Sunday, May 31, 2015

Saturn and Rahu Conjunction

This is one of most discussed and frequently asked conjunction now days. So, I decided to reveal the facts of this yoga or dosh. In astrology this conjunction known as “Shrapit dosh”.

Firstly try to understand these two planet known as most important in kaliyug and when they will meet then obviously large things will happen in life, it may negative or positive.

Rahu is virtual planet and when conjunct with Saturn then obviously energy and power also will come from Saturn. Because Saturn is already dark, night and negative planet and once comes with Rahu then you can think the results.

Read effects of Rahu Mahadasha:

This power depends on Saturn power if Saturn well placed then rahu also consider well placed. Generally you can see Saturn friendly sign and friendly sign of Rahu are common as well. Saturn rahu conjunction in Capricorn or Saturn rahu conjunction in Aquarius consider good but sometimes bad because negative energy of rahu in these two sign also get power which sometime gives negativity if not placed in good strong house.

Next point, how to calculate this conjunction is bad or good? This is not very straight forward article, so I will define this article in my style:

  • Check sign placement if it is friendly and Saturn strongly placed then it will be bad for rahu it increase struggle in life because rahu will share Saturn power and will affect functioning of Saturn, How? Saturn is very slow moving planet & believes giving life lessons but rahu is opposite totally, it will give you worldly pleasure overnight.
  • These peoples can succeed in foreign lands because rahu represents foreign culture or different culture and Saturn is planet of separation, so you can easily separate from your home land and can get success in foreign lands.
  • One more important point here Saturn is a law maker but rahu will destroy rules of Saturn. Saturn rahu conjunction in birth chart shows you will do oppose of man-kind and rules, culture.
  • Sometimes at the old age peoples face lot of issue from servants even some times misshaping because of servants in their life.
Read Saturn mahadasha effects in astrology:

Saturn+rahu combination astrology is really bad in 1st (Saturn rahu conjunction lagna/Saturn rahu in 1st house) and 9th house especially because these two houses give rules/religion/life, so I will consider most troublesome placement of this in these two houses. Saturn rahu conjunction in navamsa/ shani rahu yuti in navamsa (shrapit yoga astrology or shrapit dosh in kundli) or shrapit yoga (shani rahu together) in kundli gives problems in stability that never comes in the life.

What is Saturn Rahu Conjunction?

Saturn and Rahu are known to be responsible for pain, struggle, stress, anxiety and sorrow in your life. But this conjunction is very bad when comes in very close in degree, bad nakshatra and some planetary placements.

Shrapit dosha in the horoscope or Saturn rahu conjunction effects is unable to enjoy the luxury and comforts of life even if they are available to him in abundance. This dosha occurs in a horoscope due to the person being cursed by someone in the past life. This Shani Rahu Shrapit Yoga is an extremely bad yoga and it gives tremendous difficulties in Life and sometimes the whole life goes wasted without any meaningful purpose due to this Yoga. 

Astrological texts and Saturn rahu conjunction vedic astrology also tell same story about this conjunction, they written because of the past birth's (Shrapit Yoga) bad deeds you will face lot of issue in this birth. Even though there are much good yoga in the horoscope good results are not obtained in this present birth. This shows some past bad deeds this yoga came in this birth and sometimes this yoga give paranormal things also.
Shani rahu conjunction in all houses
  1. shani rahu in 1st house/ shani rahu yuti in 1st house is bad for life and stability in life.
  2. shani rahu in 2nd house/ shani rahu yuti in 2nd house is bad for asset/land and routine income and vani dosh will be there.
  3. shani rahu in 3rd house/ shani rahu yuti in 3rd house is bad for co-born death or quarrels of co-born seen with this placement.
  4. shani rahu in 4th house/ shani rahu yuti in 4th house is bad for family happiness and mother.
  5. shani rahu in 5th house/ shani rahu yuti in 5th house is very bad for children and for female child related issue abortion.
  6. shani rahu in 6th house/ shani rahu yuti in 6th house is good, it will destroy all your enemies and if other planet strong then you will be successful person in life.
  7. shani rahu in 7th house/ shani rahu yuti in 7th house is bad for marriage and business.
  8. shani rahu in 8th house/ shani rahu yuti in 8th house is bad for age and accidents.
  9. shani rahu in 9th house/ shani rahu yuti in 9th house is extreamly bad life will be full of pain.
  10. shani rahu in 10th house/ shani rahu yuti in 10th house is bad for career struggle and instability will be there.
  11. shani rahu in 11th house/ shani rahu yuti in 11th house is bad for your desire, it will make highly ambitious but never gives big gains.
  12. shani rahu in 12th house/ shani rahu yuti in 12th house is bad for spirituality and moksha.
This dosh gives many problems in life such as:
  • Bad Saturn rahu conjunction gives confusion and instability in life.
  • Effects of Saturn rahu conjunction disturb family life.
  • Shani rahu combination gives strained relations between Husband and Wife.
  • Shrapit yoga effects come in progeny, abortion, conceiving, miscarriages, and Child delivery related Problems.
  • Shani rahu gochar yuti or saturn rahu conjunction in transit also gives many problems which we just faced back in last years.
  • Shani rahu dosha gives health issues especially surgical/spinal issues.
  • Shani rahu yuti affects job and career.
  • Shani rahu in one house shows bad relation with servant.
  • Saturn conjunction with rahu gives divorce sometimes if related with 7th.
  • Shani rahu same house shows inter-caste marriage.
  • Shani with rahu gives interest in another religion.
  • Saturn rahu in same house shows you may convert your religion.
Guru-chandal yoga in astrology:

Shrapit yoga cancellation: In very few chart this dosha able to cancel , it depends on benefic Jupiter he can handle it only. Shrapit yoga or shrapit dosha explained everywhere but it cancellation depends on this condition only. Shrapit yoga hindi you can read from translator.

Remedies for Saturn rahu conjunction or saturn rahu conjunction remedies
  • Shrapit dosha nivaran puja or shrapit yoga puja, do the worship of anyone jyotirling among 12 jyotirling specially mahakaleshwar ujjan.
  • Do daily worship of maha-mritunjai mantra (shrapit dosha mantra) is one of the best shrapit yog ke upay or shrapit dosha remedy:
ॐ त्र्यम्बकं यजामहे सुगन्धिंम् पुष्टिवर्धनम् ।
उर्वारुकमिव बन्धनान् मृत्योर्मुक्षीय मामृतात् ।।
oṁ tryambakaṁ yajāmahe sugandhiṁ puṣṭi-vardhanam ǀ
urvārukam-iva bandhanān mṛtyormukṣīya māmṛtāt ǁ
  • Shani rahu jaap or rahu shani japa is required.
  • Don’t believe on shrapit yoga yantra or shrapit dosh yantra only shiv can give relief from this yoga.
Choose your right path of destiny with your astrologer Prateek Bhatt
Check Consultation page and send mail for your Vedic Detailed Birth Chart for just 1100 INR & 35 $ for NRI.

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Sunday, May 24, 2015

Venus Mahadasha in Astrology

This is one of the most important mahadasha in astrology, why? After reading this article (Venus mahadasha detail) you will get your answer. Venus is considered as a benefic planet by nature. Venus rules the signs Taurus and Libra. Venus represents females, luxury, beauty, marriage, love, relationships, lust, sexuality, perfume, happiness, arts, music, comfort and luxurious life. Venus also rules the media and entertainment. Venus in our body rules throat, kidneys, cheeks, ovaries, internal generative, private parts, sexual organs.

In Bollywood film “Dirty Picture” one dialogue was there main hoon “ENTERTAINMENT, ENTERTAINMENT, ENTERTAINMENT”. Yes Venus is the boss of all pleasure in life and ENTERTAINMENT.

Read Venus results in all Sign:

Venus mahadasha duration in Vedic Astrology is longest Dasha in Astrology; it has great impact on human for 20 year Venus dasha. In this period luxury, pleasure and relationship will improve specially with females. We should not think always negative relationship with females sometimes it gives benefits in this dasha if Venus well placed and it may also give honest, holy relationship with female not always affairs and all.  Biggest benefit of mahadasha Venus is it will keep the distress away and would bring peace in mind and prosperity would reside and hurdles won’t leave much impact upon the native. On the other part, the native under Shukra Bhukti would receive true respect and admiration from the society including some state honours.

Venus period increases pleasure it depends on particular houses for example in 5th houses gives pleasures from affairs and in 7th houses gives many relationships. 20 year of Venus mahadasha bestows the person with most of comforts and materialistic wealth upon land and keeps his/her life full of amusement and bliss. People feel very creative during such time. They want to create art, design or have tremendous interest in performing Bollywood, films, directing, acting, singing, dancing, fashion, boutique, and drama and media industry. When Venus is a benefic planet, the native can enjoy all the luxuries in his life and Venus mahadasha wealth will be increase year by year. The native can shine in interior decorator, movie, arts industry or hotel business or retail business or jewellery business or diamond related. He or she is having enough power to attract the people born in opposite sex. They will also do well in share market or commodity market or trading and betting. Things will turn around quickly and go in their favour. 

Retrograde Venus, read its effects.

In shukra dasha astrology chances of getting marriage is strong. Venus-mars, Venus rahu, Venus-mercury, venus-saturn period gives extra martial or affairs many times. Venus would endow the person with the treasury of jewels and precious ornaments besides which he/she would possess all the signs and expressions of aristocracy.

The native in Shukra vimshottari mahadasha would carry purity and calmness in thoughts and would get inclined towards pious and social pursuits. There would be a remarkable growth in professional and financial status. When Venus mahadasha coming as a malefic mahadasha for a boy, it is much worse than of a girl because karak of marriage and love in boy horoscope is Venus. Venus mahadasha good or bad it depends on many conditions so analyse properly then give conclusion for any dasha.

Good effects of Venus mahadasha:
  • A Shukra mahadasha effect comes early in first anterdasha.
  • Shukra mahadasha means wealth, jewels, ornaments and clothes.
  • Venus mahadasha benefits show luxury, royal comforts, vehicles and animals.
  • Venus mahadasha interpretation shows good spouse, children, wealth, prosperity, clothes and state honours.
  • Effects Venus dasha Interest in education, singing and dance may increase.
  • Shukra dasha effects give you good natured and charitable nature.
  • Shukra dasha benefits in entertainment industry, trading, profits in business and new ventures.
  • Venus dasha interpretation, one may acquire vehicles, have children and inherit the accumulated wealth of ancestors.
  • Benefits shukra mahadasha shows those are in high position maybe favourable with authority.
  • Venus mahadasha marriage chances are best in this period.
  • One may be endowed with a good voice, good food, happiness and plenty of servants.
  • One may be interested in Astrology, Occult, poetry, arts and humour.

Bad effects of Venus mahadasha:
  • Bad Venus period gives unhappiness in life, divorce, illegal relationship.
  • During this period there may be a loss of wealth, defame.
  • There may be conflicts with women and in family.
  • Venus mahadasha time many problems and fear due to thieves, those in high position.
  • Venus mahadasha phal business, loss in share market, land and family home may be destroyed.
  • Health may give trouble problems with private parts, gastric and cough problem, throat related.
  • venus mahadasha remedies or remedies for Venus mahadasha is worship Maa Durga on every Friday.
  • Venus mahadasha and career has average time.

Now you can read Venus mahadasha in hindi or shukra mahadasha effects in hindi from translator available in my website (find shukra dasha). shukra mahadasha calculator you can calculate your dasha

If you want to know about the effects of Mahadasha Planets in your Natal Vedic Birth Chart with detailed analysis of horoscope then check Consultation page and send mail for your Vedic Detailed Birth Chart for just 1100 INR & 35 $ for NRI.

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