Sunday, August 2, 2015

Shravan Mass and Shiva Pooja

Shravan month is important for Shiv Pooja. This is holiest month in Hindu`s calendar. In this full shravan month worship of lord shiva and ceremony should perform in shiv temple.
This month known for religious celebrations which are Naga-Panchami, Putradai ekadashi, Shravani Purnima,raksha Bandhan Vara Lakshmi Vrata, Rishi Panchami, Govatsa.

This is the fact, All world energy reside in Shivling, that's reason this is one of the most important month. Shiva worship good for all 9 planets, all planet have direct or indirect connection with Shiva. शिव पूजा सर्वोच्च पूजा !!!!!

All type problems, worries get rectify by lord Shiva.

How to perform Shiva Puja:

The main Shravan Puja is the worship of Shivling with Gangajal and Worship material also includes:- water, milk, curd, sugar, ghee, honey, clothes, Janeu, Roli, rice, flowers, Bel leaves, Bhang, Dhatura, lotus, Prasaad etc.
In this month, lord Shiva fulfils the wishes of his devotees worshipped with Bel leaves very auspicious. Bel leaves very auspicious for Shiv Pooja. It is believed, that Lord Shiva resides in the roots of Bel Patra tree. You can give water to bel tree in this month this is also considered very well for Shiva blessings.
Shravan Month is extremely dear to Lord Shiva. Monday Shravan fast has much importance in Hindu religion; some women follows 16 Monday's (16 Somwar) fast, for the life span of their marriage life and happiness in the family. Unmarried young women observe this fast to get their decision of spouse.

Benefits of Shravan Monday Shiva Puja
  • It gives mental peace and stability in life.
  • It gives good marital life and wealth, health, Son.
  • It minimizes the malefic effect of the moon in the horoscope chart of the person
  • It gives pure heart and purity in mind.
  • It minimizes Rahu-Ketu bad effects.
  • It removes fear and sorrow.

Mantra for Shiva worship:
  • Rudrashtak Strotram is very auspicious in this month.
  • Chant Shiva Mantra
  • Chant “Om Namah Shivaya”.
  • Chant one mala of Mahamrityunjaya Mantra everyday to keep away the troubles.
  • Listen or recite Shiva Stotras. Immerse yourself in Lord Shiva’s bhajan and feel peace.
  • Read Shiv Amogh Kavach on every monday.

त्रि दलम् त्रि गुणाकारम्, त्रि नेत्रम् त्रयायुधम्
त्रि जन्म पाप संहारम्, एक बिल्व शिर्वापणम्॥
अर्थात् - तीन दलों (पत्तियों) से युक्त एक बेल पत्र जो हम शिव को अर्पण करते हैं, वह हमारे तीन जन्मों के पापों का नाश करता है तथा त्रिगुणात्मक शिव की कृपा भौतिक संसाधनों से युक्त होती है। अत: श्रावण मास में भगवान भोले को इनके अर्पण करने से अधिक फल प्राप्त होता है।

Check Consultation page and send mail for your Vedic Astrology Detailed Birth Chart for just 1100 INR & 50 $ for NRI.

For contact or consult me:

Bhatt Prateek 

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Saturday, July 25, 2015

Venus and Rahu Conjunction

Rahu with Venus means in cold drink (Thums up, pepsi) with salt means more scummy, you get your favourite tonic for energy boost up, so it will give you virtual fantasy, virtual luxury and virtual mind. In every female, men try to find out their Katrina, yes that`s problem of rahu.

                   शुक्र-राहु का मिलन या योग कहे कुछ ऐसा होता है , 
    जैसे वो गाना था "नज़रे मिली दिल धड़का मेरी धड़कन ने कहा लव यू राजा 
 heart emoticon wink emoticon smile emoticon बस मिले देखा और हो गया ....

Read your rahu effects in every houses:

Rahu Venus conjunctions have many meanings, if rahu and Venus conjunction well placed and aspect by Jupiter then you will get very beautiful wife as per your choice and get lot of pleasures and wealth from wife or in-laws. You will get easy success in fashion, entertainment, diamond traders, jewellery business, hotel industry, glamour industry easily and get limelight (rahu Venus conjunction fame), and becoming an iconic figure because Rahu and Venus both love the attention and glamorous lifestyle.  This conjunction can give huge amounts of wealth and assets if it occurs in good houses such as 11th house or Venus making any dhan yoga in the chart depending upon Nakshatra/sign/house. Rahu and Venus in 9th and 12th house the person may get foreign partner.

Venus rahu conjunction vedic astrology shows spouse will be from different culture or foreign lands or totally unknown girl will meet you and you will felt on love with her, If rahu dominance then low caste from you but if Venus dominance then upper caste or equal caste from you. If rahu Venus conjunction in navamsa also bad then need to do worship and care.

But if it is badly placed then marriage will break, lot of affairs, extra marital and bad for you profession. You may involve in women/ wine business, may involve in prostitution, may involve in immoral deeds, may involve in drugs and black money etc.

Peoples especially female with Venus conjunction with rahu are quite magnetic and attractive, especially when this conjunction occurs in the 1st, 2nd and 7th House. Opposite sex peoples easily fall in love with these conjunction peoples. Venus is the wife in a men chart. If men have this conjunction he may get a wife who is full of worldly desire. Venus is the wife in a men chart. If men have this conjunction he may get a wife who is full of worldly desire. 
Rahu shukra yuti gives passion for Diplomacy, Ornaments, Beauty, Music, Art and Design, extraordinary fashion sense, outside relationships. One will take risks (Rahu) and earns lot of wealth and luxury. The native is often magnetically attractive looking.

Karatwa in astrology:

Rahu Venus conjunction in each house or effects of Venus rahu conjunction:
  1. Rahu Venus in 1st house or Venus rahu conjunction in 11th house: Beautiful face and attractive, highly ambitious.
  2. Rahu Venus in 2nd house or Venus rahu conjunction in 2nd house: Venus rahu combination in 2nd house gives disharmony in marriage but much wealth from routine job.
  3. Rahu Venus in 3rd house or Venus rahu conjunction in 3rd house: Quarrels with co-born and less confidence.
  4. Rahu Venus in 4th house or Venus rahu conjunction in 4th house: Unstable family life, less peace and pain from partner’s father or in-laws.
  5. Rahu Venus in 5th house or Venus rahu conjunction in 5th house: Venus rahu combination in 5th house gives trouble in child and lot of affairs.
  6. Rahu Venus in 6th house or Venus rahu conjunction in 6th house: Disharmony with co-workers, lot of mental tension and worries and ill health especially urinary related.
  7. Rahu Venus in 7th house or Venus rahu conjunction in 7th house: Extra martial, benefits from family, more than 1 marriage and huge gains but sudden loss in business. Extreme desire of love and sex.
  8. Rahu Venus in 8th house or Venus rahu conjunction in 8th house: Hidden worries, hidden disease in lower part of body, Master of occult science and astrology. Benefits from inlaws and beautiful female intraction and bonding.
  9. Rahu Venus in 9th house or Venus rahu conjunction in 9th house: Loss or difference with father, if well placed then good otherwise luck will not support you.
  10. Rahu Venus in 10th house or Venus rahu conjunction 10th house: Venus rahu combination 10th house shows profession with media, glamour, fashion, hotel, entertainment industry if well placed then well-known figure otherwise full life struggle in these profession.
  11. Rahu Venus in 11th house or Venus rahu conjunction 11th house: Venus rahu combination gives huge gains from partnership, sudden wealth but loss also there if not well placed.
  12. Rahu Venus in 12th house or Venus rahu conjunction 12th house: Luxury prone will harm you in later part of life because you will finish you savings in enjoy before age of 50. Try to be spiritual and balance you Venus.
Remedies for Rahu venus conjunction:
  • Stay away from immoral males/females.
  • Chant mantra of rahu from yourself 11000 times.
Check Consultation page and send mail for your Vedic Astrology Detailed Birth Chart for just 1100 INR & 50 $ for NRI.