Jupiter transit 2019 to 2020 predictions vedic)

Jupiter Transit effect for Cancer:
Jupiter will transit in your 6th house which will help you to get rid of the loan. This is the time when you need to focus on your job front and finish your loan. This is the time when sometimes people will hurt your emotions, so you need to be more causes. Problems related to the stomach may arise, hence take care of your eating habits. Jupiter transit 2019 for cancer ascendant shows you will get a good job offer and get promotion also. 6th house Jupiter transit 2019 for Cancer shows great accomplishment during 1st half of transit in career. 

Jupiter Transit effect for Leo:
Jupiter transit in your 5th house shows you will bless with huge wealth in this year. There will new opportunities for wealth. You will get good support from your lover and lover relationship may turn into a marriage. People born under this sign may go abroad for study purposes. Jupiter transit 2019 for Leo ascendant shows the best time for any kind of investment. You will get benefit from the share market as well. Jupiter transit 2019 for Leo will bring wealth gains and there may chances of male childbirth in this year. You will get gains in paternal property in this year.

Jupiter Transit effect for Virgo:
Jupiter transit in your 4th house shows you will buy a new home or property in this year. There will be great chances to get gains from home and vehicle. You will enjoy this time with your family members. Jupiter transit 2019 for Virgo ascendant will give good health to your mother. This is a good time for the student. People will enjoy home, luxury, wealth in this year. Jupiter transit 2019 for Virgo is one of the best periods from the past recent years. You will get all-around success and career will be on the peak. Unemployed people will get good results this year due to transit of Jupiter.

Jupiter Transit effect for Libra:
Jupiter transit in your 3rd house will give confidence and good communication skills. This is the time when you need to focus on your career because there will be an onsite opportunity in career, and you can go foreign lands for a long time. Business or employed people may face challenges or obstacles in their path. Jupiter transit 2019 for Libra is the time when your relationship with your siblings will improve. Jupiter transit 2019 for Libra ascendant shows multiple travel and chances for travel. This is the time when destiny will support you a lot and you will feel calm and compose.

Jupiter Transit effect for Scorpio:
Jupiter transit in your 2nd house will give many options to earn wealth. There will more than one source of income this year. This time period, you will bless with good intelligence which you will use in your dealing in career. There will be a big promotion or job change which will give you great wealth and position in career. There are chances to buy property or asset in this year for Jupiter transit 2019 for Scorpio ascendant. This year your relationship with your partner will improve and there will be good chances for whom who want to marry. Jupiter transit 2019 for Scorpio will give quality time with your partner.

Jupiter Transit effect for Sagittarius:
Jupiter in your 1st house shows great life and many gains in life. Jupiter will give great communication skills and confidence in life. You will incline to religious activity this year which is good for you. This time you need to focus on your career because career will be on peak and destiny will support your full year. Jupiter transit 2019 for Sagittarius good for your health, you will be healthy and wealthy in this year. Unmarried people may get married this year. Jupiter transit 2019 for dhanu rashi is a great possibility for them to find their love partner. (Jupiter transit 2019 for dhanu lagna, Jupiter transit 2019 for Sagittarius ascendant)

Jupiter Transit effect for Capricorn:
Jupiter transit in your 12th house shows a lot of expenditure and sometimes wrong investment, so you need to focus on your expenses otherwise there may more loan or credit card bills this year. You should be spiritual in this year which will help in this year. Your inclination towards opposite sex will be more this year, so you should stay away from women and wine. 12th house is foreign a residence so you will easily get settled in foreign lands or there will be many foreign visits this year. Jupiter transit 2019 for Capricorn will be active when it comes to learning new subjects or feel interesting in exploring new academic areas. (Jupiter transit 2019 for Capricorn ascendant)

Jupiter Transit effect for Aquarius:
Jupiter transit in your 11th house is one of the best times for wealth. Jupiter will give many influencing connection and gains from friends. This is the time when money will come to you easily. There will be many gains and benefits from career. Investments in land and share market will be beneficial for you. This time period for small travel will be there. There will good chances to get money from than one resource. Jupiter transit 2019 for Aquarius will give chance of all-around success in career and wealth. (Jupiter transit 2019 for Aquarious ascendant)

Jupiter Transit effect for Pisces:
Jupiter in your 10th house will great benefits and accomplishments in your career. Jupiter will give easy gain and success in your career. There will be great to go to foreign lands this year. there will be chances to invest in a home, the vehicle in this year. Jupiter will give a great relationship with your boss and you will shine full year. Jupiter in your 10th house gains from father or paternal property. Jupiter transit 2019 for Pisces will give the chance to get a higher post in career. The family atmosphere looks cordial and peaceful. On the work front, your subordinates will be more cooperative during Jupiter transit 2019 for Piseces ascendant. (jupiter transit 2019 predictions in kannada)

Read this jupiter transit 2019 moon sign predictions as well for Ascendant.

Check Consultation page and book your Detailed Birth Chart for just 2100 INR & 50 $ for NRI.

For contact or consult us:

Bhatt Prateek (Consultant Astrologer at AAJTAK)