Thursday, January 23, 2014

Kidney Stone in astrology:

Kidney stone patients are increasing in the society rapidly. I saw some queries from last few days, so I decided to write something for you. Some common question I faced like Diseases of Kidney in Astrology, kidney stone and astrology, kidney stone treatment, kidney stone symptoms, kidney stone removal, kidneys in astrology, kidney problems, Here planetary impact matters a lot, in some cases I saw medical science failed and doctor told to patient you had a tendency of formation stones, but astrologically I will prove you why this formation in your body. For preventing kidney stone we need to take care of kidney stones diet.

Main cause of this disease is moon/Venus and Libra sign. Moon represent water and Venus/Libra represent kidney. If moon is weak, then water consumption will be less, result will be the formation of small particles in kidney area. And most important point which generally ignores by all astrologers Saturn and mars, if Saturn afflicted in Libra sign or in 7th house it will leave some particles during blood filtration process. This will cause formation of stones in kidney. Check it in your horoscopes.

Medical science reasons: Three types stone are there, oxylate, uric acid, calcium generally. Stone formation, renal calculi, Consider Saturn-Venus. The Libra kidney weakness should make one careful of uric acid produced by eating animal flesh. Scorpio sign, Calcium sulphate has much to do with the effective discharge of toxins.Foods high in this salt are onions, asparagus, garlic, watercress, mustard, greens, leeks, radishes, cauliflower, figs, black cherries, prunes and gooseberries.

House related with Kidney stones is 7th house:

The kidney is ruled by 7th house and 7th lord. Any affliction to 7th house or 7th lord causes kidney troubles. Venus and Moon are the karaka of kidney disease, some places you can find Jupiter. Jupiter mainly responsible for gall-bladder stones. Venus is karaka of the 7th house and Libra sign rules the 7th house of natural zodiac. If Saturn has astrological relations with Rahu, the chronic diseases are caused. 7th house or 7th lord by Saturn gives rise to diseases concerning kidney.

Planet responsible for kidney stone:

A weak or afflicted Moon is always bad for kidney. The bad conjunction of Moon with Mars indicates operation.Saturn in Libra may cause hardening of kidney and creates poor filtration of blood, purification affected when Saturn-mars combination there or Saturn with ketu in Libra. Resulting increase small particles in kidney which forms stones.Bad Venus may give you ureter or urine related problem.

Sign responsible for kidney stone: 

Libra sign affected by badly placed planet in your chart then this problem may come. Libra rules the mid portion and lower portion of the human body. That is where the kidneys reside. The two kidneys are located in the abdomen toward the back. In some cases Scorpio sign shows problems in kidney.

In Hindi:
गुर्दे कि पथरी ,आजकल ये बीमारी जयादातर लोगो को घेर रही है .आज इसका ज्योतिषी विश्लेषण करते है . चन्द्र .शुक्र और तुला राशि इसके लिए देखना सबसे ज़रूरी है.चन्द्र पानी है इसके कमजोर होने पर इंसान पानी कम पीता है और शुक्र गुर्दे का करक ग्रह है. और तुला राशि किडनी को बताती है.ये ग्रह कमजोर होने पर आप इस रोग से पीड़ित हो सकते है. और सबसे महत्वपूर्ण बात यहा जो की सब इग्नोर करते है. वो है शनि और मंगल .मंगल ब्लड(खून) और जब भी मंगल ख़राब होगा ये खून की शुद्धि नहीं करने देगा. और अगर शनि 7th हाउस में या तुला राशि में थोड़े पीड़ित है तो ये इसका खून का शुद्धिकरण सही से नहीं होने देंगे,कुछ कण इक्क्ठे होकर स्टोन बना देंगे .

For contact or consult me:

 Thanks & regards,
 Bhatt Prateek

Monday, December 30, 2013

2014 Astrology

" First of all, wishing you a very happy and prosperous year. May God have continued to bless you and your family with divine light, a gift of good health, gratified home and peace of mind, power that will bring much love, joy, inner strength&happiness in your home. Happy New year "

* Keep the smile, Forget the fear, Happy New Year *

I will not tell you about your moon sign/sun sign. Reason is simple, this not useful at all. Reason is, in the world billion of billion people are there, so how we can say about an individual person according to moon sign or sun sign? Nonsense only, I will tell you very useful facts in my style about New Year planetary transits, which will give new heights to everyone in 2014. I will tell you about astrology year 2014, 2014 astrology predictions.

Why 2014 special for everyone (the majority of people):

The most powerful planet Jupiter coming in full power during the year 2014. Next half of 2014 will be remarkable time for everyone. Why? Jupiter will enter in cancer exalted mode. On other side Saturn will give happiness/stability in life when it comes out of conjunction from Rahu. In July 2014 rahu also change and that change will be beneficial for all. 4 most important planets going to change and all are getting strengths also in new sign. Jupiter/Saturn/Rahu/Ketu.

In June 2014, Saturn 10 aspects on Jupiter will improve your career. It will be the best time for the profession, again some change will come from December 2014 when Jupiter once again aspect Saturn.

Rahu in Virgo and ketu in Pisces it will give stability in both spirituality as well as prosperity because very good planetary placement going to happen.

Exalted Jupiter effects on human will give positive change. (Here your Mahadasha or individual chart matters) Jupiter is the planet of expansion, success, luck and opportunity. Planet Jupiter determines whether your life journey will be smooth or not, and your overall level of optimism. It rules our Destiny, growth and expansion on many levels: Financial, Social, physical, intellectual, spiritual and cultural. Jupiter will remove the struggle which we saw in 2013 mid. Most of the people were faced, and uncertainty time will also over which we saw in Indian Politics as well.

Ascendant wise Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces will enjoy the life and will get good gain in the life full year.

For Contact or consult me:

                                           Thanks & regards,
                                             Bhatt Prateek