Sunday, April 30, 2017

Rahu Ketu Transit 2017

2017 is one of the year where big planet transit going to happen and moving in next sign such as Rahu ketu in August then Jupiter in September moving in next sings. Rahu Ketu going to move in Cancer and Capricorn sign for 1.5 year on 20th August 2017 and stay till 6th March 2019.

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From last 1.5 year peoples saw many changes in society. People saw, up and down in stock market and world changes more in administration side. Rahu luxury involved in media/entertainment/share industry easily. Overall many people enjoyed last transit because it was one of the powerful periods for Rahu oriented peoples. Now Rahu going to move in Sign Cancer.

Read most important transit of Jupiter in 2017

Rahu will be changing its effects from time to time and in all the three stars of Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury it will give different results and it will depend upon what Dasha, Anter and Planetary position in natal chart you are going through and what are they signifying in your horoscope.

Why 2017 rahu-ketu transit important?
This is overall good transit Rahu in cancer and Capricorn for ketu. This year Rahu in watery Cancer sign which generally not consider good in astrology but it will be good for financial gains sometime character, morality will decrease in this period.

Effects of Rahu-Ketu transit in Cancer: Rahu in this sign not much comfortable but many places in ancient say it is mool trikona sign of Rahu. In this sign Rahu will give results and royalty next 10 to more months till it will be Aslesha nakshatra. This transit will give financial gains will come in initial 8 month till July 2018, most of enemies will destroy but immoral deeds and black money will increase. Each sign report or Rahu ketu 2017 Transit Effects/ rahu ketu transit effects, you can read below:

Favorable Sign for rahu ketu transit 2017: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Libra, Aquarius and Pisces.

Average Sign for rahu ketu transit 2017: Aries, Leo, Scorpio and Sagittarius.

Rahu transit on Cancer 2017: Rahu in this sign which shows Royal nature, powerful management and behavior but rahu is very clever and intelligent, he knows how to use Royal planet power and rule the world, so in this year you will see some wrong ruler will come into picture suddenly.

Ketu transit on Capricorn 2017:  Ketu in Capricorn is not bad it will delay results related with materialistic world, home, vehicle and Luxurious life.

Rahu-ketu 2017 transit for Career/Business/Service: This will be great times that are in pure spiritualistic work. Moon will give support to Rahu in this period and will give inner peace and huge spiritual success but for that we need to control our materialism and incline to spiritualism.

Rahu-ketu 2017 transit for Wealth: This Transit will good for materialistic gains because Ketu also in earthy sign will give solid rise in that area.

Rahu-ketu 2017 transit for Love/Relationship: This year average for new relationship others will enjoy luxury with royalty.

                                  Rahu transit 2017 predictions:
Rahu or Ketu transits are a very difficult task because of their shadowy nature:

Rahu ketu transit for Aries or Rahu-ketu transit 2017 in Aries: Rahu Transit in Cancer 2017 in your 4th house shows you will have issue of family peace, home, and vehicle, do not go for new home and vehicle except very powerful Rahu in the chart. Your mother health and relationship with female will not be good in this year. Health issues might come in this year, emotional issue, issue related with breast especially in female. Problems related to digestion, lungs, breathing etc. Chances of away from home or birth place will be there, change of residence is possible. You will be worry about your profession due to planet of separation Ketu in your 10th house never consider good in 10th house. Initial period of this Transit will not be good for you specially start of Rahu transit till 8 month. Relationship with wife will not be good chances of more than one relation will be there in this time period. Rahu ketu transit 2017 for mesha rasi, Not good time for students especially in their education focus will be less.

Rahu ketu transit for Taurus or Rahu-ketu transit 2017 in Taurus: Rahu transit in your 3rd house will be good for courage, communication and for profession. There will be good progress in your career. Due to Rahu and Ketu Transit you will be destined to good career and wealth in complete transit. In this year you will get lot of profitable travel and some travel will be far from birth place mean foreign countries. People related with media, communication, import-export, travel, software and glamour industry will take advantage of this transit. You will be moving ahead with great speeds and making a name for yourself. If you will be religious and spiritual then great success in balance mode you will enjoy in this transit.

Rahu ketu transit for Gemini or Rahu-ketu transit 2017 in Gemini: Rahu Transit in your 2nd house good for salaried peoples but it will give vani dosh and issues in family due to your harsh language. If natal rahu is week then it may give some issues in your income and asset. There will be health issues, there will be disturbance in your married life and your business partners may cheat you. You need to avoid sell your any property or asset. Laziness and health issue will be there. Students will be not being able to focus on their studies. This transit sometime gives greediness or eye on others money which is not good and give pain in life. Rahu ketu transit 2017 for mithuna rasi, 8th house Ketu will teach you many things for life, you may involve in occult science, yoga or meditation. Ketu may give sudden inherited wealth from Grandfather.

Rahu ketu transit for Cancer or Rahu-ketu transit 2017 in Cancer: Rahu Transit in your ascendant will give ambition, power, royalty, luxury, but disease in body. You will fly high and get huge success in career and life but parallel your family life and marriage will be in trouble in this time period, so spend more time with family and understand your partner needs. You will start something new for your future which will be fruitful in coming years. Don’t do any big deal or investment if you are in business because chances of loss or cheat will be there. Moon is a sensitive planet and easily get affected from Rahu you may take foolish decisions. Family life will be most affected in this time period. Issues in marriage on peack during 2018 mid to start of 2019. Love matters will not convert in marriages. Take care of your health especially during March 2018 to till 2019 January. Ketu will dissatisfaction from partner in business as well as in life also. Ketu will pull you from happy marriage or I can say from Bhoga to Yoga.

Rahu ketu transit for Leo or Rahu-ketu transit 2017 in Leo: Rahu will be in your 12th house not considering good. Rahu will pull you more in materialistic side; you will enjoy the company of opposite sex. Women and wine and bed pleasure will in your mind. Issues in foreign countries or in travel will be there. Issue related with health will be there. You need to take care of your loans and politics in work place Ketu is week in your natal chart. Health problems will be there and there will be issues related to nerves, digestion and in spine area. 12th house is the house of bed pleasure so sometime there may be chances of illicit relationship. You will leave profitable deals in this time period due to nature and hurry in decisions, so stay calm and take any decision after proper calculating pros and cons. Rahu ketu transit 2017 for simha rasi shows inclination towards Yoga and meditation will give relief to you so start this from August if you want stay fit and calm.

Rahu ketu transit for Virgo or Rahu-ketu transit 2017 in Virgo: Rahu transit in 2017 will be in your 11th house which is very beneficial for large gains. You will be see huge gains, large wealth and sudden success. Your social life will rise rapidly and your circle will increase. You will get lot of support from friends and family. Love affairs for youngster will not materialize. You will involve in luxury and enjoy opposite sex also. Your career will give good growth and you will shine suddenly in work place. Property matters or Real estate deals will be fruitful. People who are finding new jobs will get profitable and better work place in this time period. For students there may breaks in their education. People who are in research work will apply there brain and intelligence in finding something new. Rahu ketu transit 2017 for kanya rashi shows your decision will prove you in coming years, so over all very good transit for Virgo peoples. If moon strong in chart then these peoples enjoy most benefits of this transit.

Rahu ketu transit for Libra or Rahu-ketu transit 2017 in Libra: Rahu transit your 10th house means, it will give sudden name-fame in work place. You will get new job which will prove milestone for your career if you are connected with Media/Software/IT/Glamour/Communication/Electronics etc. Chances of foreign travel also there. Career boost as well as your income will be good in this time period and you will proceed with more stability towards life. Your social circle will get wider and you will fully utilise social media to grow your network. This is the year for expansion in career and you will achieve more then you deserve in this transit of Rahu-ketu. Rahu ketu transit 2017 for tula rashi shows chances of foreign travel and gains from foreign lands will be there.

Rahu ketu transit for Scorpio or Rahu-ketu transit 2017 in Scorpio: Rahu will be coming to your 9th house shows lot of things will going to change in this transit. You will see sudden growth as well sometime loss also overall this transit will give you mix results. Chances of getting foreign travel will be there. If natal Rahu and 9th house strong then you will enjoy this transit otherwise luck will less support you. There may loss in home or change of residence. There might issue with boss and father. You should not disregard to your teacher or father in this time period otherwise time will negative effects in this transit. Your expenses will be on rise and out of control many times. You will feel happy if you will incline to god and religion. You should visit some pilgrims for better results of this Rahu. There may sudden issue with siblings and communication will be weak in this period.

Rahu ketu transit for Sagittarius or Rahu-ketu transit 2017 in Sagittarius: Rahu transit in 8th house is not good for health as well as life. You should avoid women and wine in this time period. There are chances of disharmony in marriage or with in-laws. There may be illicit relationship or you may cheat to your wife in this transit period. There may good gains or inherited wealth natal Rahu strong it may give good gains of occult knowledge. 2nd house ketu may give some break in earnings. 2nd house is bad for asset and vani dosh so you should control your anger and language. 2nd house shows asset, so you should avoid to sale or purchase any property. You should focus on your career otherwise there may some suffering in the career. 8th house shows accident also you should avoid rash driving or risky driving. Rahu ketu transit 2017 for dhanu rashi 8th house shows in-laws also there may some gains from in-laws if well place 8th house and rahu in natal chart.

Rahu ketu transit for Capricorn or Rahu-ketu transit 2017 in Capricorn: Rahu transit 2017 in your 7th house which shows marriage will take place in this year and married peoples should away from immoral deeds because there may lot of chances to involve in extra marital affair or women-wine will be on your mind. Issue related with private parts or lower body area such as ureter, urinary bladder, genitals and lower parts. This year ambition will be increase and you will work hard for getting success. People who have very powerful Jupiter aspect on Rahu and strong sun in the chart rise in public domain may be in politics and media.

Rahu ketu transit for Aquarius or Rahu-ketu transit 2017 in Aquarius: Rahu Transit will be in your 6th house; in this house it will destroy your enemies. You will shine initial 1 year if your profession related with Media/Communication/IT. This will give enough opportunities in foreign lands and you will enjoy life with health/wealth. Ketu in 12th house perfectly good for you which will balance materialistic and spiritualism in life. You will enjoy Yoga and meditation. Loans will easily over and you will enjoy in job. Rahu ketu transit 2017 for kumbha rasi shows this is time when you will feel as winner. Jupiter transit also very good which will be in 9th house so perfect next 1 year for with stable life.

Rahu ketu transit for Pisces or Rahu-ketu transit 2017 in Pisces: Rahu Transit in 2017 in your 5th house shows sudden gains in life, it will give easy jump in job during mercury transit especially for Media/IT/Glamour Industry related peoples but you should avoid the money investment in speculation or in share market. 11th house ketu is good for enlightenment if you are spiritualistic and religious personality. Gains from government may also happen. Any type of secure investment will be good in this time period but you need to avoid share market investment. Students education may give some disappointment due to their laziness. Love affairs or more than 1 affair may be materialising in this time period. This year will be overall gainful especially in Mercury period and Jupiter period you should attach yourself to religion and god which will give many good results.

Remedies for Rahu-ketu transit for 2016
  • ·         Do worship of lord Shiva.
  • ·         Do worship of lord Vishnu and Ram on Wednesday/Thursday and Sunday.

Hope, I will cover all questions like Rahu transit results, Rahu transit remedies, Rahu Ketu transit report, Rahu transit and marriage, Rahu transit for kark rashi 2017, Rahu gochar transit, Rahu transit period, Rahu Ketu peyarchi 2017 to 2018 (rahu ketu transit 2017), rahu ketu peyarchi 2017, rahu ketu peyarchi 2017 to 2018 in tamil, rahu ketu peyarchi 2017 predictions, rahu ketu peyarchi 2017 palangal, rahu ketu peyarchi 2017 to 2018, Rahu transit 2017 Vedic astrology, rahu ketu transit 2017, when is the next Rahu transit, rahu ketu transit 2017 to 2018, rahu ketu peyarchi 2017 to 2018 in tamil, ragu kethu peyarchi 2017, rahu ketu peyarchi 2016 to 2018 in tamil, next rahu ketu peyarchi, ragu kethu peyarchi 2017 in tamil, rahu peyarchi 2017, rahu ketu transit effects, rahu transit 2017 in cancer, rahu ketu transit 2017 to 2018 in tamil, rahu gochar 2017 in hindi, rahu rashi parivartan 2017, राहु का गोचर 2017, राहु केतु का राशि परिवर्तन 2017, राहु केतु ने बदली राशि जानिए आपकी राशि पर कैसा होगा असर, केतु का प्रभाव 2017, rahu in cancer 2017, rahu ka gochar 2017, ketu gochar 2017, rahu gochar 2018, rahu gochar 2017 hindi, Rahu transit is good or bad, rahu ketu transit 2017 tamil, rahu ketu transit 2017 to 2018 tamil, rahu ketu peyarchi 2017 to 2019, rahu ketu peyarchi palangal 2017 to 2018 in tamil, rahu ketu peyarchi 2017 to 2018 in tamil language, rahu ketu peyarchi 2017 to 2018 in tamil viruchigam, rahu ketu transit 2017 in cancer, rahu transit cancer, ketu transit in 2017, ketu transit in capricorn, ketu transit in capricorn 2017, राहु गोचर 2017,केतु का प्रभाव 2017, राहु केतु का राशि परिवर्तन 2017, राहु का गोचर 2017, राहु केतु ने बदली राशि जानिए आपकी राशि पर कैसा होगा असर, राहु का राशि परिवर्तन 2017, rahu ketu transit 2017 august, rahu ketu transit 2017 cancer, rahu ketu transit 2017 predictions, rahu ketu transit 2017 remedies, rahu transit 2017-2018,    .

Check Consultation page and send mail for your Vedic Astrology Detailed Birth Chart for just 1100 INR & 50 $ for NRI.

For contact or consult me:

Bhatt Prateek 

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Saturn Moon conjunction in Astrology

Saturn moon conjunction vedic astrology or shani moon conjunction is one of the most popular and people fear from this conjunction. Moon planet of royalty, Mind, Emotion, Psychological approach, Sensitivity, imagination, softness and easy going nature when comes with planet of sorrow, hard going, hard by nature, hard task master, Delay, Unknown fear, then disaster happens and Saturn shows hard face of life. Saturn generally believe to give lesson in life and the moon gives silver spoon, so here is the biggest difference and this combination becomes one of the worst combinations. Moon is fickle and moves quickly and its opposite Saturn is slowest planet but most stable, so this is totally opposite quality delivers confused personality, selfishness, introvert nature with less confidence. These peoples mind always in confusion. Moon dominance in this conjunction shows immaturity, act more like a teenager and unstable persons. In ancient text this called poisons combination these peoples easily get affect from poison so stay away from negative things. This is the bad combination for mother and mother never get enjoy, good health and peace after birth of child.

Moon is clear like water and moon controls mind-man, so he purify Mind-man also but when Saturn comes with moon then personality become negative as well as not clean hearten because man get affected by dark Saturn. Saturn is dry cold and moon is watery is totally opposite quality planet gives bad results. This conjunction shows fight from himself, people feels depression inside their mind outside in face. This conjunction shows bad childhood and setbacks in childhood. These people suffers in personal front and some time problem from mother maternal side. Nurturing from mother some time missing in these peoples life. Marriage often difficult and end up with problems.

This conjunction or Saturn moon yuti more bad for females because moon represent mensuration cycle, mother, and marriage also in females, so this conjunction females often unlucky in these area and many times went in depression (Saturn conjunct moon depression) because of some misshaping in life. This conjunction is clearly shows emotional misbalance and peoples often fickle minded. Saturn moon conjunction in different houses or saturn moon conjunction in all house.

Saturn moon conjunction in 1st house: This conjunction in 1st house is very bad because from this house our life and attitude towards life reflects and this negative transit really gives unknown fear in mind, doubts, negativity and hardship in life. This conjunction damages personal life of peoples due to permanent doubt for partner. If this conjunction little week specially week moon then challenges in life increases. Saturn conjunct moon in first house gives lean, slim body with Low intelligence and lack of self expression.

Saturn moon conjunction in 2nd house: Saturn moon in 2nd house or saturn conjunction with moon gives Vani dosh, harsh speech which gives problems to individual in every front of life. This house shows routine income mean salary, asset and moon-Saturn combination is really bad for all these things. These should behave patently towards world or in work space. 2nd house is the house of earthy things and this combination is good if moon strong here otherwise it gives problems in earning money.

Saturn moon conjunction in 3rd house: Saturn moon in 3rd house is still better then above 2 houses because this is the house of courage and communication, so strong Saturn or dominance of Saturn gives positive courage but close conjunction is really bad for individual in this house also. Saturn moon conjunction effects combination in 3rd house is bad for relation with siblings. Saturn moon yuti gives unstable mind, fear or courage for bad deeds and behaviour like childish.

Saturn moon conjunction in 4th house: Saturn moon in 4th house if close conjunct then worst combination or moon is little weak because this is the house represent by moon and weak moon makes life hell even strong moon also hamper by Saturn in this conjunction in this house. Saturn-moon together in 4th house gives issues with mother and in family peace.This combination gives issues in buying house or vehicle as well, peoples should avoid white and black both colours. This person often struggle in their basic education or breaks in education. Moon with Saturn  in 4th house often gives issues in mind or mental peace never in mind. This conjunction gives difficulties to mother after born of child.

Saturn moon conjunction in 5th house: Saturn moon in 5th house is again bad placement which hinder the education of native and gives fickle mind which will not give easy success in education and it effects mind and intelligence of person. This give many affairs but for short time and failures in affairs. Share market or any kind of unpredictable investment strictly prohibited for these person. Saturn with moon in 5th house give delay in children and issues in gains. Moon yuti Saturn show lack of concentration in every work.

Saturn moon conjunction in 6th house: Saturn moon in 6th house good for survive or serve the people, this is one of the best remedy and we can take advantage of this conjunction from serving others or mankind in any manner. This conjunction gives sudden gain in service and enemies will never harm to these peoples. This combination is not good for taking loans and it will give issues in paying the loan amount so stay away from this.

Saturn moon conjunction in 7th house: Saturn moon in 7th house or saturn moon conjunction marriage is very bad for marriage and give delay in marriage, separation or divorce to person. Saturn with Moon is bad for business and never gives successful business to these peoples. Saturn with moon in 7th house is good if Saturn very placed and far away from moon then it may give sudden success which crosses boundaries of country.

Saturn moon conjunction in 8th house: Saturn moon in 8th house is worst condition among all houses because in this house planet becomes extreme week. 8th house Saturn moon yuti gives issue in health, accident even individual age also affects. This peoples face serious issues in marriage or divorce and court cases often seen in this placement of moon Saturn. Saturn and Moon together in 8th house can give the tendency of suicide and lots of mental trauma.

Saturn moon conjunction in 9th house: Saturn moon yoga in 9th house gives bad luck and hardship in initial period of life and person stuck in every stage of life. This combination in 9th house often give issues with father or loss of father.  This conjunction gives loss in foreign lands. These people should stay away from women, wine and gambling other wise full life struggle comes.

Saturn moon conjunction in 10th house: Saturn moon in 10th house Saturn and moon conjunction in 10th house give complete life with instability, unstable career or dissatisfaction from career. Saturn with moon in career give many career and people change frequently their jobs. Saturn moon if both are strong in this chart then may give success after age of 44 but difficult to retain gains and success with conjunction for long time.

Saturn moon conjunction in 11th house: Saturn moon in 11th house Saturn and moon conjunction in 11th house is average placement but this social house not gives good results because people sometime more introvert and hesitate to face world. This is the house which can give large gains if both planet far away placed in good naksahtra or sign. This is the house both will aspect your 5th house and hampers child area or progeny.

Saturn moon conjunction in 12th house: Saturn moon in 12th house bad for moksha because peoples engage themselves in unknown area and self identity lost and issues in bed pleasure. This is the house of moksha and investment but often due to saturn moon combination astrology people unable to decide they should go for Spirituality or materials because they stuck with both planets even wrong investment also become downfall of individual. saturn and moon in same house gives frequent loss in career or business. saturn conjunct moon transit which house

Remedies for Saturn moon conjunction or Saturn moon conjunction remedies: Shiv Pooja and lord krishna.

Check Consultation page and send mail for your Vedic Astrology Detailed Birth Chart analysis in 1100 INR & 50 $ for NRI.

For contact or consult me:

Bhatt Prateek 