Thursday, May 9, 2013


Mercury is most sensitive planet, and this is the planet which talked less in classical. So let me start about mercury. Mercury planet,mercury planet astrology,characteristics of planet mercury in astrology,importance of mercury in astrology,mercury in horoscope,mercury in all houses


1. Mercury in 1st house- Best suited placement for mercury. Jolly, king, selfish, naughty and happy. In the first house Mercury makes a person extremely intelligent, business minded and a clever personality which is needed in the business world as well as cooperate world. This person can also become a very good software engineer, lawyer, accountant & entrepreneur. They can easily and quickly adapt to new situations .These people think logically with very calculated moves in every aspect of their life. Even in marriage they finding rich/affluent family of spouse. This placement gives very good mathematical ability. Business is also good for those who have well placed mercury in 1st house.

2. Mercury in 2nd house - Second house Mercury makes a businessman but only looking money in every work(may be business or job).Person will be Money oriented. If this placement of mercury conjunct or aspect by Venus/Jupiter then person reach on new heights in the life but conjunct or aspected by malefic planet rahu/ketu/mars then this placement gives greediness & may be choose wrong way for earning generally trying to find out shortcut of earning. This placement gives good communication power if mercury is sitting alone without any affliction.

3. Mercury in 3rd house - This is good position for mercury in terms of writing, being an author, media man or an anchor. If mercury strong here then give excellent communication skills. Speaker, Actor, reporter, Political careers is good. You are generally very interested in reading, teaching, speaking, exchanging ideas, keeping current with the daily news, and perhaps gossiping. They are using tactfully their words during communication. This placement is very good for siblings,3rd house mercury shows true love and care towards siblings if not afflicted.

4. Mercury in 4th house- Overall not a good positions for mercury since its limits the social area for the native. Public appearance, public dealing is not good. You are not quick to embrace a new idea or plan, and can be quite traditional in your thinking. But this placement is good communication inside the house with cordial relationship specially with sister if 3 house also strong. This is a good position for a real-estate developer, and agents. This placement gives beautiful house with luxurious vehicle if strongly placed.

5. Mercury in 5th house- For actors, politician, media man or want to highlight in public best position. Mercury ,ketu conjunction gives different attitude to native. For creativity/intelligence this is best position. Those who want to be in the limelight, in Films/television, in public, then this is the best position for creative and artistic Mercury. This position is all about fun& adventuress. This person makes one of the best written communicators. This placement gives moody nature in love affairs. Sometimes mood swings gives very bad results. Because mercury never gives seriousness towards love life or affairs. Paternal property will prove good for the native. Business related to education, printing and paper will be beneficial.

6.Mercury in 6th house- Mercury in the 6th house makes one a deep thinker especially if mercury placed in Pisces sign then person may be day dreamer, good writer, accountant, finance professional, however, this person does too much thinking. They may think so much that the opportunity will come and go by the native. This placement gives tensions in job/business if badly placed. They tend to worry if things aren’t the way they are supposed to be. This placement not gives enemies because strong mercury knows how to handle from situations. Lungs related problems it mat give.

7. Mercury in 7th house- In general good house for Mercury because gives very good business attitude, large business. It gives good communicative skills with wife & with the opposite sex, Partner may comes from business man family. Partner will be intelligent & beautiful. Because of logical sense sometimes this placement gives some hurdles also in relationship.

8. Mercury in 8th house- Bad position for Mercury, it can give various health issues like lungs problems, gives lots of skin problems, as well as pain in hands, unless Mercury is its own/benefic sign. This position however gives lots of support from in-laws, and taking huge loans for big business ,sudden gains. Gains from Insurance. Lungs related problems sometimes.

9. Mercury in 9th house- Luck vise it is excellent placement. Lady luck works here. Gives good sharp communication. Even though it can give a high education to the native, and a very philosophical nature. They are god fearing and religious in nature. Enjoy studying and learning, and do it not because you have to, but because you want to. These people like to travel especially in foreign lands.

10. Mercury in 10th house- Intelligent/ effective /witty /entrepreneur /spokespersons /fire-brand politician these are qualities if mercury placed in 10 house. One of the best position for Mercury in terms of an Higher position in politics, technical sector (especially in IT/communication/software).Diplomacy is key for these type natives. In this position mercury gives energy doing many works in parallel. Here Mercury becomes multi-dimensional, This type person involves in more then one profession, where a Software Engineer or IT Engineer can become a Astrologer,writer, and become a business man, they can write a book about on their life or for astrology also.Because Mercury gives very good verbal as well as writing skills as well. This position of Mercury is a very outgoing personality who loves communication and networking with people. They always maintain large group of friends, Large circle of higher or well-placed persons .In current professional time this placement gives excellent heights in career near to age at 32 to 34.This gives happy, social, rich, intellectual, naughty and jolly nature.

11. Mercury in 11th house- This is adventures position for Mercury because these type person can`t sit silently always want friends or someone for communicating want to do some adventures work with their friends. They have large circle of friends and colleagues. They knows very well how to deal with others. Hardworking and financially weak upto 34th years of age. These people can easily communicate and exchange their ideas with anyone. They have a good memory with good mathematical ability. If this placement is weak by sign then always aware with finds thy can heavily damage your reputation or finance. .

12. Mercury in 12th house- Double minded, bad thinker. You are not very quick to speak or communicate. It gives bad relationships, bad bed pleasure experience until unless Venus/Jupiter support is not there. However, if Mercury is with Ketu in this house, can makes native gay or involved in these types activities.

Here need to remember one of my special concepts. Mercury is very sensitive planet. If it placed with bad sign or placed with bad planet its benefic results will reduce.

For Any consultation send me mail:

Thanks & Regards,
Bhatt Prateek

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! आज कुछ तूफ़ानी करते है !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! आज कुछ तूफ़ानी करते है !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

आज बैठे बैठे ऐसे ही सोचा कोई ऐसा धंधा जिसमे मेहनत कम हो घर बैठे ही लक्ष्मी का आगमन हो .आप लोग बतेईए ऐसा कोई धंधा है क्या??खैर चलिये मैं ही बता देता हु .जनाब जब कुछ समझ ना आये और लगे अब ज़िनद्गी मे कुछ बाकी न्ही rah ग्या तो ,एक काम करिये आज मैं आपको दो धंधे batata हु.... ध्यान से सुनियेगा मित्रगण/भाई/बहन/और प्यारे चुन्नू-मुन्नू

१)ब्रोकर या दलाली चलिये करते है.

२)ज्योतिषी बन जाते ह

१)पहले के बारे मे बात करते है,साहब ये एक ऐसा धंधा ही जिसमे बैठ कर आप करोरेपति बन सकते है. करना क्या है? बस कुछ न्ही बस बोलना और फेकना की कला एक साथ आणि चाइये.कोई degree कोई एग्ज़ॅम इसका होता न्ही .और ये दलाली jha मन जब मन बैठे बैठे मे स्टार्ट कर दीजिये.अब मैं ज्योतिषी तो ये बताना भी बनता है ऐसा होता क्यो है. जब मंगल महाराज के साथ राहू जी किसी tarah का सम्बंध बनाते है तो इंसान ऐसे शॉर्टकट ढूंढता है.और गुरु भी कुंडली मे मौज लेने के लिये बैठा हो.और है भी आसान काम आज की यंग ड्यूड इंजिनियरिंग/मेडिकल सब जगह आपका अड्मिशन घर बैठे करवा देते है.और पैसा भी सिर्फ दो-चार लम्बी लम्बी बातो का.......मसाहाल्लाह ऐसी आज़ादी और कहा,बातो का पैसा मिल रहा.

कॉलेज के बाहर लड़के बैठे है बस आप जाइये पैसे दीजिये अड्मिशन वो करवा देंगे.मैने पूछा करते क्या हो तो जवाब आया य्ही पड़ते है और अब बिज़्नेस भी स्टार्ट कर दिया.

२) अब चलिये बात करते है धंधे नंबर दो की. ये धंधा भी आज क्ल एकदम चमका हुआ है.जहा नज़र डालिये वर्ल्ड टॉप२० अस्ट्रॉलजर लोग कहते घूम रहा है.एकदूसरे को ललकारते फिर रहे र्हे ,आ जाये कोई हमारे सामने ऋषि पराशर के नाती हम ही तो है.इसके लिये भी कोई एग्ज़ॅम की ज़रोरात न्ही,कुछ दिन राशिफल पढ़िये,फिर कुछ फोरम मे ज्योतिश्यो से कुछ ज्ञान लीजिये. बस फिर क्या

१२ राशि और १२ हाउस और स्टार्ट कर दीजिये अपनी दुकान भी. !!!!!!!!!!!!

""कोई परेशन हो तो शनी-राहू का प्रकोप और खुश हो तो गुरु/शुकरा का आशीर्वाद"" कहकर टरका दो लो बन गये आप भी ज्योतिषी.इतनी मार्केट मे किताब है कोई उठाओ दो-चार पन्ने पलटो और बस राधे-राधे. हा बस एक कन्फ्यूषन है ,की कोन सी बुक पढ़े? क्योकि कोई रहा पराशारी ,कोई जेमिनाइ,कोई वेस्टर्न कोई कह रहा नाडी ले लो १००% सही है..अब क्या बोलू "कठिन है डगर पनघट की".

अब चलिये बताता हु इसके लक्श्चण,कैसे ये कीड़ा लगता है. ८/९ house है ज्योतिष ke.जब राहू महाराज गुरु/शुकरा/बुध को किसी तरह से प्रभावित करते है तो ऐसा होने का योग बनता है.और जब राहू ८ मे बैठकर मौज लेने के मूड मे हो तो सुभानाल्लाह, तो फिर वर्ल्ड बेस्ट अस्ट्रॉलजर आप ही है.और बुध को भी परेशन कर रहा हो तो सर्टिफिकेट मिल गया.क्योकि बुध को अगर राहू का साथ मिल ग्या तो ४२० मे कोई टिक न्ही सकता आपके आगे.

फिर कालिदास नी उत्तर कालामृता,लघु पराशारी,फालडीपिका ने शॅडबल/कारकटवा के बारे मे क्या लिखा पढ़ने की ज़रोरात न्ही.या फिर शिव पुराण लिंगम मे क्या लिखा कोई ज़रोरात न्ही.

माफ कीजियेगा ज्योतिष का इतना कमर्षियलाइज़ेशन हो गया की, आज मुझे ये सब कहना पद रहा है.कोई आहत हुआ हो तो क्षमा मांगता हु.

जैसे की मेडिकल की पढ़ाई मे ५.५ एअर लगता है.मैने इंजिनियरिंग करी ४ एअर लगे .तो वैसे ही इस विद्या को भी समय देना चईये.पब्लिक के बीच आने से पहले.

मेरा मतलब् ये सब कहने का य्ही था की हम जो भी करे छाए ओ ज्योतिषी हो या दलाली या इंजिनियरिंग बस अगर पब्लिक डीलिंग कर रह हो तो बस इमानदारी रखे.कोई नौकरी या कोई धंधा बुरा न्ही है ,बस उसे हमने बना दिया.पहले ज्योतिषी का सम्मान था आज न्ही इन्ही सब वजहो से. धन्यवाद !!!!!

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