Moon in Astrology
Moon in Vedic astrology is most important planet, even some astrologer only predict from moon chart lot of events of life, match-making & many other aspect also seen from moon. Moon is known as our luck/destiny. Moon also known as laxmi in astrology.This is one of the sensitive planet. This is the only planet which can give silver spoon.In astrology some quotes are there. "CHANDRAMA MANSO JATAKA" Mean chandrma man ka karak hai. Now moon in astrology,moon in horoscope,does the moon governs your mood,moon importance in astrology,moon significance in astrology,new moon significance in astrology,moon in houses.
1. Moon in the 1st house- If this position of moon in strong sign then this can give very early success in every phase of life without delay. This moon gives very good relation with mother .This position however makes a person think very logically and practically mean not emotionally. They are balance in nature neither too much emotional nor aggressive (if the moon free from affliction of rahu/shani/mars). Moon in the first house makes a person a restless, but a good business mind. But usually ruins the relationship with mother if in the enemy sign. The native is very sensitive, religious, emotional, imaginative and willing to help others all throughout life because ascendant is the controller of all the aspects of life. The face would be round and attractive. The native would also have feminine qualities, but Moon is the planet where the sign placement will determine its true nature for ex: Virgo moon very intelligent and diplomatic, Pisces moon very emotional.
2. Moon in the 2nd house- This moon is not as good as I know, moon feels uncomfortable in this house. Moon in the second house is not so good placement for moon, since it gives lots of wasteful spending habits to a person. The mind will always be involved with family, family history, speech and wealth. This placement of moon generally rely on family wealth. But they definitely blessed with sweet voice, soft spoken. This placement of moon sometime makes very greedy in nature it depends on sign/conjunction. The mother of the native would be a house wife. There is a also great need to support from family before and after marriage. This moon also can give depressive nature if afflicted. And difficulties in martial life or conjugal path of life.
3. Moon in the 3rd house- Moon placement in this house is not good for mother. Moon in the third house makes a person very witty, and clever. In this position the person has good communicative ability. This placement person can go for communication line , writing, and journalism/media. A person can have a very spiritual mind, too. This placement gives lady luck also .
4. Moon in the 4th house- “ Silver Spoon” .If moon free from all affliction and support from Jupiter is there then what can I say? This placement can give everything(here I am talking about everything, every phase of life with full of happiness without any delay or struggle).This placement of moon gives gdluck from birth, mother love, great name-fame & immense wealth, houses .Moon in the 4th house is one of the best positions for moon since this is the original house of moon. The mind is always thinking about issues related to the mother, home, land and property. This placement of moon gives very good martial life. This placement also impacts the career and the native might be a nurse or care taker like Mother Teresa. This placement of moon helps in business of flower/cloth/sweets.
5. Moon in the 5th house- This is good placement for easy gains. This placement can give intelligent daughter .This position makes a person very artistic, gives talent in acting/films. Moon makes the native very creative. This placement can show actor, comedian/media related. 5 house is also house of romance and these type of persons romantic and generally successful in love matters. This placement also shows good deeds from past life because having any benefic planet in the 5th house gives very good results in terms of wealth. But make sure Moon is waxing and not waning. Waning moon is considered bad in astrology.
6. Moon in the 6th house- 6th house gives emotional nature .This placement give disease prone body mainly environmental disease. But this placement is not bad for mother. This placement can give less confidence. But strong position in job. Enemies will be there but not permanently. Digestion system will be weak.For 6 house moon ,i found one of the great sloka in our classicals.
“कृष्ण पक्षे दिवा जातो शुक्ल पक्षे यदा निशि. षष्टाष्टमें चन्द्रः मातरेव परिपालयेत.”
अर्थात कृष्ण पक्ष में यदि दिन का जन्म हो या शुक्ल पक्ष में रात का जन्म हो तो ऐसी स्थिति में छठे या आठवें भाव में गया चन्द्रमा भी माता की तरह पालन एवं रक्षा करता है.
7. Moon in the 7th house- In the seventh house moon gives a good wife, and a good relationship in a marriage, and business partnership. But this placement not confirms beautiful wife. These type persons balance in relationships. This moon gives interest in sex and sexual activities very much. This moon gives tendency towards healthy relation with wife and in business.
8. Moon in the 8th house- This is mostly a bad placement for the moon, In most of the cases this moon become reason of divorce or broken in relationship, if Jup/Venus support is not there in the chart. This placement make mystic, alcoholics, drugs prone body but in very few cases. In women this placement gives mensuration cycle problem or lower stomach problem surely. Moon is very sensitive planet, so in this house it gives depressive tendencies also because moon can not ready for life`s ups-down. This placement gives ups-down frequently as well. This placement good for gaining knowledge but mind should religious because this moon will not give easy success in any pursuits of life.
9. Moon in the 9th house- Luck support always with you. In 9th house moon makes a person be very religious. This placement gives good foreign tours. This gives high status in life, High-education & good religious wife. This placement gives good teacher also. These peoples philosopher by nature. This placement gives good religious nature. Tours of pilgrim’s. Support from father/god.
10.Moon in the 10th house- This position is good for all planets because this is last and strongest Kendra, and in the 10th house moon gives a career in the managerial/marketing, medical field or to most of the people, especially if it’s in the sign of cancer, Libra or Pisces. If sign of Taurus then business like garments/cloths, dairy, sweets/flower is very good for native. Moon is queen in astrology and presents rajya/gove. So it can give govt job also even support from state or city Gove. But again I want to say moon is waxing or waning full picture depends on this.
11. Moon in the 11th house- One of best position for the moon when placed in the 11th house of gains like for Cancer ascendants mean in Taurus. This moon can give good children and large organization also. In this position the native has lots of female friends, easy gains, easy gains of property and assets. Gives a very religious and spiritual mother, and the mother usually benefits with a baby who has this moon position. 11th house is the house of large social network, and large organization, Moon here needs to connect to people in order feel mental balance. This house moon gives very friendly nature. These type natives works for society if 9 also strong. Moon in the 11th house usually gets their wishes and hopes fulfilled due to it being the house of gains and income. 11th house is also the most important upachaya house in terms of wealth and gains.
12. Moon in the 12th house- This is very important placement for moon, I will not say best/strong position but important surely. This position makes very emotional always rears in eyes even in small daily discussion. These type persons should aware because other gyes take advantage of this weakness ,if sun/mercury is not strong. This position gives birth to very talented writers, healers(one of the great reiki guru), and spiritual personalities, This position gives foreign tours from sea. Even it can give chance for permanent settle in foreign countries. If 12 house moon strong then it can give moksha. And if weak then lack of confidence and morality.
For Any consultation send me mail:
Thanks & Regards,
Bhatt Prateek
Moon in Vedic astrology is most important planet, even some astrologer only predict from moon chart lot of events of life, match-making & many other aspect also seen from moon. Moon is known as our luck/destiny. Moon also known as laxmi in astrology.This is one of the sensitive planet. This is the only planet which can give silver spoon.In astrology some quotes are there. "CHANDRAMA MANSO JATAKA" Mean chandrma man ka karak hai. Now moon in astrology,moon in horoscope,does the moon governs your mood,moon importance in astrology,moon significance in astrology,new moon significance in astrology,moon in houses.
1. Moon in the 1st house- If this position of moon in strong sign then this can give very early success in every phase of life without delay. This moon gives very good relation with mother .This position however makes a person think very logically and practically mean not emotionally. They are balance in nature neither too much emotional nor aggressive (if the moon free from affliction of rahu/shani/mars). Moon in the first house makes a person a restless, but a good business mind. But usually ruins the relationship with mother if in the enemy sign. The native is very sensitive, religious, emotional, imaginative and willing to help others all throughout life because ascendant is the controller of all the aspects of life. The face would be round and attractive. The native would also have feminine qualities, but Moon is the planet where the sign placement will determine its true nature for ex: Virgo moon very intelligent and diplomatic, Pisces moon very emotional.
2. Moon in the 2nd house- This moon is not as good as I know, moon feels uncomfortable in this house. Moon in the second house is not so good placement for moon, since it gives lots of wasteful spending habits to a person. The mind will always be involved with family, family history, speech and wealth. This placement of moon generally rely on family wealth. But they definitely blessed with sweet voice, soft spoken. This placement of moon sometime makes very greedy in nature it depends on sign/conjunction. The mother of the native would be a house wife. There is a also great need to support from family before and after marriage. This moon also can give depressive nature if afflicted. And difficulties in martial life or conjugal path of life.
3. Moon in the 3rd house- Moon placement in this house is not good for mother. Moon in the third house makes a person very witty, and clever. In this position the person has good communicative ability. This placement person can go for communication line , writing, and journalism/media. A person can have a very spiritual mind, too. This placement gives lady luck also .
4. Moon in the 4th house- “ Silver Spoon” .If moon free from all affliction and support from Jupiter is there then what can I say? This placement can give everything(here I am talking about everything, every phase of life with full of happiness without any delay or struggle).This placement of moon gives gdluck from birth, mother love, great name-fame & immense wealth, houses .Moon in the 4th house is one of the best positions for moon since this is the original house of moon. The mind is always thinking about issues related to the mother, home, land and property. This placement of moon gives very good martial life. This placement also impacts the career and the native might be a nurse or care taker like Mother Teresa. This placement of moon helps in business of flower/cloth/sweets.
5. Moon in the 5th house- This is good placement for easy gains. This placement can give intelligent daughter .This position makes a person very artistic, gives talent in acting/films. Moon makes the native very creative. This placement can show actor, comedian/media related. 5 house is also house of romance and these type of persons romantic and generally successful in love matters. This placement also shows good deeds from past life because having any benefic planet in the 5th house gives very good results in terms of wealth. But make sure Moon is waxing and not waning. Waning moon is considered bad in astrology.
6. Moon in the 6th house- 6th house gives emotional nature .This placement give disease prone body mainly environmental disease. But this placement is not bad for mother. This placement can give less confidence. But strong position in job. Enemies will be there but not permanently. Digestion system will be weak.For 6 house moon ,i found one of the great sloka in our classicals.
“कृष्ण पक्षे दिवा जातो शुक्ल पक्षे यदा निशि. षष्टाष्टमें चन्द्रः मातरेव परिपालयेत.”
अर्थात कृष्ण पक्ष में यदि दिन का जन्म हो या शुक्ल पक्ष में रात का जन्म हो तो ऐसी स्थिति में छठे या आठवें भाव में गया चन्द्रमा भी माता की तरह पालन एवं रक्षा करता है.
7. Moon in the 7th house- In the seventh house moon gives a good wife, and a good relationship in a marriage, and business partnership. But this placement not confirms beautiful wife. These type persons balance in relationships. This moon gives interest in sex and sexual activities very much. This moon gives tendency towards healthy relation with wife and in business.
8. Moon in the 8th house- This is mostly a bad placement for the moon, In most of the cases this moon become reason of divorce or broken in relationship, if Jup/Venus support is not there in the chart. This placement make mystic, alcoholics, drugs prone body but in very few cases. In women this placement gives mensuration cycle problem or lower stomach problem surely. Moon is very sensitive planet, so in this house it gives depressive tendencies also because moon can not ready for life`s ups-down. This placement gives ups-down frequently as well. This placement good for gaining knowledge but mind should religious because this moon will not give easy success in any pursuits of life.
9. Moon in the 9th house- Luck support always with you. In 9th house moon makes a person be very religious. This placement gives good foreign tours. This gives high status in life, High-education & good religious wife. This placement gives good teacher also. These peoples philosopher by nature. This placement gives good religious nature. Tours of pilgrim’s. Support from father/god.
10.Moon in the 10th house- This position is good for all planets because this is last and strongest Kendra, and in the 10th house moon gives a career in the managerial/marketing, medical field or to most of the people, especially if it’s in the sign of cancer, Libra or Pisces. If sign of Taurus then business like garments/cloths, dairy, sweets/flower is very good for native. Moon is queen in astrology and presents rajya/gove. So it can give govt job also even support from state or city Gove. But again I want to say moon is waxing or waning full picture depends on this.
11. Moon in the 11th house- One of best position for the moon when placed in the 11th house of gains like for Cancer ascendants mean in Taurus. This moon can give good children and large organization also. In this position the native has lots of female friends, easy gains, easy gains of property and assets. Gives a very religious and spiritual mother, and the mother usually benefits with a baby who has this moon position. 11th house is the house of large social network, and large organization, Moon here needs to connect to people in order feel mental balance. This house moon gives very friendly nature. These type natives works for society if 9 also strong. Moon in the 11th house usually gets their wishes and hopes fulfilled due to it being the house of gains and income. 11th house is also the most important upachaya house in terms of wealth and gains.
12. Moon in the 12th house- This is very important placement for moon, I will not say best/strong position but important surely. This position makes very emotional always rears in eyes even in small daily discussion. These type persons should aware because other gyes take advantage of this weakness ,if sun/mercury is not strong. This position gives birth to very talented writers, healers(one of the great reiki guru), and spiritual personalities, This position gives foreign tours from sea. Even it can give chance for permanent settle in foreign countries. If 12 house moon strong then it can give moksha. And if weak then lack of confidence and morality.
For Any consultation send me mail:
Thanks & Regards,
Bhatt Prateek