Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Remedies In Astrology

Why I am writing this article? Reason is very simple; I found many times people not able to give the fee to astrologer or can't perform particular hawan/pooja or gems. Now, I will tell you what we need to do and get relief from hurdles/problems without any expenses.

Checkout what numbers contains for you in Numerology:

What type problems generally peoples facing: Financial trouble, marriage problem, child problem, pregnancy problem, career problem, love marriage issues, promotion issues, Disease prone body, not getting success in the work, problem in business, problem in education, problem in buy own house or personal vehicle, money loss, loan/debts, Health issues, etc.... . So, I will tell remedies in astrology, planet wise remedies, remedy's astrology and karma, marriage remedies, remedies weak planets, remedies against planetary effects, remedies for Saturn in vedic astrology, astrology remedies to delay in marriage, astrology remedies, astrology remedies for problem.

Best remedies in astrologyFrom my experience, finest remedy for any problem is worship of the lord Shiva, Shiva in our Veda's mentioned as removing all problems and all god's worship to Shiva because of that we called him “MAHADEVA." For all problems just do only worship of lord shiva&I am going to tell you best pooja&method as well.

How we should do the worship of lord Shiva:

           A) Read Shiva Amogh Kavach (“शिव अमोघ कवच “) every Monday( This is Rs 20 book in India you can buy easily and start this).Amogh shiv kavach benefits very fast.
         B) Every Monday just go to lord Shiva temple and drop 1 spoon milk with 2 drop honey on shivaling.

That's all. I hope for this pooja money will not stop you and lord give you piece and remove your problems.

Even you can see below, I am giving planet wise remedies directly or indirectly lord Shiva presence is there.

Best remedies for Sun
Worship the ruling deity Lord Shiva/Maa gayatri/Sun
Charity: Donate wheat , Jowar , Arhar Daal.

Best remedies for Moon
Worship the ruling deity Gouri/Shiva.
Charity: Donate cow’s milk or rice or white eatable thing on Monday.

Best remedies for Mars
Worship the ruling deities Hanuman/Shiva.
Charity: Donate Masoor dal, red flowers on Tuesday.

Best remedies for Mercury 
 Worship Lord Vishnu.
 Charity: Donate Urad dal /Moong dal or green vegetable on Wednesday.

Best remedies for Jupiter
Worship Lord Vishnu/Shiva.
Charity: Turmeric or sugar or jaggery on Thursday.

Best remedies for Venus
Worship Devi.
Charity: White clothes or Rice or dairy cream or curd to a lady on Friday.

Best remedies for Saturn
Worship Lord Hanuman/Shani/Krishna.
Charity: buffalo or black til with mustard oil on Saturday.

Best remedies for Rahu
Worship Bhairava or lord Shiva.
Charity: Urad dal or coconut to handicapped on Saturday.

Best remedies for Ketu
Worship Lord Ganesha.
Charity: Black mustard seeds on Thursday.

For Contact or consult me:

Thanks & regards,
Bhatt Prateek

Get your best and true consultation from your astrologer, Check below link:

Saturday, November 30, 2013



After some holidays, I am giving one more important article, I got a lot of messages and mails for new articles. I had just taken leave and enjoyed myself with family. It was really good for feeling fresh air and come up with new determination. 
I came again with something new for you peoples because continuously i am getting messages regarding particular topics.  Thanks all my readers, you make this blog in one of the best blogs in astrology.

Now come to the point, every house has its own importance in astrology like planet. So, we should not avoid any house during prediction, but yes our sages and everyone given much importance to Kendra\Trikona houses. Everyone knows I already explained several times these houses were the powerhouse of astrology, but now I am telling another house which in not considered Kendra\Trikona, but it is most important house in astrology.Yes, I am talking about 11th house, your questions I know most important house in horoscope, the most powerful house in astrology, 11th house, 11th house in astrology, 11th house astrology in-depth, 11th house astrology meaning, 11th house and wealth, eleventh house, many planets 11th house, planets eleventh house, no planets in 11th house.

What 11th house contains: 

11th house stands for generally all about of Gains (money, knowledge or desirable thing, big Success), elder brother or sister, gains after Karma or hard work because 2nd from 10th house, wealth, longevity of mother, gain from in-laws, friends, hopes, wishes, aspirations, success in undertakings, litigation, speculation, ears, trade, society, community, recovery from illness, freedom from misery, ambitions, wishes, desires&their fulfillment, marriage, disease. If this house is strong, then your desire will be fulfilled.

As we grow, we have more opportunities and possibilities available to us, and the 11th house fulfilled these.

The Eleventh House also speaks to destiny in simple terms, our hopes and dreams, what we desire and what we want to achieve. Our creative vision is highlighted. Dreams come true after some hard work. Biggest hope and desire of life will be on your path.

Finally, this is the magical house of hopes and wishes, where higher aspirations and dreams, desires come true.

"Long back i written 11 house is most important house why?
All planets are beneficial in 11 house, This is only house which consider Very good for all planets even 9th house one of the most important house but some cruel planet not consider good there.Moon in 11 promises success in a horary chart also .Same logic with Astakwarg more point in 11 from 10 means more fruits(Gains) of your karmas."

Why it is most important house:

a) Fruits after hard-work or karma because 2nd from 10th house.
b) In the period of 11th you can establish your business because 5th from 7th house,it will fulfill your desire and gains regrading business.
c) This house all about expansion so it will give you vision and success in all your ventures.
d) With this house 9th house should be strong because 11th from 11th.
e) House of most desirable success and growth,in current days wealth is one of the most important factor and money can given by other houses also like 2nd house but this is the real house for wealth.This house means huge wealth.
f) If you want spirituality then again come here because it is 12th from 12th,means it will fulfill your spiritual desire.
g) 11th house generally governs by Aquarius sign mean by Saturn and you know very well what importance Saturn have in this Kaliyug.
h) This is only house where all planets consider good even Ketu also perform well in this house specially in spiritual world, famous leader you will found with this placement.
i) In Astakwarg more points in this house also consider very good, espcially if more points from 10th house.

Other aspect of 11th house:

11th House rules sudden change, growth, expansion, gain, here planetary placement and yoga`s formation also need to check carefully. Impersonal friendships are rules by the 11th House, and close personal friendships are ruled by the 7th House.

The lord o11th house or any planet posited there or associated by the lord o11th house during its dasha or bhukti is capable oimproving native's acquisitions, wealth ta better extent, but athe same time during this dasha the same planet may give difficulties, litigation's and serious diseases ithe planet afflicted badly. 

The careful study of 11th house:
(a) The 11th house is 2nd from the 10th house hence it is a central point for one’s gains through the Karma`s of present birth or after hard work.
(b) The 11th house being 6th from the 6th house so it may gives diseases, litigation's, punishments .
(c) The 11th house is 8th from 4th house which is called shukh sthaan.So it can take away from you birth place or from mother`s. In old time peoples treated this as bad but now if you are going away from your town then in most of cases it gives benefits  or new job or foreign travel also gives benefits.(Need to check if your 11th house connected with 7th and 9th house anyhow then it shows good benefits from foreign travel).

For Contact or consult me:

Thanks & regards,
Bhatt Prateek