In current predictive astrology, I think rahu n ketu is most mysterious and powerful planet in kalyug.Now i will start on Rahu N Ketu.............In Vedic astrology the lunar nodes, known as Rahu and Ketu, have special powers in a chart specially in Kalyug. Often referred to as our karmic destiny, they indicate our greatest gifts and our darkest issues. Both planets related with our past life . If we takes example of indian film industry,we can see shahrukh khan,aamir khan,salman khan etc.. all are having exalted rahu(Taurus),my mean to say rahu is planet of media,glamer,film industry.whereever virtuallity will be exist in this world rahu`s presence will be there in astrology manner.Generally some confusion in our vedic astrology rahu is exalted in Taurus and some astrologers follow in rahu exalted in very different views present in our astrology.But in my experience ..I saw Taurus rahu and Scorpio ketu giving very good result.Some astrology books also mentioning rahu mool trikona sign is we need to follow all these concepts in the mind when we predict for rahu and ketu..I want share one more experience of mine rahu in sign of virgo becomes very powerful.....
Good sign for Rahu: Aries,Taurus,gemini,virgo,Libra,Aquarious.
Good sign for Ketu: Aries,Libra,Scorpio,saggi,pisces.
Strong House for rahu-ketu: 4-10,6-12 & Sometimes 5-11.
How Rahu-Ketu came ?After amrit manthan, Rakshas cheted and stand with devas with change of face.Lord Vishnu when came to know this fact then they cut their body in two parts from sudarshan.An upper part(dhar) is Rahu and lower part ketu. Rahu takes us into the physical world and Ketu takes us out of it.Rahu is not bad with in some case , we can take example of father of nation mahatma gandhi.Rahu and Ketu are described as shadowy planets because they are associated with the eclipses of the Sun and the Moon. These shadows developed the powerful myths and meanings bestowed on the nodes, myths of struggles with demons, serpents, and forces of darkness and light. Symbolically they may be seen as our own shadows. They have power to give graham to sun but for short time,Lord Shiva told this to sun after cheating during amrit manthan.I collect all these things from vedic as well as from western astrology because some prediction western astrology is very powerful. Rahu is the head that is consumed with the thinking mind. The mind separated from the senses creates illusions/virtuality, and Rahu is the indicator of worldly illusions. Ketu is the quality of knowing without the thinking mind. It is the perception of spiritual insights and karak for moksha that lead to enlightenment.basically rahu is virtual planet ,he feels to people as mirror. All this represents the cycles of birth and death into and out of this world. Rahu and Ketu are the indicators of destiny and fate, symbolizing our entrapment in this physical plane. These shadow planets control us by our desires. Our desires are our karmas. Our destiny is to release the chains this world has cast upon us. It is like the serpent’s bite. The poisonous venom intoxicates us into this world. Rahu takes us under its spell with the illusions of this world, the promise of happiness, leaving us with a sense of wanting.But of course, this only leads to insatiable desires. We can never have enough. On other hand, Ketu strips us of the objects of our desires, revealing that nothing in this world gives us security and permanence. It is essentially the process of enlightenment, when we come to realize that ultimately, it is all an illusion. Nothing of this material world lasts, therefore; it is all an illusion or Maya. Ketu is the bringer of enlightenment through the realization of this truth. Ketu is the release of this world.Extremes Rahu is our entrapment and Ketu is our final liberation from the karmas of the soul. Rahu will give things, but always with a price. Ketu will take away, but gives the gift of seeing or enlightenment. When the lunar nodes are combined with another planet they take on the quality of that planet, like mirrors magnifying the energy of that planet. Each combination will produce very different results. In a birth chart, the extremes caused by Rahu and Ketu will be seen in:the houses that Rahu and Ketu occupy; the houses of their (sign)dispositors; the nature of the planet that conjuncts Rahu and Ketu and the houses ruled by the planet that conjuncts Rahu or Ketu; the nakshatra dispositor of Rahu or Ketu. All of the houses that are involved with rules 1-4 will be connected to the destiny and fate of the soul.To get a deeper look at the results a planet will produce, you must look to the nakshatra dispositor of the planets. It is the nakshatras that determine the entire predictive system used in Vedic astrology, the Vimshottari Dasha System. This system is based on the nakshatra that the natal Moon is placed in at birth. This nakshatra determines the entire life sequence of events that occur in a lifetime.
Effects of Rahu Rahu (North Node of Moon): Rahu is our unsatisfied desire or you can say unfullfill will of past life.Rahu has the nature of a serpent. It poisons you to the Virtuality/ illusions of this world. Under Rahu, things happen. The fame and fortune we desired only brought us separation and sorrow. Finaally, the disvrtuality leads to the enlightenment of Ketu, who detaches from the world for Moksha/ spiritual enlightenment. The Rahu-ketu are the most powerful of all the planets, for they cause the eclipses of the Sun and Moon. Rahu is the material world and all the desires it creates. It gives material things which will never bring lasting happiness. It shows virtuality of Rahu.. When these things start to fall away we become obsessed with trying to hold on to them. Rahu deals with unknown fear, obsessive and compulsive behavior. It is about addictions, poisons, alcohol, and drugs. Any planet with Rahu will be magnified greatly in the chart as Rahu will take on the quality of the planet it is next to (in the same sign). This can be good or bad depending on the planet. Rahu with Venus or Jupiter can bring wealth but with jupiter definetily bad in most of the cases, but Rahu with Saturn can cause many problems sometimes creates shrapit yoga.
Main points: Luxerious life,Sudden change in destiny,Virtuality,Fame, status, prestige, power, worldly success, fulfillment of worldly desires, extremes, obsessive behavior, addictions, psychic disturbances, collective trends, foreigners and foreign lands, epidemics, disease, poisons that destroy and heal, medicine, drugs and alcohol.Rahu and Ketu take on the quality of the planets that are associated with them or in aspect (especially conjunct & if closely conjuct then effects nodes more). If they are not associated or aspected by other planets they will give the results of the planet that rules the sign they are in (dispositor). The sign and nakshatra dispositor is considered the karmic control planet. Rahu and Ketu cast the trine aspect 5 and 9 signs away from their position. Rahu acts like Saturn, and Ketu acts like Mars. Rahu and Ketu will give raja yoga whenever they are either in a trikona or kendra house and they are conjunct a planet that rules a trikona or kendra.[3] When the Rahu-Ketu are combined with another planet they take on the quality of that planet. Each combination will produce very different results. Conjunctions will always occur in the sign Rahu and Ketu are in during the 18 month period Rahu and Ketu are in a sign, once with Rahu and then with Ketu. Below is a list of the conjunction frequency:
The Sun will conjunct Rahu and Ketu once a year (during an eclipse), 6 months apart. The Moon will conjunct Rahu and Ketu once a month. Mercury and Venus will conjunct Rahu and Ketu once a year. Mars will conjunct Rahu and Ketu once every 2 years. Jupiter will conjunct Rahu and Ketu once every 7 years, and the conjunction will occur 8 signs away from the previous conjunction. Saturn will conjunct Rahu and Ketu once every 11 years, and the conjunction will occur 6 signs from the previous conjunction.Rahu conjunct Sun (Surya): The Sun is the life force of our planet. It is the soul and spirit of a chart. However it can be an overpowering influence. If it is too close to other planets it can burn up their capability to function properly. This condition is called combustion of the Sun. The Sun works best in the tenth house where it gives a sense of power and career opportunity. In other houses its forceful presence can be excessive and cause problems.
Main Points: Atma-Self, masculine, day, future, soul, physical body and health, heart, life force, courage, pride, ego, vitality, will power, stamina, sense of self, power, fame, glory, inspiration, creativity, leadership, Father, teachers, authority, law and order, bosses, political leaders, kings or presidents.The Sun is the karaka for (indicator of) the father and leaders or Presidents.Sometimes conjunction of rahu became very beneficial for example rahu moon conjunction in mahatma Gandhi`s chart, but remember one thing always in mind in this case degree of other planet should be more than rahu.if u have rahu conjuntion with other planet theb other degree should have more than rahu for good result...& other should also saturb going to combust and rahu and ketu also in deblited stage ,it is not good for countary and humans........some big change will be possible in country.after 1 november cobditions will be improved surely.....some relief started bcoz on 4 oct in venus in libra, till now it was ,easiness will come after 1 week saturn will enter in libra which is exalted sign for saturn..some major changes will bw happen in coming months.god bless to all...............................
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Bhatt Prateek